I made it out to Arthur yesterday to putter around with the electronics. Windy as all crap, which I figured it would be looking at the forecast the past few days. Wasn’t planning to go, but I figured it likely won’t be another few weeks. Heck, months, to be in the upper 50s. First half of trip, I was able to dial in some electronics and found a ton of structure, but didn’t appear to have any fish on them. I was getting blown off of the structure as soon as on it, even with a single anchor down (dropping down wind). I figured that I’d head to some wind protected areas. On the way there a fish broke the surface on a dropped down tree. I went to position my boat to where I’d be able to cast and be a bit wind protected. While positioning, I notice my electronics light up like a Christmas tree. I’m talking a pretty good loop away from this tree. I figure to take another loop to see if I was just seeing things. My objective was to use electronics and try to learn, so I didn’t even make it to the downed tree (could have been loaded). Got myself relatively close to what I marked and figured to give it a try. Figured it would be gizzard Shad and be a Quick Look. I end up getting a nice 12” white crappie. Pulled out 2 other 12” and a few dinks. Then, my decision to not top off my batteries before heading out bit me in the rear…. In the blind, not a single hit.