Whistle Pigs

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2008/07/05 21:37:21 (permalink)

Whistle Pigs

OMG, what a day...  Went to one of my farms that I hunt on today, after being called by the farmer and being notified that the fields had been baled midweek.  I didn't mess around and took the 204.  I don't know if anyone else went today, but aside from helping the farmer, this may have been about as much fun as one could have.  I shot 43 times and killed 36 woodchucks, the longest was ranged at 506 yards (my personal best) that took a third shot to dial in and hammer.  Nothing inside 300 yards made it past the first shot.  I have never seen the chucks as active as they were today.  Entire families went down with 4 around one hole (twice) and three dead at another. 

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    RE: Whistle Pigs 2008/07/05 23:44:03 (permalink)
    That sound like an awful long shot for such a light bullet.
    I never tried my 204 out past 200M and keep most shots under 150M
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    RE: Whistle Pigs 2008/07/06 10:27:54 (permalink)
    That my friend is impressive.  Way to go and a great way to stay friendly with the landowner.  I am sure he appreciated the help!!
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    RE: Whistle Pigs 2008/07/06 16:20:14 (permalink)
    Marty,  I shoot this gun a lot (definitely more than any of my others, including the .17 Mach II and HMR).  At 100yds I am 1 1/2 inches high and dead on at 200 with 1" groups.  At 300, I am 3 inches low, which is a dead chuck every time.  When you get to 400+, it gets tricky.  I have a 6-18X on the gun that I have become quite comfortable with.  Shooting at 400 isn't too bad, because I use the vertical post in the reticle where it transitions from thick to thin.  All others I have shot beyond that have been standing.  I put the transition portion of the reticle on the top of the head, or slightly above and let fly.  Keeping steady was not a problem yesterday particularly, because I had round bales and a stool to use as a rest.  There was practically no cross wind so drifting was not a problem.  I am continually impressed with the devastation that this bullet creates.  I went to each chuck and disposed of them properly.  The 506 yard chuck was hit low (he was standing), but he was missing a leg and most of his insides had been turned outside.
    The rounds I use are Hornady VMax in the 32 grain.  I didn't care for the heavier bullet as much and could not get any sort of group with the Remingtons or Winchesters.  As you are probably aware, the 204 is considered currently to be the second fastest commercially made, with the upside of not wearing out barrels like the .17 centerfires and Swifts. 
    Over the Hill
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    RE: Whistle Pigs 2008/07/07 14:57:51 (permalink)
    Griffon, sounds like you had a great day. Spent many summer days with my dad in the fields. Waiting for the "smack" report of a good hit. Dad was a good shot with his .225 savage. I miss those days. Just about all of the farmers around here are growing houses now instead of hay.


    Some people are like slinky's; not really good for anything, but, they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs...
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    RE: Whistle Pigs 2008/07/09 02:14:41 (permalink)
    Awesome shootin.  My best this year is a hole pig at 276 with the .17 HMR.

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    RE: Whistle Pigs 2008/07/09 03:16:43 (permalink)
    The rounds I use are Hornady VMax in the 32 grain.

    I also use this round in my 700 with a bull barrel and Rifle Basix 12oz trigger.
    I know that this is an awesome round but I just never experimented with it enough to use at long distances.
    I did have a Flaig Mauser action .223 that I sot often but someone made me a nice offer on that gun and I let it go. That was one I the few guns that I regret selling
    Now I use a 700 in 22-250 and bought a Savage with accutrigger a few years ago but never shot it yet.
    Years ago I used a Winchester model 52 .22 but it is serial #12 and now it stays in the safe. This was my grandfather's brothers gun that he practiced with when he was in the cavalry.

    These two guns are two of my favorites to shoot- Rugger 10/22 mag converted to .17HMR and a 10/22 with all the bells and whistles.

    They are legal to hunt with
    if you have a dummy clip that makes them a single shot.

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    RE: Whistle Pigs 2008/07/09 03:19:37 (permalink)
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