2024/06/30 21:24:21
The democrats have a fairly deep bench. That’s not the problem.

The party isn’t going to force Biden out though. He will have to be convinced to step down. The chances of that happening are probably very low.

It’s notable that no prominent elected democrats have publicly broken with Biden yet. But the media is another story. Lots of the left leaning outlets and pundits are covering this quite candidly. And that right there is the difference between right wing propaganda and and everything else.

Right wing media will NEVER tell the truth about trump. If Trump says black is white and up is down, the entire right wing media empire will simultaneously nod in agreement and everybody from hannity to Hugh Hewitt to Candace Owens will all parrot the same lies.

Can’t say the same thing about CNN and the New York Times though, can you? Not now. I don’t see any of the “fake news” or “mainstream media” outlets trying to tell people that they shouldn’t believe what they saw with their own eyes.
2024/07/01 14:17:06
So for the last four years the leftwing media hasn't been covering this up, and lying to world? Only now they can't run cover any longer, but I'm sure some will still try. I guess the "right wing media" was correct all along about old Joe. Just as they were with the Trump/ Russia collusion hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation hoax, and countless other schemes that CNN and the NYT have been pushing over the years.
If the leftwing media abandons Joe it will only be because there is another democrat that they perceive as having a much better shot at beating Trump. 
2024/07/01 14:35:43
Lady Macbeth Dr. Jill wont give up her power so easy....the DNC will have to sweeten the pot more so than China and Burisma have done so in the past. 
2024/07/01 14:45:43
Democrats can only install a new candidate if Biden withdraws his candidacy. Already high level discussions are starting, and in the House, Jamie Raskin, (D Maryland) is the one to watch. I figured he'd be in the top five of either talkin' Biden out of running or pulling the trigger on the 25th amendment. They just need to stomach the will to put it out there. A simple replacement is not only illegal, but it dis-enfranchises every Democrat voter who went in for Biden in the primaries. I wonder if the Democrat Party and the Deep State would risk doing that when they are so desperate to not only install but keep in power the Progressive Socialist movement to achieve their "One Party Rule". Quite a few 'Crats in Congress don't support the progressive idiocies, but then when it comes time to vote, they hold the party line in the sake of unity in such closely aligned quarters as both Houses. 1 or 2 votes in the Senate against Schumer and the party, or just a handful in the House going along with the right would be a disaster as far the Democrats are concerned. The wailing and gnashing of teeth from them and the media would be astounding. 
As of today, they're screaming about the SCOTUS (6-3 decision) in favor of some limited immunity for the President. Already calling for 4 more justices in the SC, mainly because they believe the SC is the next highest authority in the enactment of law; just an extension of Congress and the President, therefore they want to hold the majority in the SC. With that passed, and the 'Crats holding the Senate, you'd probably see 4 new Democrat Justices with a couple of weeks.
Since there should be absolutely no party bias in the SC when deciding a case, as only the Constitution should be the deciding factor, I would like each of the 9 justices to issue a one page opinion of why the legislation or law supported the Constitution, or why they felt that it was un-constitutional,  and make it public. I believe you'd immediately see who tows the party line and who don't.
2024/07/01 15:27:32
So for the last four years the leftwing media hasn't been covering this up, and lying to world? Only now they can't run cover any longer, but I'm sure some will still try. I guess the "right wing media" was correct all along about old Joe. Just as they were with the Trump/ Russia collusion hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation hoax, and countless other schemes that CNN and the NYT have been pushing over the years.
If the leftwing media abandons Joe it will only be because there is another democrat that they perceive as having a much better shot at beating Trump. 

I don’t think you’ve peeked out from your right wing propaganda bubble in decades. What do you know about what’s happening in the rest of the world? Have you ever actually read the New York Times? Doubt it lol.
2024/07/01 21:20:45
So uh, that SCOTUS ruling eh? 
Presidents are Kings now?
2024/07/01 21:35:40
So uh, that SCOTUS ruling eh? 
Presidents are Kings now?

If there really is a Dem deep state, with these new powers, I don’t expect another Republican President, ever.

Maybe Biden (his deep state handlers) were just waiting for this ruling. Biden resigns in the next month. Queen Kamala takes over and rules for the next 8 years. Then appoints the next President.
2024/07/02 00:13:00
So uh, that SCOTUS ruling eh? 
Presidents are Kings now?

What can you even say at this point? Did you not see this coming with this court?

Just wait until we have another 4 years of republican SCOTUS justice appointments too. The court will have a supermajority of nutters for decades. This is just the beginning.

Oh well. Democracy was nice while it lasted.
2024/07/02 08:00:34
So uh, that SCOTUS ruling eh? 
Presidents are Kings now?

What can you even say at this point? Did you not see this coming with this court?

Just wait until we have another 4 years of republican SCOTUS justice appointments too. The court will have a supermajority of nutters for decades. This is just the beginning.

Oh well. Democracy was nice while it lasted.

Some see the SCOTUS ruling as benefitting Biden in the election.  Even if Trump was convicted on all charges, he was still eligible for president.  Effectively cancelling the trials takes away some of Trump's martyrdom.  The immunity also increases the consequences of a second Trump term and may sway voters on the fence.  
2024/07/02 08:13:01
Some see the SCOTUS ruling as benefitting Biden in the election.  

Biden/Dems don't need an election now.  They have the legal ability to stay in power as long as they wish.

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