2024/05/29 11:24:22
It seems maybe the guy who campaigned and ran on a "Get Trump agenda, Alvin Bragg, went shopping for his favorite judge.
2024/05/30 16:52:08
Verdict is in. I'm predicting guilty on at least a few counts, not guilty on the balance.
2024/05/30 20:40:57
I’m pretty shocked. Thought for sure a hung jury in this political climate. Especially with two attorneys and a juror that was an admitted Trump fan with Truth Social account and had read his book.

Trump has proven over and over to be a scumbag, so I have absolutely no doubt that he had the affair and tried to bury it. And doubt this and the others in the public eye were the only ones. I didn’t think he’d be convicted though.

I doubt it makes any difference for his supporters. Does it bring out the Independents that voted him out of office, to vote for the stiff again? Probably. If not, who cares. Either one horrible leader or the other.

Amazing that anyone is actually supporting either of these clowns though. Are all of our future elections going to try to outdo this? Is it going to be Charles Manson vs. Harvey Weinstein for the next election???
2024/05/30 21:48:51
The good news is Michael Cohen is gonna run for office to become a member of the "Liars" club. In New York, he'll probably get elected as being the hero of the "Get Trump Crowd".
2024/05/30 22:07:15
I actually don’t think this affects the election much at all, either way. The firm support on both sides won’t budge. Obviously.

Independents and undecided voters this cycle seem to be more motivated by their pocketbook right now, and there is a strong belief that republicans and trump are better for the economy. Personally I think that’s crazy and I could argue all day about whether it’s accurate… but regardless of whether it’s actually true or not, a lot of people are going to vote for trump because they think he will magically reverse inflation and make everybody rich and prosperous. People will look past all kinds terrible things if they think their financial conditions will improve.

If I had to guess, this probably eventually gets tossed on appeal. Just like all his other legal entanglements, he delays, appeals, keeps pushing it back further and further and further… and eventually people just stop caring. Must be nice to have enough money to do that.

It really is kind of a big deal though. A former president has been convicted of a felony. But after what, 10 years of trump nonsense, we are all just desensitized to the trump circus and alot of people are just tuning it out.

I could be wrong. There are still enough undecided voters to swing this election either way. Polling over the next couple weeks should tell us whether this will influence them. But there will also be alot of time for people to just memory hole this, just like they did with every other crazy nonsensical trump story from the last 10 years.
2024/05/30 22:46:01
a lot of people are going to vote for trump because they think he will magically reverse inflation and make everybody rich and prosperous. People will look past all kinds terrible things if they think their financial conditions will improve.

100% on this. That and Biden having absolutely no enthusiastic factor to him.

Biden received possibly the largest “I’m voting for the lesser evil” vote of all time. With being old and out of touch at the time then. He is now OLDER and more out of touch. How the DNC didn’t “convince him” to have some sort of ailment or whatever to have him step aside, is amazing. Especially with the inflation factor, the guy could have been young and in touch and have issues.

Nothing is worse for that majority of people than inflation. Recessions are bad for those affected. Inflation affects everyone. Unfortunately for whoever is next, whether Dotard 1 or 2, inflation isn’t going anywhere when property values are now at the top of the drivers. If they don’t lower, we are all in trouble (unless invested). If they crash, it is recession time and could make 08 look like nothing. I’m sure blamed on politics when it happens. But rather predictable at this point.
2024/05/31 01:31:29
A former president has been convicted of a felony and it's likely going to have a minimal impact on an election. Imagine hearing that in 2005 or something. 

2024/06/04 22:11:27
I’m ready to admit that a full scale Children of the Corn is what we need to fix this country. It is the moron “adults” of this country that let this happen. I’m far from being a youngster too.
2024/06/05 08:59:38
"A former president has been convicted of a felony and it's likely going to have a minimal impact on an election. Imagine hearing that in 2005 or something." 


2024/06/14 23:04:31
Did ya see what Biden did to the Pope while over there for the G7? There's a picture on the net; Biden bends down forehead to forehead with the pope. The look in the Pope's eyes is made for the history books. He had to be thinkin': WTF???

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