My son and I spent 6 hours on Conneaut yesterday. Another busted day of fishing, but at least it was a delightful day. Talked to two other guys out on the water who fish Conneaut quite often. They relayed that over the course of spring 'til now, they have boated and frozen 550 bluegills, but could not get a hit in any of their favorite spots. Two other guys managed only 3 bass for the same period of time. Conneaut is extremely weed choked, with the coon tail thriving beautifully, and the cabbage just starting to turn color. Couple that with lake grass and other underwater growths, it makes for some tough fishing. We found weed growth clear down to 20', as the water is very clear and allows light penetration down deep. For the rest of the lake, the Helix 7 shows nothing but a big (mostly) muck bottom, with some small clouds of bait fish down deep, but no hooks or arcs anywhere around. At one point I was coming out of 18' and the next second my motor is bucking and coughing in 8' 'cause the weeds grew up to just under the surface. Had to trim all the way up and untangle the mess from the prop. So, over the last 3 years and three trips to Shenango and two to Conneaut, I've done nothing but contribute money to the gas stations. If I repower (smaller) in the spring, I'll just stick to Lakes Author, Keystone, and the Allegheny River.