Little Juniata... Regulation Change?

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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/05 11:57:06 (permalink)
I agree that some streams need protected, and I have no problem with regulations in this regard. It is the PF&BC's responsibilty to identify such streams, put appropriate regulations in place. The problem I have, is that much of the general public (anglers) assume that because a fishery is native/wild, that it is inherently fragile. This is not always the case. Some need little regulatory protection, some need SOME more, others need strict protections. If you read my earlier response, I said I might fish bait IF "regulations permitted". In this case the folks responsible for putting protections in place have determined that LIMITED protections are needed. That the fishery can sustain, if not SOME harvest, at least the incidental, angler related mortality that bait fishing might cause. If the LeTort needs the strictest of regulations then I have no problem with them. I would be far more supportive of AO, than FFO, though. You will never convince me that a guy using jigs, small lures, or spoons is going to harm more fish than a fly guy. Bait fishermen need not, but I'll agree many will.
If you read the authority's objectives, they geared far more to protecting the stream FOR the fish, than they are toward protecting the fish FROM anglers.

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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/06 16:28:06 (permalink)
I've been fly fishing the Little J for 20-some years and haven't had any problem with the baitslingers other than having to pick up a bunch of styrafoam bait cups the week after I participated in the annual cleanup, don't get me wrong I fish bait just not over trout, have no problem sharing the river with the bait guys, I actually worry more every time a train goes past coupled with all the industry on the headwaters,one spill kills way more than baitfishing, don't want to lose the bug life again.
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/06 18:08:22 (permalink)
After reading this discussion, the only conclusion I can make is to deem the whole river as... Worms Only. Single Barbless Hooks.
This would protect the fishery by keeping down the number of fisherman on the stream and limiting the threat of invasive species.
Of course the fly fishermen might feel excluded . They really shouldn't. All the have to do is change tactics.

At the least, they could make just a section of the stream "Worm Only". Maybe between the bridges from Spruce to Barree.
post edited by dano - 2008/03/06 18:10:35

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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/06 18:25:50 (permalink)
Why not make it hookless? Just tie the bait, fly, whatever to your line without a hook, and visualize the take. No hook-ups, no fight, no harm. 

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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/06 19:01:04 (permalink)

After reading this discussion, the only conclusion I can make is to deem the whole river as... Worms Only. Single Barbless Hooks.
This would protect the fishery by keeping down the number of fisherman on the stream and limiting the threat of invasive species.
Of course the fly fishermen might feel excluded . They really shouldn't. All the have to do is change tactics.

At the least, they could make just a section of the stream "Worm Only". Maybe between the bridges from Spruce to Barree.

You mean make the water that runs along the SRC property "worm only"? That would really pizz the beav off.
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/06 19:03:15 (permalink)
I want a powerbait, under a beachball section. Maybe a Snoopy rod section too.

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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/06 21:39:42 (permalink)
Thong only section for females.

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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/07 09:35:57 (permalink)
I will  second the thong only section for females
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/07 09:40:40 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: bronzeback2
I actually worry more every time a train goes past coupled with all the industry on the headwaters,one spill kills way more than baitfishing, don't want to lose the bug life again.

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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/07 12:53:26 (permalink)

After reading this discussion, the only conclusion I can make is to deem the whole river as... Worms Only. Single Barbless Hooks.
This would protect the fishery by keeping down the number of fisherman on the stream and limiting the threat of invasive species.
Of course the fly fishermen might feel excluded . They really shouldn't. All the have to do is change tactics.

At the least, they could make just a section of the stream "Worm Only". Maybe between the bridges from Spruce to Barree.

There's a table turner.  Good argument against those that don't think changing these regs actually "excludes" anyone.  Since I only fly fish, it sure would exclude me.
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/07 16:20:57 (permalink)
Just to turn the tables a little more.....

The FFO section of Yellow Creek IS the hardest fished section of stream. That short stretch gets fished every single day by more than a few people. On weekends during the spring, there are more people piled into that short stretch than any other section of YC. Each weekend it would remind you of the first day of regular season. FFO sections do at times tend to draw more people to a stretch of water. Why? I think its because of people believing since a section was special enough to exclude some people, the fishing must be the best there. Take the case of the SRC water on the LJ in spruce creek. Once that was opened to the public, TONS of people fish it, because they feel it must be the best water since it was privatized for a while.
post edited by thedrake - 2008/03/07 20:03:16
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/07 18:51:37 (permalink)


After reading this discussion, the only conclusion I can make is to deem the whole river as... Worms Only. Single Barbless Hooks.
This would protect the fishery by keeping down the number of fisherman on the stream and limiting the threat of invasive species.
Of course the fly fishermen might feel excluded . They really shouldn't. All the have to do is change tactics.

At the least, they could make just a section of the stream "Worm Only". Maybe between the bridges from Spruce to Barree.

There's a table turner.  Good argument against those that don't think changing these regs actually "excludes" anyone.  Since I only fly fish, it sure would exclude me.

Does it exclude you, or do you exclude you?
If there was a section like that, what would stop you from getting a spinning rod and chucking some bait?
By saying "since I only fly fish" you have made yourself FFO.
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/08 11:54:58 (permalink)
I think some people are missing the point here. The little Juniata IS a PUBIC stream. The vast majority of streams are not public. The fight against allowing the river to be private was funded by the commonwealth, the publics money paid for this case. Even making it harder for the public to fish it by making them buy new tackle to do so, is not fair.

The little Juniata Assoc. wants everyone to believe their are dead trout constantly floating downstream from all the bait and spin fisherman on the river. That is not true. I could count on one hand, the number of dead trout I see in the river every year. I can assume that plenty of them have died of natural causes, and not only by a spin fisherman.

Being catch and release only, the river doesnt have the crowd of fisherman who dont know how to handle fish, like stocked streams so often do. Yes, I have seen my share of people that grip fish too tightly or handle them too long, or hold the fish out of the water for too many glamour shots, but the people who do this are just as often fellow fly fisherman, who dont know any better.

Should Bill Anderson or anyone in the little J assoc. be considered an expert or authority on this subject? NO. Remember, this movement is coming from the same guy who said on the spruce creek fly co. forum, that the numbers of green drakes on the Little J has decreased because too many birds were eating them. Anyone who fishes the river enough and knows anything about the green drake knows that their numbers decreased on the river as the amount of silt decreased. I wouldnt consider anyone who makes such an outrageous comment to be an expert on the little J.
post edited by thedrake - 2008/03/08 12:41:42
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/08 22:27:35 (permalink)

1 - Take down that nasty picture of what ever she is supposed to be.
2 - Bait fishing from the right bank only.
3 - fly fishing from the left bank only.

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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/09 10:38:04 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: thedrake


Sooo-- after spending the bait fishermens money to fight Beaver and his special interest group for access to the stream some are suggesting we should replace his group with another special interest group. Some are using the logic that removing bait fishermen would lessen the mortality rate and make for a better C&R stream. Wellll--- Since the Erie tribs are a put and take fishery dependent on yearly stockings and not C&R I guess we should make them bait only to offset the streams some of the fly snobs want to take over for themselves. I carry both and use whatever is hot at the time because my objective is to catch fish not wash flies. I fish with a guy that won't use anything but a fly that he has tied himself even if I am standing beside him outfishing him 10 to one and offer him what I am using. He doesn't try to make me change  or go somewhere else and neither should you. Drake has the right attitude on this one. Next the vintage bamboo rodders will want their own section, don't forget an Orvis section, how about one for #20 and smaller hooks. We all pay for a license and what some are suggesting is exactly what Beaver is doing. My 2 cents

"an Orvis section"

Now that would be funny...a bunch of walking orvis catalogs with their own section of water, wearing the latest pastel colored orvis fishing shirts, getting their wonderline tangled in the trees.

But Simms would be okay?
Sorry, I just got my CC statement with the jacket on it.


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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/09 11:11:37 (permalink)
Of course Simms would be okay DD.  They make a great product.  Orvis .... hmmmmmmmmm...wellllllllllllllllll.   Not so sure about that.  They stand between their products however!!!
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/09 17:28:10 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: duncsdad

ORIGINAL: thedrake


Sooo-- after spending the bait fishermens money to fight Beaver and his special interest group for access to the stream some are suggesting we should replace his group with another special interest group. Some are using the logic that removing bait fishermen would lessen the mortality rate and make for a better C&R stream. Wellll--- Since the Erie tribs are a put and take fishery dependent on yearly stockings and not C&R I guess we should make them bait only to offset the streams some of the fly snobs want to take over for themselves. I carry both and use whatever is hot at the time because my objective is to catch fish not wash flies. I fish with a guy that won't use anything but a fly that he has tied himself even if I am standing beside him outfishing him 10 to one and offer him what I am using. He doesn't try to make me change  or go somewhere else and neither should you. Drake has the right attitude on this one. Next the vintage bamboo rodders will want their own section, don't forget an Orvis section, how about one for #20 and smaller hooks. We all pay for a license and what some are suggesting is exactly what Beaver is doing. My 2 cents

"an Orvis section"

Now that would be funny...a bunch of walking orvis catalogs with their own section of water, wearing the latest pastel colored orvis fishing shirts, getting their wonderline tangled in the trees.

But Simms would be okay?

Sorry, I just got my CC statement with the jacket on it.

Simms would be somewhat least their shirts arent pastel colored.
If you can make it out sometime to get your moneys worth out of that jacket, let me know.
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/10 11:19:47 (permalink)
Should Bill Anderson or anyone in the little J assoc. be considered an expert or authority on this subject? NO. Remember, this movement is coming from the same guy who said on the spruce creek fly co. forum, that the numbers of green drakes on the Little J has decreased because too many birds were eating them. Anyone who fishes the river enough and knows anything about the green drake knows that their numbers decreased on the river as the amount of silt decreased. I wouldnt consider anyone who makes such an outrageous comment to be an expert on the little J.

HI all
   Good posts and discussion. I remember, that post when Bill made it and I could not believe that he said what he said. I believe that the river org. is a plus for the river but are off base on this issue. I have a trailer on the j and fish most every day in spring and summer, I am a avid  fly fisherman and I killed two fish over 20 inches last year. Both fish died as a result of surface fishing so maybe we should stop dry flies?   I think the river belongs to all, and if the fish are handled properly bait is OK.

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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/10 15:13:50 (permalink)
I agree that having the river org. can be a good thing, but I feel that they are forgeting that having less fisherman able to fish the river means less support. At this point, I cant help but feel one of their original objectives was to make the river ffo. Afterall, Donny Beaver mentioned in the newspapers and on the SRC website, that he worked closely with the little juniata river assoc. to change the regulations. This is a major reason why I would never join the LJRA.
More fisherman means more people looking out for the river. Take away people from the river, and you take away watchfull eyes that will report dumping along the river, fish kills, illegal activity, and so on... Us flyfishers cant forget that we arent the only people who are concerned about our waters.
There are plenty of fly fisherman who think they are conservationists simply because they are carrying a fly rod, or a TU membership card. These are often the same people who, when they catch suckers, throw them up on the bank, forgetting that suckers are more native than most of the trout they fish for. I guess my point is, some flyfishers, even though they believe they're conservationists, are quite the opposite. If you take away everyone but fly fishers, you'll still have people that grip the fish too tightly, use barbed hooks, and hold fish out of the water too long during glamour shots.
Sorry for the rant....
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/11 12:28:20 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: thedrake
Should Bill Anderson or anyone in the little J assoc. be considered an expert or authority on this subject? NO. Remember, this movement is coming from the same guy who said on the spruce creek fly co. forum, that the numbers of green drakes on the Little J has decreased because too many birds were eating them. Anyone who fishes the river enough and knows anything about the green drake knows that their numbers decreased on the river as the amount of silt decreased. I wouldnt consider anyone who makes such an outrageous comment to be an expert on the little J.

I seem to remember Bill Anderson and Eric Stroup talking about this too.  Didn't it have to do with too many bridges and the fact that bridges weren't natural habitat (implying that the bridges created too much habitat for the birds and bats).  Think they ever heard of trees?  I think they were considering methods to capture the birds and bats so they could be placed elsewhere.  Crazy!

I heard about this white-nosed syndrome that's killing a lot of bats in the Northeast ( and after realizing what a major catastrophe this could be, thought maybe Bill Anderson has poisoned the bats and Eric Stroup is shaving them for tying material!  Now that's funny!
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/12 19:49:19 (permalink)
ORIGINAL: thedrake

ORIGINAL: duncsdad

ORIGINAL: thedrake


Sooo-- after spending the bait fishermens money to fight Beaver and his special interest group for access to the stream some are suggesting we should replace his group with another special interest group. Some are using the logic that removing bait fishermen would lessen the mortality rate and make for a better C&R stream. Wellll--- Since the Erie tribs are a put and take fishery dependent on yearly stockings and not C&R I guess we should make them bait only to offset the streams some of the fly snobs want to take over for themselves. I carry both and use whatever is hot at the time because my objective is to catch fish not wash flies. I fish with a guy that won't use anything but a fly that he has tied himself even if I am standing beside him outfishing him 10 to one and offer him what I am using. He doesn't try to make me change  or go somewhere else and neither should you. Drake has the right attitude on this one. Next the vintage bamboo rodders will want their own section, don't forget an Orvis section, how about one for #20 and smaller hooks. We all pay for a license and what some are suggesting is exactly what Beaver is doing. My 2 cents

"an Orvis section"

Now that would be funny...a bunch of walking orvis catalogs with their own section of water, wearing the latest pastel colored orvis fishing shirts, getting their wonderline tangled in the trees.

But Simms would be okay?

Sorry, I just got my CC statement with the jacket on it.

Simms would be somewhat least their shirts arent pastel colored.

If you can make it out sometime to get your moneys worth out of that jacket, let me know.

I've been out scouting deer, but I shouldbe done in time for the Grannoms.


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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/12 22:10:51 (permalink)
I see it Shawn; you are really hurting my fillins!!
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/13 00:22:30 (permalink)

"I've been out scouting deer, but I shouldbe done in time for the Grannoms."

post edited by thedrake - 2008/03/13 00:23:42
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/03/23 11:55:10 (permalink)
I actaully saw three deer yesterday while running the dogs across from the house.  They were in good shape.
I saw some nice bucks, the type you are looking for, this winter in our neck of the woods.  When we run into each other on the Little Ji, I'll let you know where.


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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/04/08 09:04:24 (permalink)
I have been stopping at the Little J 2-3 times per week on the way home from work to check for bugs and have yet to see anyone using any type of tackle in the areas I have checked.


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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/04/10 06:52:48 (permalink)
Saw a copy of Pa Outdoor News yesterday and fell out of my chair when I saw the article on Anderson and the Little J.  The guys got the nuts of a gunfighter !!!  If he ever falls off that horse he's on he's sure to get killed from the high fall. Not a person I would want to hang out with. He probably de-crusts his bread before he eats it. Not my kind of "man". I fish both fly and bait and have no problem w/either. "Why can't we all just get along ?" Silver Spoon syndrome if I ever saw one. He needs to get a life.
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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/04/10 10:02:31 (permalink)
Was he promoting fly fishing only on it Dave??
I haven't kept up on this too much.  I already have my opinion of Bill, and his actions.
Getting close to the grannoms!!    I'm going to have formerguide come out one morning, so maybe you'll get to meet him finally.

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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/04/13 07:13:46 (permalink)
That would be great.  He and I can fish while you scout for some deer -- just kidding.
Let me know when.  I do need a little advanced notice because of all the activity at work.
I plan on fishing Thursday evening on the riiver somewhere.


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RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2008/04/13 09:41:46 (permalink)
Count me in for Thursday Shawn.
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Re: RE: Little Juniata... Regulation Change? 2020/03/16 21:19:48 (permalink)
I think most of the people trying to take over the little juniata, never even lived around here let alone fished it 30 years ago, I for one do not like the fact I cant keep a couple to eat ,after all I grew up along the little juniata, and fishing was started because people like to eat fish. then came the rich guys and the orvis clowns, look at me we will pay off the political people in the fish commission and have the regulations changed so we can sport fish. kinda like the rich guys who pay to hunt but dont eat what they kill, they just do it for fun, real men so to speak. Now here is some food for thought for all you catch and release guys you say that if I keep a few I am hurting the fishery Bull********* I used to fish for musky at raystown and all these so called bass fisherman with 80,0000 dollar bass boats would tell me those damm musky were eating all the bass and none would be left. well 30 some years later the musky are still there and so are alot of trophy bass, so If some people ate a few trout for dinner It would not hurt at all and you orvis guys know it, I BUY A FISHING LICENSE AND A TROUT STAMP TOO. Tired of special intrest groups who think they control the little juniata, cause fishing was for food in the first place. I for one love to eat trout, and I do not want power grabbers changing the rules. not the way God intended it.
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