2023/09/20 08:56:01
Moraine still slow. Water temp 74.
2023/09/20 09:07:45
Moraine still slow. Water temp 74.

I would have thought this week's lows at night would have sunk it a bit.  I'm guessing last weekend's temps were just a temporary drop from the rain.  2 week forecast doesn't look like a quick cooling either.  I guess it is still technically summer.
2023/09/20 10:02:51
I’m trying to get out on the river a little bit over the next week or so. River temps are dropping fast. I’m trying to see if I can stay on the smallies into the fall. This is about the time of year I start to have trouble locating them, but I got some different strategies this year.
2023/09/20 10:22:54
That moving water cools much faster.  Yough is 70-80 miles south of Arthur and was 74 a month ago.  Is already 64.  It is below wet wading for me.  I refuse to wear waders in there.  Did it a few times, but not worth the risk.  I have seen way too many people slip and fall wet wading.  I have come very close, pulling muscles to stay upright.  I could probably convince myself to kayak, but likely making the transition to lake fishing.  I'm guessing fish are in that transition mode on the lakes.  Probably be a month or more until they are in full fall patterns.  
2023/09/20 12:45:41
I saw your post about Buffalo Creek and I grew up in BOggsville where Sarver Rd crosses and my family has a dairy farm so Wilson Rd is named after them and several hundred acres that stretch from boggsville to Winfield. I've been targeting smallmouth and having a buffalo creek renniasance. As a kid I spent entire summers in it, sometimes without a fish but there's great wading, smallmouth, (caught a big drum out of 2 feet of water over the weekend) and a few largemouth scattered about. I've been river fishing too but mostly targeting typical nightfishing fare.  Catfish and carp, got bored. My buddy hurt himself getting out of the boat but I'd be down to hit some amazing river spots for big smallmouth or show you around the farm and make some introductions if you wanna hit any holes where u might need permission. Close friend has the camp at the Winfield bridge.
I bought a lot of gear for smallmouth. Still instinctively have a problem with the size of the hooks I should be using but I can fill a trap with shiners and keep a cooler of nightcrawlers. Idk how I can give u my contact info. My name is Ethan Boyd I'm on the book of faces in Sarver, PA.
2023/09/20 12:47:23

2023/09/22 10:39:04
That moving water cools much faster.  Yough is 70-80 miles south of Arthur and was 74 a month ago.  Is already 64.  It is below wet wading for me.  I refuse to wear waders in there.  Did it a few times, but not worth the risk.  I have seen way too many people slip and fall wet wading.  I have come very close, pulling muscles to stay upright.  I could probably convince myself to kayak, but likely making the transition to lake fishing.  I'm guessing fish are in that transition mode on the lakes.  Probably be a month or more until they are in full fall patterns.  

Exactly my thoughts. I hit it again 2 days ago. I checked a lot of areas on the sonar and it was weird not marking many fish. You could see the Crappie coming up after bugs and minnows in the creek channel. Transition mode.
2023/09/22 14:30:48
September for work is 10-12+ hour days for me and often a few on the weekends.  So, silver lining that the fishing is typically rather horrible.  Usually by the time things slow down here, the fishing picks up a bit.  I am pretty much in need of a tug though.  It is therapy for pretty much anything.  Hopefully that rain can push inland enough on Sunday to drop the temps a bit quicker.  And water my lawn a bit...
2023/09/22 22:23:28
Got out for a couple hours after work and hit the youghiogheny on the kayak. Got a 19 and a 17 and some smaller ones. Gonna be hard to keep doing the “after work” trips with the sun setting earlier and earlier.

Probably doing the boat from here on out. Maybe hit the Allegheny next weekend.
2023/09/25 11:37:03
Took my new hobie kayak to Bridgeport dam for it's maiden voyage this morning. Caught carp, bluegill, crappie, and bass. All small. Think I caught my smallest carp ever actually. I don't think it was even 12 inches. Pedaled around for about 6 hours. I've got muscles cramping in my legs that I didn't even know I had. Powerbait atomic teaser chartreuse got most of the crappie and a nice bluegill.

 How do you like your Hobie so far? Son bought this one yesterday with over $1,500 of extra items for it thrown in the deal. First thing I said to myself was "man I would be in some major pain with cramps at my age"
  I'm gunna dig some worms today for Perch. Bout my speed. Watched a tree climber cut down a huge Tulip and Maple tree the last couple days at my kids place that was to close to his house and one of the garages up Pymy. To be young and dumb again 

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