2018/08/28 20:07:38
hot tuna
Here's what I don't understand about this decision. TU is mostly a fly orginaztion. The pocket water below is superb flyfisher water. It's where most fish. It's not habitable for survival from anchor ice. It's mostly all catch and release. To me that means it's a stocked artificial fishery.
The slower deeper water is not conducive to their style of fishing but does produce very large fish that holdover and primary feed on minnows.
It seems they want to enhance a certain style of fishing more than a sustainable fishery. If anyone has fished the headwaters of the west branch or the un damed east branch , its bony water without much
It sucks..
2018/08/29 08:54:51
Every organization-at some point- gets a bit hijacked by some who seem to be interested in themselves- just human nature and likely not intended to be nefarious. They have  a particular point of view that isn't what someone elses may be.
That don't make it right.
EX-a golf course moves up t-boxes of women or seniors so as to improve play times- a bunch of 'regulars' -all with low handicaps- complain.
Why?? ( a real example)
The new boxes will improve the scores for some-makes them more competitive with the low handicappers- sooo -complaints that have nothing to do with scores but the 'beauty' of the course and 'expense' of the new closer boxes- as well as having to possibly print new cards.
Real concerns -yes- but not the real issue for the complainers.
Have seen a bow club or two do similar things wherein the only ones who are allowed to be in certain places open for bow- must be clubbies to apply-
Not for the club, but to guarantee a certain level of competence and safety-( guess the rest of us are bumbling idiots)
Deflect -deflect`
2018/08/29 09:52:13
Now am all fired up so will double post---
State started limiting Pheasant hunting with a paid 10 tag annual limit-they also gave stocking responsibilities to local Rod and gun clubs who stepped up and offered to do it to save that program and State funds.
After a few years of not hunting birds trained one of my Labs and bought the tags -went to a State area that I hunted often years before.
Old timer sitting there said the  Club had stocked 9 birds there that very AM. -could see one in a yard by a house walking around.
Parked in a nearby lot where a few guys I knew were ' in a certain  club who stocked this area' were just leaving-they said they had taken 8 birds off this State property open to John Q.
Cut my tags in half and never did it again- Yep -nice thing doing the free stocking butt-IMHO- they created just another club property for themselves by doing so- free birds on John Q too.
Gee-- how did those guys KNOW when and where to hunt the State land when the club is in another town 10 miles away.???
Large Urban ritzy area known for a huge out of control Deer population closed to hunting without permission of landowners. Big Bow club petitioned for Bow only there and gained the support of Bow guys across the state. They did a great job and got the Community to support them in curbing the out of control Deer.
When it was all done ya had to go through the Club to get a permit- members members.
John Q who did much to support the effort was squeezed out. 
Just another great idea that- when all was said and done only helped a few 'special' folks.
You may get the impression I dislike Clubs- RIGHT- they- have nice lofty ideas and do a lot of general good- buttt--are often tooo self serving and therefore IMO do NOT represent non members of the sporting community even though they commonly include all of our numbers in their presentations.
2018/08/29 11:42:49
I belong to the second oldest chartered sportsman's club in NYS.  We lease a couple of large tracts of private and posted land in the central Tug Hill, and some smaller plots south of the Northern zone line where does can be taken.  We also own a nice parcel with clubhouse and grounds.  Over my time in the club, I have helped financially to the tune of over $8000, in dues and workday fines when I was working and on call 24/7.  We do participate in some public activities, generally things like the bow tournaments that are valuable practice for hunters and raise funds for the continuance of the club, but also sponsor a kid's ice fishing derby (when there is ice, LOL), a kid's trout derby (fish from anywhere on the Tug Hill qualify), bow hunter and hunter education classes, etc, and we cooperate with the Tug Hill Snowmobile groups in agreeing when the landowners agree to allow public use of the roads for snowmobiling in the winter.  We also pay the taxes on the large tracts for the landowners, and while this does not benefit hunters who are not members of the club, (except when deer leave the relative sanctuary of the club lands, as TH deer do when the snow starts to fly), some major developments that may have taken a lot of ground out of forest production and turned it into "second home city" have not happened because of club action, along with other clubs in the area.  We have some very large state tracts adjacent or nearby, but have done nothing other than maintain our lines to hamper their use by the general public (that said, we don't build trails for everyone's use across our land to the public land.)  While there are a lot of people on the hill who resent the club for posting land, virtually every square inch of the Tug Hill that is not public land is posted, and has been for the last hundred plus years.  While I was never a big fan of clubs in my socialist youth, as I began to understand reality, I began to understand that the lease was one component of a landowner's capability to make his land provide return on investment, and without ROI, the land might get clear cut and abandoned, which is what happened to the 'dacks, and as the public lands I frequent were getting more and more crowded, and in many cases abused by the less educated or more careless newcomers to the outdoors, the club offered me a place to camp and fish, and hunt if I got back into it, without the worry that I might drive 200 miles up to the mountains and find all the campsites full where we planned to go (and this nearly happened to us once on a Labor Day weekend, the Rangers actually closed the gates to the Moose River Plains because it was full.)  The Club has been a valuable addition to my options, and the club has contributed greatly to the outdoor sports in Central New York, and now that I am retired, I donate a lot more time to keeping it going.  So I can see the other side of clubs.
2018/08/29 12:13:57
I too see that side and appreciate it- they can be counted on to be among the first to act in mass when ever an anti issue raises its head. That's on behalf of all of us. I get it.
In my posts you will see that I did in fact give credit.
However, I also pointed out that non members often get cut out of things that initially seem to be benefiting ALL when clubs get involved and have input.
Without Clubs some things we all enjoy may well have been in our past and no longer available.
They can ,however, sometimes be very self serving.
In action about laws and rules they do represent all of us in good faith but John Q must know that generally they are private and have a membership to serve.
There is a difference.
In younger days  considered joining a club but long haphazard work hours along with family considerations and being a very active Scoutmaster and on some local boards and commissions I simply didn't have time for the club work requirements and other time necessary so I passed.
Glad to see your involvement in a real nice Club with excellent facilities.
2018/08/29 12:40:12
Probably the most exclusive club around right now is DSR, $900 per year dues, or $70-80 per day!  Of course, ya could rub elbows wit' the Chartist!
2018/08/29 12:50:23
That's kind of a good example-Those who pay the most get to go in first and get 'the spots'- before daily John Q.
That combined with the also 'early entry' guides and clients.
2018/08/30 17:54:07
hot tuna
Not much work getting done as I'm loading up for some fun starting tomorrow on this day of my labor holiday weekend.
Son, grandson and friend will be relaxing on a recon at deer camp to tend to things and put cameras out. Fires will be built, stories will be told, good food cooked , loud music played, shots fired and hopefully some work done but it's always minimal.
I'm sure they will bring an arsenal, you may notice on the back atv my weapon of choice is a daisy red rider 😁
Enjoy your fun stuff this weekend, I'm outta internet range


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2018/08/30 20:27:51
Clint S
Ughhh I have to work Saturday and Monday no relaxin' for me
2018/08/30 21:39:06
r3g3 are you saying well intended organizations are being overpowered by selfserving cliques? Whose only agenda is to benefit for the chosen few?

HT have a great time this weekend. When ya get back into internet range look for a pic of my new All Terrain Vehicle along with my new camping buddy.

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