Been hitting glade run a bunch this spring. Practicing some trout techniques on the stockies for the trip to Colorado in July.
Started throwing the senko around yesterday about an hour before sundown yesterday and got a bunch of bass. Got one fat 18” and some smaller ones. Is it just me or is that lake just polluted with stunted bass? I’ve been fishing it in the spring for the last three years, and I think it was refilled in what, 2018? All I kept hearing was “wait a few years” but I don’t feel like the bass are getting any bigger.
Takes about 8 years for a bass in PA to grow to about 3#. Refilling and stocking was in 2017.
When GL was refilled it was stocked with fingerling bass plus a bunch of forage species, along with some crappies and channel cat fingerlings. It’s received a few bigger bass when other nearby lakes have been drained for repairs and the PFBC transferred them to GL.
So yeah, wait a few years.