2020/12/31 21:06:00
Have been wet wading all week. Mostly bluefish and whiting. One Jack and two hardhead cats. Not sure where the pompano are. Another day tomorrow, then maybe some freshwater on Saturday. I can definitely get used to this.
2021/01/01 09:12:03
So true about scenery.....here are a few I've taken while fishing ...............

2021/01/01 10:52:51
Beautyous. I get some good ones at Moraine.
2021/01/01 11:25:31
I spent an hour or so yesterday on a local trout stream in order to wring the last nickel out of my fishing license.
2021/03/30 19:31:40
Well, tis the season. Or atleast the very early start of it.

Been out 3 times so far, did next to squat. Windy and chilly has been the normal thus far. Maybe after this next system, temps will take swing upward and we can get some kind of stable weather pattern set up. Hey, guess there's always trout fishin this weekend. Or whatever you want to use as an excuse for morning whiskey shots🥃 and cigars. 😉

Good luck and stay safe out there. 🍻
2021/03/30 23:54:41
Hit mosquito once so far wading. Fish on the surface everywhere. A single 21 inch walleye to show for my 2 hours out
2021/04/01 21:03:06


2021/04/02 12:04:58
solitario lupo
Nice captain looks like you beat me out there. Still waiting a couple weeks for a good trip.
2021/04/02 13:36:41
Is that the Shenago River Slam?? Nice pics Brock
2021/04/02 14:23:13
Yea , all catch and release water.....had fun catching a nice mix one day last week . Been a long winter ! 

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