2020/11/28 17:02:08
Moraine is shot in the azz. Water temp just doesn't wanna get to where it needs to be. Probably last trip out there. 😞😞😞😞
2020/11/28 22:13:57
I went out for a bit today. Took me forever to change out an O2 sensor on my truck, which I was procrastinating my start this morning. Took me over an hour to just unplug the electrical harness! Then of course I didn’t have all of the tools needed and of course my local mom and pop hardware store that I like to give business to, didn’t have which added another 1/2 hour...
With about 3 hours of light, figured that I should opt to wade than deal with the boat. A bit of a breeze and temps in the 40s, made that decision easier.
Should have taken the boat... Find out 2 minutes into my trip that my winter waders have a hole. It is in the boot foot part, so only my one foot was wet and drained. With my alpaca socks, it wasn’t all that cold, but still not comfortable.
Fishing was okay, the catching was horrible. Had the bites, just couldn’t finish the deal. Trying to use two rods, which I should know better, had me fumbling gear too much. Caught a few, but one of the worst bite to hookup ratios that I have had in a long time. Not a good fall for me at all. Hopefully get a warm week or two in December to make it out.
2020/11/30 10:47:37
20 more yesterday. Some really bigguns too. Was very cold and kinda windy, but we stuck it out. I was just happy Mags got the hang of fishing straight down and going by feel. She caught with me almost 50-50. Looking down the forecast, Thrusday is probably the last day. I'm gonna shut it down this weekend. Cover it up and give it a winter's nap till first ice out. Wasn't exactly a banner fall for us. Im actually a few packs short of winter quota. We are not hosting Christmas Eve 7 fishes this year, so that will take some pressure off. Maybe we get fishable ice, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
2020/11/30 13:58:01
My freezer has some Members Mark breaded flounder fillets...  Hopefully it doesn't ice up too soon.  Would be nice to have at least one perch fry over the winter.
2020/11/30 14:35:21
Pymie was 44°. Would love to get another day up'ere. Any bit of wind makes for a miserable day though as there's really no spots we fish that aren't in the main drag down Jamestown.
2020/11/30 15:37:51
Have new waders shipping.  Have to make it out again now!  
2020/11/30 18:37:20
I'll maybe get a chance to get the boat out on the river this week or early next week as I've got 9 days off due to Covid exposure at work last Wednesday. Two co-workers tested positive and they're both sick, but I have no symptoms. I'm scheduled for a test at the Butler VA on Wednesday, so if I'm negative, I got 9 days off, (hopefully with pay, as I thought it's been said if you're forced to quarantine due to exposure at work ya get paid), I'll be likin' it.

2020/11/30 18:44:32
Hopefully you end up negative. Guy I know tested positive and he got 2 weeks off paid.
2020/12/01 09:45:09
Hopefully you are negative Emitch.  Catch some big ones.
2020/12/01 09:55:22
Best wishes on your test and fishing!  Mid-week isn't looking very fishy...

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