Agreed Clint. I started things in late January. Far to soon but thought maybe it would increase my yield by a early planting as plants instead of buying plants.
I'm truly going to build a greenhouse and possibly start things in March instead.
Talk about mud, it's still mud season and the pigs are deep in it. Getting ripe in there .They are eating a lot as well. I'm going to start keeping track of their cost on food. So far I'm 250 lbs into feed @ $9.00 per 50 lbs.
Gotta make another feed run tomorrow.
Think I killed my peach trees. My mother bought some mulch to put around them. 2 days later I noticed the leaves wilting. 4 days later they were dropping.
I looked at the bags of much and the crap had weed killer added.
Tired to rake as much off as I could but they now look very sad.
By the end of this week all my garden will be as will be.
I'm heading away again next weekend to my deer camp to hang out for 3 nights. After that , I'm home for 2 weeks then the ausable for father's day weekend, following week long in Rhode island clamming for 7 days.
The wheel never stops here.