Everything is so messed up this spring, but usually is. Just seems to be more drastic in swings every year. Winter decided to hold on, then a glimpse of summer, then back to winter, a few spring days sprinkled in, then summer, next week appears to be spring... Not sure what the fish are thinking? If they are thinking summer, then I don't have a chance of catching any!
From my extremely minimal aquarium experience, shifts in water temperature = unhappy fish. Can only imagine it is doing similar with these fish. Except, they are able to move to find those more comfortable temps, unlike the aquarium fish. I obviously don't know where those temps are. Or, if they find those temps, are they just hanging there to not die rather than there to eat like crazy for prespawn?
Not sure if that is what happened in the fall as well, but I had my worst fall fishing results ever last year. Granted, "stoopid work" factor in only being able to fish certain days and not the luxury of fishing best conditions plays a huge factor. There, you just need to luck into being off during the right conditions. Having off last week instead of this week has been about the biggest kick in the groin that I have had in a while, for fishing and getting any outside work done.