We had a complete homegrown dinner tonight. Handmade spaghetti, sauce, meatballs from our cow and warm bread. Dosen't get much better...
Tomatoes are a coming.. yesterday's pick on left, today's on right. Expecting a colander a day with a good canning weekend.
Our local farm sweet corn has been processed and frozen ( 5 dozen).
I started late on zucchini and cukes but their taking hold well.
Wild pumpkins are also doing well.
Gonna try to get a batch of leafy crops and mixed beans in this weekend amongst all other chores.
Chicks are out of brooder and doing great.
Much busy to prepare for the long hard days ahead. Being pretty selfsufficent is rewarding.
Word of note :
Make sure your garlic is getting plenty air circulation.. this humidity is detrimental to them for storage.
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