Surf sharks. Finally!

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Re: Surf sharks. Finally! 2023/09/19 11:11:44 (permalink)
nahh...they catch makos from the beach all the time in FL and TX.   Yeah, saw them get it back in the water.  Saw on Google news or yahoo news yesterday though, someone saw a dead mako on the bottom in the same general area.  That first one that was beached probably didn't make it....  
Lots of good eating right there....mako is delicious. 
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Re: Surf sharks. Finally! 2023/09/19 13:48:41 (permalink)
I have heard they are very good eating.  That meat would last me 2 years...  I tend to stay away from shark myself with the mercury and other build up concerns.  I have had (not sure what kind) shark meat before and was good.  Also had dogfish, which is a shark and okay.  They say it is the fish of choice in England for fish and chips???  I'd rather have pompano of any though.  Cobia is delicious too, but pretty sure the mercury issues.  Snapper (pink taco style the best, side of trimmed beaver...).  Spanish mackerel either ceviche or shime saba is excellent.  Grilled mid rare is good too, not a fan of fried.  Saltwater fish are just so much better than freshwater IMO.  Although, I do like me some perch, but about 10 saltwater species I'd rather have than just about any freshwater fish.  Beggers can't be choosers, so completely happy with a mess of crappy!
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Re: Surf sharks. Finally! 2023/09/20 09:33:25 (permalink)
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