Helpful Replygo fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?!

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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/13 18:48:29 (permalink)
post edited by r3g3 - 2024/12/13 18:54:58
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/13 18:54:02 (permalink)
The media decides what we see and hear about every day-not us.
If they decide to harp on the CEO instead of a child day after day that's what we get and that what we in turn talk about.
Doesn't make it right but that's the way it is.
Sometimes IMHO the most important or concerning stuff slides by unnoticed as its deemed too boring by the media to spend time on.
post edited by r3g3 - 2024/12/13 18:56:15
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/13 19:14:03 (permalink)
 We don't have the resources necessary is one of my favorites. Keep staying bored on what matters in the real everyday life people.
  Not Michael Jackson or Princess Diane  
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/13 21:08:13 (permalink)
while we're hatin' on UHC and insurance co's in general) , is anyone able to answer my question on how it's done in socialized med countries? 
are there procedures/treatments  approved/paid for  there that ins co's here deny?
(Im'a try an' google that) 
does anyone know?
Does anyone care if someone assassinates  Dr. Theresa Tam? (Canada's health system head honcho) 
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/14 00:23:03 (permalink)
while we're hatin' on UHC and insurance co's in general) , is anyone able to answer my question on how it's done in socialized med countries? 
are there procedures/treatments  approved/paid for  there that ins co's here deny?

You don't need to look at other countries.  One of the major drawbacks of Medicare Advantage plans (aka private insurance companies) is a much higher rate of claim denials vs gov't Medicare.  If you can afford it, it's a no brainer to get gov't Medicare with a Medigap.
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/14 08:28:05 (permalink)
Maybe DOGE makes cuts to Medicare and allows denials at the rate of UHC. Then maybe some will pay a little more attention to it.

It is alarming the amount of money our government spends on healthcare, excluding Medicare and Medicaid. More than any first world country. Most of them have universal healthcare, spending less than we do. We have our current system, which is obviously broken. Skyrocketing insurance and out of pocket fees, while deny rates also increase. How is that even possible without someone in those industries pushing for denials or rate increases? If evil isn’t the correct word, what is? Massive greed is evil.
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/14 09:46:57 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/12/14 09:52:01
while we're hatin' on UHC and insurance co's in general) , is anyone able to answer my question on how it's done in socialized med countries? 
are there procedures/treatments  approved/paid for  there that ins co's here deny?
(Im'a try an' google that) 
does anyone know?
Does anyone care if someone assassinates  Dr. Theresa Tam? (Canada's health system head honcho) 


I’ve only had two experiences with social medicine in other countries — sorry, actual experiences, no MSM links.

Coming through Heathrow in the UK, my wife was stopped by security due to her hip replacement tripping the metal detector. This happens in the US as well, but all she needs to do is show her medical card and most times they let her go right through. At the most, she gets a few second wanding and off we go.

In the UK, they had to call in three other security people and two supervisors until one of them finally understood what a hip replacement was because he had read an article in the news about Prince Phillip getting one. At that point, the profusely apologized because they thought we were of some special status due to only the privileged, rich or royalty, getting hip replacements in their country, unlike in the US where it would be difficult to find someone that doesn’t know at least one person that has a joint replacement.

The other incident was in Cleveland where my wife was for back surgery. The process takes a week with pre-surgery, surgery, post-surgery, and last check before release. Because if this, a local hotel houses most of the patients. The hotel serves a free breakfast and puts out a free dinner selection.

Because of this, the folks there for that week’s surgery cycle get to know each other. About half of the folks we talked with were from Canada. We asked why they were in Cleveland, paying out of pocket, rather than using the social medicine system in Canada.

Their response was that most back surgeries are not covered, especially for those over 50 years old. We asked why they didn’t just pay out of pocket in Canada and they said that because of so few approved surgeries, doctors did not specialize in orthopedics, so it was difficult to impossible to find one and if one was found, surgeries were scheduled years into the future. They decided to come to the US and pay full boat prices.

I’m not sure if it is still the case, and it might not be (I don’t care, so I won’t spend any time to research it), but when social medicine was first put in place in Canada it was funded through a 10% sales tax, which was in addition to any other sales taxes.

While I will agree that the US healthcare system might not be great (full disclosure, I have no connection to the healthcare industry or system), it, in my limited experience, works better than those I’ve come in contact with.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/14 13:10:37 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/12/14 13:57:26
Our health care system is still the best in the world! Has problems yes,But i'm sure most people in the world would rather have ours than there's!!!!
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/14 15:35:00 (permalink)
Our health care system is still the best in the world! Has problems 

should be, cause it's also the most expensive 
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/14 15:40:09 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby bingsbaits 2024/12/15 10:19:49



I’ve only had two experiences with social medicine in other countries — sorry, actual experiences, no MSM links.

Thanks Dar 
good stuff 
mebby Pork will be OK if someone assassinates those "evil" bureaucrats that run Britton and Canada's health systems 
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/14 17:52:20 (permalink)
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/14 17:53:46 (permalink)
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/14 18:01:16 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2024/12/15 15:17:55
Hopefully DOGE exposes the waste our insurance based health system is. I’m betting they look past certain wasteful spending and focus on things that are more advantageous politically (I.e. who pays them off more).
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/15 10:21:29 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/12/15 10:49:25
CBO estimates that the Biden-Harris Administration's open border agenda cost federal and state taxpayers more than $16.2 billion to provide Medicaid-funded emergency services to illegal aliens since taking office. This is a staggering increase of 124% compared to the same period under the Trump Administration.

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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/15 10:52:27 (permalink)
Democrats have no hesitancy whatsoever in spending billions to further their America last agenda.
This as our citizens in No Carolina still sleep in tents after the floods as the FEMA funds were raided.
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/15 11:40:21 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2024/12/15 15:18:08
CBO estimates that the Biden-Harris Administration's open border agenda cost federal and state taxpayers more than $16.2 billion to provide Medicaid-funded emergency services to illegal aliens since taking office. This is a staggering increase of 124% compared to the same period under the Trump Administration.

Read an actual CBO report on the subject. Ignorance is a choice, especially in 2024 when you google almost anything and get the actual facts.

The report also estimated that immigration during the 10 year period from 2024-2034 would increase federal revenues as well spending, and would result in a decrease of the federal deficit by $0.9 trillion.

Increased participation in the workforce by immigrants during the same period is estimated to increase GDP by $8.9 trillion during the same 10 year period.

Because surprise surprise, these people WORK and PAY TAXES too. Funny how you left out the parts in the report that indicated the BENEFITS of immigration to the country.
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/15 11:53:50 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2024/12/15 15:18:15
Democrats have no hesitancy whatsoever in spending billions to further their America last agenda.
This as our citizens in No Carolina still sleep in tents after the floods as the FEMA funds were raided.

This is also completely false.

So far FEMA has $1.5 billion in direct assistance to hurricane survivors and $1.2 billion for cleanup. They haven’t even spent all this money yet.

The “living in tents” part is also untrue. The only people living in tents are doing so by choice.

You can’t rebuild the entire state in 90 days. But there has been no shortage of funding or resources in response to the disaster.
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/15 12:24:03 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2024/12/15 15:18:35

Because surprise surprise, these people WORK and PAY TAXES too. Funny how you left out the parts in the report that indicated the BENEFITS of immigration to the country.

Here are some numbers just from 2022:
Total taxes $96 billion
Social Security $26 billion (even though they are not eligible for any benefits).  Losing this funding, and Trump's proposal to not tax benefits, would hasten SS insolvency by many years.
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/15 13:02:28 (permalink)
You cant possibly be saying this illegal invasion into America is a good thing.
Wellll yea WAR -YOU could be saying that.
Also by saying the immigration is good when we all know the Trump admin is sworn to stop it you -in your own way -are again saying bad Trump.
post edited by r3g3 - 2024/12/15 13:13:48
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/15 13:21:10 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/12/15 17:03:44
You cant possibly be saying this illegal invasion into America is a good thing.
Wellll yea WAR -YOU could be saying that.
Also by saying the immigration is good when we all know the Trump admin is sworn to stop it you -in your own way -are again saying bad Trump.

Yes he can he is that stupid. Poor TDS infected melon head.

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/15 14:01:13 (permalink)
You cant possibly be saying this illegal invasion into America is a good thing.
Wellll yea WAR -YOU could be saying that.
Also by saying the immigration is good when we all know the Trump admin is sworn to stop it you -in your own way -are again saying bad Trump.

I’m saying “this is what the CBO report actually says”, which was deceptively cited by the other poster.
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/15 14:06:22 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2024/12/15 15:20:18
You cant possibly be saying this illegal invasion into America is a good thing.
Wellll yea WAR -YOU could be saying that.
Also by saying the immigration is good when we all know the Trump admin is sworn to stop it you -in your own way -are again saying bad Trump.

Yes he can he is that stupid. Poor TDS infected melon head.

Do you have anything to say about what the CBO report actually says? You’re the one that brought it up.

Or is childish name calling the best you can do?
hendey lathe
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/15 14:09:54 (permalink)
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post edited by hendey lathe - 2024/12/15 14:12:26
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/16 07:01:38 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/12/16 12:22:45
You cant possibly be saying this illegal invasion into America is a good thing.
Wellll yea WAR -YOU could be saying that.
Also by saying the immigration is good when we all know the Trump admin is sworn to stop it you -in your own way -are again saying bad Trump.

Yes he can he is that stupid. Poor TDS infected melon head.

Do you have anything to say about what the CBO report actually says? You’re the one that brought it up.

Or is childish name calling the best you can do?

I would rather debate a 2 year old than tyry and debate with a TDS melon head. Name calling childish,,, LOL what have you melon heads been doing for the last 8 years..
Not my fault you are TDsed outyou poor stupid man.

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/16 09:29:20 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/12/16 12:22:44
myWar is totally for illegal immigration, but he would be the first to report them when they showed up on his block. He prolly has "Hate has no home here" sign in his yard, but 1000% wont house or feed them. NIMBY
post edited by psu_fish - 2024/12/16 09:32:14
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/16 12:27:02 (permalink)
Maduro used that gang we now have here  for political hit jobs- they also like to murder police.
He sent them and others then closed his borders to any being sent back from the US.
Libs opened our borders and havent said a word about Maduro closing his to criminals being sent back.
Waiting to see how long this lasts under a real President--betcha he nips it fast and maduro takes them back.
post edited by r3g3 - 2024/12/16 17:33:07
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/16 16:45:39 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/12/16 17:32:52
Agree. He won't bow to him.

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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/17 09:16:09 (permalink)
Let’s all pretend it’s not just “OK” when our right wing overlords glorify killers, but it’s actually a GOOD THING.

Just remember that when it comes to right wing vigilante folk heroes like Daniel Penny and Kyle Rittenhouse, we must use different standards.
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/17 11:29:03 (permalink)
Guess you and I have very different views on whats right and wrong and the glorification of killers as you put it.
Am sooooo very glad whatever different standards you may suggest have likely been put on a back burner for a few years.
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Re: go fund me for a cold blooded murder?!?!?! 2024/12/17 12:13:51 (permalink)
Guess you and I have very different views on whats right and wrong and the glorification of killers as you put it.

We must, because I think all of these examples - Rittenhouse, Penny & Mangione - are all complicated issues that require nuanced discussion, and a simple binary signal of “right or wrong” from the president of the United States is wholly inappropriate, for any and all of them.

And I also think that when the Republican Party elevates and glorifies people like Rittenhouse and Penny, it also encourages people like Mangione to commit crimes that align with their belief system, however misguided it might be.
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