2020/12/11 22:43:58
Glad it isn’t just me. I did get a nice hit after I gave up on the panfish, swapped out with my larger gear and tossed some nighttime plugs. If I would have actually buttoned, the whole trip would have been considered a success. But missed it and next cast another swipe. After that, nothing. Good enough to get the blood flowing, but that was it. I’m much more into spring bite anyway. Wintersukksss
2020/12/14 19:56:54
Thinking about Spring fishing is what gets me thru Winter. 
2020/12/14 21:10:00
I might relagate myself to a couple ditch trips this winter. I even blew the dust off that vise last couple days. Ugh, the things we do for a fishin fix.
2020/12/15 08:56:35
Skim ice on the pool cover this am.....wonder if there will be an ice season this winter....hoping to introduce my son to it....while we still can and not having to live in northern MN to experience a real winter....
Had some goods times on Kinzua pulling eyes through tiny holes.....and still had a blast not catching fish...but sipping whiskey, building a fire, cooking venison and shooting the bull....
2020/12/16 10:13:38
Went out to Moraine with my boy on Saturday. We got into a few eyes and also missed a few strong takes. He got his first eye ever at 4 years old and it was a 25"er. Good times! Hopefully we get a few more days here or there in the 40's to get out again. 


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2020/12/16 10:15:24
Best Pic I have seen in awhile....congratulations to the little man! 
2020/12/16 10:40:39
That is awesome, congrats!
2020/12/16 12:32:31
Nice BL. Someone told me there were a some guys out there jigging around the island. Gald u got into em.
2020/12/17 16:25:38
Hit the river on Monday hoping for some walleye action. Got blanked. Not even a nibble. Beautiful day and beautiful water though.
2020/12/18 07:17:13
Thanks guys, he was so proud of himself, rightfully so. Many more to come. 

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