2018/04/29 11:17:41
Clint S
Got the coop cleaned and spread on the small gardens. Dug some stones from the lawn and cleared some birch that were down from the wind. Back hurts so taking it easy. I have to spray and plow the garden soon. We are expanding one so I spray it to kill the grass before plowing. It will be a pumpkin patch.
2018/04/29 11:24:11
Clint S
Got the coop cleaned and spread on the small gardens. Dug some stones from the lawn and cleared some birch that were down from the wind. Back hurts so taking it easy. I have to spray and plow the garden soon. We are expanding one so I spray it to kill the grass before plowing. It will be a pumpkin patch.

You are making me tired! LOL
We have 2 coops, this weekend they are getting cleaned out completely, sprayed for any bugs, which thankfully we haven't seen sign, but still do preventative treatment yearly, and new sand put in. Camping season is starting so time to have them finished before we are gone on weekends. 
2018/05/03 20:46:44
hot tuna
I'm really slacking here. My outdoors projects came to a screeching halt 7 days ago. Everything indoors / outdoors is in need of help because I leave house in dark and return as same.
Pigs are double in size already. The chores are mounting.
1 more day to go that I'm not on borrowed time.
2018/05/05 13:13:12
Clint S
Fence  is up, cows are out and one garden plowed. Helped the neighbor deliver a calf too
2018/05/06 10:37:05
Clint S
Plowed the bottom garden and diced a little. It was a little damp to do it but as the saying goes, ''make hay when the sun shines''. Will need to disc several more times. I am actually complaining it was too hot yesterday. Mowed the front yard too.
2018/05/07 14:04:54
We started raised beds this year and so far they are doing great.
2018/05/15 21:27:30
Clint S
Cows are out and not coming back when called, having too much fun in the swamp eating tender grass. Garden is set to be planted and will start this week with seeds and next with plants which are out getting hardened now on the front steps. Cant fix the bald spots on the lawn due to the chickens eating the seed faster than I can put it down, LOL.  Started prepping a little orchard area for some trees this flll.  Waited too long and no Turkey poults this year so I am standing firm on what I have for birds
2018/05/17 21:03:02
hot tuna
Where to start.
3 weeks behind from fishing. Finally got most all my garden sowed. Still to plant peppers and more herbs.
Gave a second mowing on lawn this season and it's thick. Took a few piles to the pigs and they love it.
The firewood pile is growing but I don't think it's enough yet which sucks because the woods are also getting thick.

As far as starting my plants inside, it was a pretty much bust. I wouldn't do it again without a greenhouse.
Only thing that really produced were tomatoes. Currently I have 30 tomato plants in the ground. All the rest, cukes ect didn't germinate until I put them outside 2 weeks ago.

Pigs are getting big. While I was away playing with fish , I'm thinking my wife was over feeding them. I cut them back this week to about 2lbs feed per day each.

More to come
2018/05/20 13:01:17
Clint S
Rich just start the plants later and you will be fine. I start most of mine May 1 for the creepers like b nut and spaghetti squash. You want them in the ground before the 4th leaf comes out give or take. Earlier for the tomato and peppers. You want a t8 bulb and warm place. I do mine in basement with stove going.  Harden outside for a week or so before planting.
Good news for me they got another shipmnt of meat turkeys in so I got 4. Piggy is twice the size. Cows are happy. Strawberry plants going in today and garden will get marked and start planting  if it dries out a wee bit. Muddy mess to plant now
2018/05/20 14:55:18
hot tuna
Agreed Clint. I started things in late January. Far to soon but thought maybe it would increase my yield by a early planting as plants instead of buying plants.
I'm truly going to build a greenhouse and possibly start things in March instead.

Talk about mud, it's still mud season and the pigs are deep in it. Getting ripe in there .They are eating a lot as well. I'm going to start keeping track of their cost on food. So far I'm 250 lbs into feed @ $9.00 per 50 lbs.
Gotta make another feed run tomorrow.
Think I killed my peach trees. My mother bought some mulch to put around them. 2 days later I noticed the leaves wilting. 4 days later they were dropping.
I looked at the bags of much and the crap had weed killer added.
Tired to rake as much off as I could but they now look very sad.
By the end of this week all my garden will be as will be.

I'm heading away again next weekend to my deer camp to hang out for 3 nights. After that , I'm home for 2 weeks then the ausable for father's day weekend, following week long in Rhode island clamming for 7 days.
The wheel never stops here.

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