2024/07/13 09:38:58

1) why are right wingers so bad at comedy?

2) you guys should chill with the “Biden old” stuff. It’s working a little too well. Biden actually dropping out is trumps worst nightmare. You don’t actually want trump to run against a real candidate, do you?
2024/07/13 10:42:40
2) you guys should chill with the “Biden old” stuff. It’s working a little too well. Biden actually dropping out is trumps worst nightmare. You don’t actually want trump to run against a real candidate, do you?

Yeah I really don’t care who runs against Trump. I’m finding it very difficult to justify voting for any of the current candidates right now. I’ve had 0 enthusiasm for Trump ever.

The presidential landscape right now is just absurd but amusing theater to me.

If Trump wins, OK. If Trump loses and goes away forever, even better.

And really, until Trump’s team and the RNC figure out how to do ballot harvesting like the Dems, R’s will keep losing presidential elections.
2024/07/13 13:00:41

1) why are right wingers so bad at comedy?

2) you guys should chill with the “Biden old” stuff. It’s working a little too well. Biden actually dropping out is trumps worst nightmare. You don’t actually want trump to run against a real candidate, do you?

Who's your real candidate My War Wamoola really,Newsome a bigger joke,Whitmer another joke,you might as well run Bernie and Hillary.
2024/07/13 16:33:08

Apparently it’s not going well at the trump rally
2024/07/13 17:27:17
95% white males only seen a few black so far, very few. They been standing in the sun since this morning.35 mins. late and will sit in his car for the next 1/2 hr. or so.
2024/07/13 18:16:24
Almost a goner
2024/07/13 18:49:07
Crappie — put a sock in it.
2024/07/13 18:50:50
 Guns don't kill people. Glad he is okay!
2024/07/13 18:55:41
What a wild timeline we are living in.

Somebody takes a shot at Trump, and in Butler PA of all places.
2024/07/13 19:13:37
Hope the other two make it.

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