Now am all fired up so will double post---
State started limiting Pheasant hunting with a paid 10 tag annual limit-they also gave stocking responsibilities to local Rod and gun clubs who stepped up and offered to do it to save that program and State funds.
After a few years of not hunting birds trained one of my Labs and bought the tags -went to a State area that I hunted often years before.
Old timer sitting there said the Club had stocked 9 birds there that very AM. -could see one in a yard by a house walking around.
Parked in a nearby lot where a few guys I knew were ' in a certain club who stocked this area' were just leaving-they said they had taken 8 birds off this State property open to John Q.
Cut my tags in half and never did it again- Yep -nice thing doing the free stocking butt-IMHO- they created just another club property for themselves by doing so- free birds on John Q too.
Gee-- how did those guys KNOW when and where to hunt the State land when the club is in another town 10 miles away.???
Large Urban ritzy area known for a huge out of control Deer population closed to hunting without permission of landowners. Big Bow club petitioned for Bow only there and gained the support of Bow guys across the state. They did a great job and got the Community to support them in curbing the out of control Deer.
When it was all done ya had to go through the Club to get a permit- members members.
John Q who did much to support the effort was squeezed out.
Just another great idea that- when all was said and done only helped a few 'special' folks.
You may get the impression I dislike Clubs- RIGHT- they- have nice lofty ideas and do a lot of general good- buttt--are often tooo self serving and therefore IMO do NOT represent non members of the sporting community even though they commonly include all of our numbers in their presentations.