2024/06/28 23:51:12
A couple years back I said there would be talk of using the 25th Amendment if Joe got too bad and that it would originate in their own party. Now it's here. There is talk of getting VP Harris to pull the trigger. They'd like her to be the scapegoat 'cause they don't give a whit what happens to her. They already wanted her replaced to keep from dragging Joe down any farther, (if that's possible). Politics is dirtier business than organized crime. Word came through the grapevine from a supposed democrat source, but then Chip Roy, Rep. Texas, (royal PIA!!) has openly suggested it.
2024/06/29 12:20:04
16 hours later, WTH?

It’s way before bed time and he’s not sundowning.

Fresh dose of Adderall on board.

Reading from a teleprompter. Doesn’t have to think and then speak.

Why do you think he hasn’t taken unscripted questions from reporters for most of his presidency?

If he was sick, it sure was curious that they’d take him to a packed Waffle House that night and have him shake hands with everybody in the place. He should have been wearing a mask.

But it’s fine. He’s always been fine.
2024/06/29 13:34:00
Yeah, curious the public knew nothing of him having a cold until part way through the debate. Typical of the 'Crats to spin some type of excuse for his natural poor performance. But he healed miraculously to go out and hobnob with the public at a Waffle House, tryin' to imitate one of Trump's habits. He's a goner. It's just a question of who the 'Crats can stuff into the running before the convention. Biden is already the chosen messiah by electoral votes.
2024/06/29 14:30:21
Can’t wait for FoxNews and the nazi followers to do an about face, if Biden is pulled.

He’s brain dead, completely incapable of running again, can’t finish a full sentence.

Pull him for another candidate. No way, he is perfectly capable to run for reelection. We need the Supreme Court to block the Dem party from such a crime of changing candidates. It was all a fix by the Deep State. Mars lasers to turn us all gaahhh.
2024/06/29 17:26:42
 New York Times sums it up about the debate, Biden should leave and Trump is disqualifying.  
 Think the Judge should take it light on Trump in a couple weeks and only give him 90 days in prison for each felony charge = 9 1/2 years   
 Both parties are looney. 
FBI is looking into another felony   may have committed during this election process.   
Biden's best day ever for campaign donations came right after the debate ended. Way more than Trump had after the debate 
2024/06/29 20:48:05
 Thought this was a good watch incase Biden would step down... 
2024/06/30 08:27:16
Lets go Brandon    TRUMP 2024
2024/06/30 09:35:02
Cant wait to see if any  quickly switch over from Biden to the looser Newsome should he be the heir apparent, they are also throwing Whitmer's name around.
They have pretty much wrecked their states so they were the first two the far left mentioned to replace Biden.
2024/06/30 10:48:52
Don't forget Shapiro and whitmer they need Pa and Mich Newson brings California a lost cause always Democratic. 
2024/06/30 14:20:21
Andy Beshear, Mitch Landrieu or Mark Kelly. (Or Joe Biden.)

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