I've been out for Trout once, got sick last week so couldn't go but look forward to some more this week.
Been just using Trout magnets for creek drift fishing. Always amaze me how these things work as well as they do. Just a float and then the little jig with a magnet on it, right above the bottom, not hitting, just floating a few inches off the bottom. Anything will hit it, Trout, Smallies, Rock, Catfish, carp.
It's pretty wild - last year due to Covid, I fished some streams around the PGH area that had Brookies and Brownies and no Rainbows. This year, no brookies, and way more bows. Feel like with the Coronavirus last year, stocking was all sorts of messed up and they just wanted fish in the waters. Never seen brookies so close to the city, so was a nice change.