I just did a walk around outdoor garden assessment .I believe I planted only 200 garlic last fall. All the cloves have been sprouted throughout the winter and still look great. I'm not ready yet to pull the straw off yet. My raised beds need turning as well as more soil. Gosh only knows where it disappears.
The tomato seed I did indoors a week ago Sunday, sprouted in 5 days and are now thinned to I seedling per. Their about 8 inches with 4 leaves. Under lights for 14 hrs during day. And moved to a different location.
Basil, spinach and leaf lettuce planted same is doing the same.
Last sunday was some greens and peppers seeds so I'd expect a 7 day sprout.
I tend to run out of indoor space in my current situation so planning is key.
My vision has always been a working outdoor greenhouse.
I'm envious of you folks that do.
1.5 more years to retirement, like a Lucky-13 then time and space will hold no boundaries.
Spring is in the air for farm and garden but I'm going to try to sneak 1 more day to harvest panfish on ice.
I'm fishing the lake Ontario tributaries again, including the salmon river for traditional opening trout season in new York