Helpful ReplyHot!Trump 2024
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 07:40:37
Sometimes you DO have to pick a side.
they did in November - youinz went too far left on social issues , immigration and spending
- the opposition's Trump/MAGA deranged syndrome caused a backlash
- Your propaganda didn't resonate with most folks like theirs did
in a nut shell, those are why America chose Machiavelli over your turds KTF
Truly insightful analysis. Thank you.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 09:31:48
☄ Helpfulby Erie Mako 2025/01/22 12:12:47
My theory why 3 out of five are hopelessly stupid and 4 out of five easily manipulated we've corrupted the natural order of things. Look at how nature works; stupid rabbits get ate and don't pass on their stupid genes. Stupid predators starve and don't pass on their stupid genes nature culls the herd of stupid genes Man on the other hand... stupid people don't die anymore due to their stupidity. one example; not so long ago, if you drove like an idiot , you hit bridge abutment and died right there. Now days, airbags, the speed of first responders and improvements in trauma care means stupid people survive their stupidity, recover fully and breed to pass on their stupid genes. one begets 3, 3 begets 9, 9 begets 27...'fore you know it, the genpop is overwhelmed by a proliferation of stupid genes in their DNA It will only get worse KTF
post edited by genieman77 - 2025/01/22 09:39:47
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 09:36:50
genieman77 My theory why 3 out of five are hopelessly stupid and 4 out of five easily manipulated we've corrupted the natural order of things. Look at how nature works; stupid rabbits get ate and don't pass on their stupid genes. Stupid predators starve and don't pass on their stupid genes nature culls the herd of stupid genes Man on the other hand... stupid people don't die anymore due to their stupidity. one example; not so long ago, if you drove like an idiot , you hit bridge abutment and died right there. Now days, airbags, the speed of first responders and improvements in trauma care means stupid people survive their stupidity, recover fully and breed to pass on their stupid genes. one begets 3, 3 begets 9, 9 begets 27...'fore you know it, the genpop is overwhelmed by a proliferation of stupid genes in their DNA It will only worse KTF's even worse when stupid people get rich and then think they know everything...happens all the time...
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 09:53:00
LDD's even worse when stupid people get rich and then think they know everything...happens all the time...
unless inherited, I don't believe stupid people become and stay wealthy if you're implying Musk, Besos, Zuck, Soros, Buffet, etc are stupid, we'll disagree KTF
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 09:53:15
genieman77 “all sides should give one another a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath.”
Oh that is hilarious. We spent the last 4 years watching Trump and the right wing media act like raving lunatics when Biden so much as mispronounces a word, but now you want decorum? Of course you do. Do I think Elon musk is a nazi? - who knows, probably not. Do I think Elon musk intentionally made a sieg heil gesture at the Trump inauguration? - he could have been trolling, maybe it’s because he’s supposed to be on the spectrum, or maybe it was just a stupid spontaneous thing, it’s anybody’s guess. Did that gesture look EXACTLY like a sieg heil - yea it sure as shiit did, and you all know it What this comes down to is that Trump and right wing media have taken every possible opportunity to manufacture controversy when it comes to democrats. Even the slightest deviation from the norm is blown wildly out of proportion. I can not even imagine the kind of right wing reaction this would have elicited if it was a major figure on the left that made a gesture like this at such a high profile event. Musk deserves every ounce of criticism and every word of bad press. He wanted to play this game, and these are the rules that the right wing lunatics like Trump made. Musk himself is just as guilty of “manufactured controversy” when it comes to criticizing the left. I’d say you all need to get used to defending these idiots.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 10:05:54
genieman77 “all sides should give one another a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath.”
that's not my quote, Cowboy as far as hyperboulias rhetoric hyping every nuance as rotten, both sides do it. I know it and you know it. KTF
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 10:16:42
My thoughts is spending hours and countless posts on a fishing forum count as stupid? I know you libs constantly ridiculed BTDT in past stupid is as stupid does.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 10:31:45
LDD's even worse when stupid people get rich and then think they know everything...happens all the time...
unless inherited, I don't believe stupid people become and stay wealthy if you're implying Musk, Besos, Zuck, Soros, Buffet, etc are stupid, we'll disagree KTF
Agree, unless inherited, which is the VAST majority of the uber rich in this country. Those others, if not tested geniuses, have got to be close. Some of the inherited uber wealthy could be smart, but they have enough that it doesn’t matter. Investing is simple, if you have the means. Drop $20M into an index fund and on average (40+ year avg of S&P at ~13%), you make $2.6M per year (for the first year and more if leave it in). Only taxed on what you take out of that $2.6M. At 15%, since uber wealthy do not take out short holdings unless they know something is up. Roll the rest and interest compounds tax free. Don’t get me wrong, it works out rather well for the frugal middle class earner as well. The greed is what gets me most though, 15% is too much for them. These uber wealthy, let’s face it, $20M is laughable to them, will do the buy, borrow, die investing, to cut that 15% of what they withdraw to about 3% or whatever they can borrow at. Then have millions of middle/lower class that don’t have a clue, call them smart for taking advantage… Obviously now isn’t the best time with higher interest rates, so those poor souls might have to borrow at 7%, which is basically their tax rate, that doesn’t go to our Treasury…. Most that do, know when and take out enough at low rates for many years. But taxing is a completely different topic and yes, I know they pay other taxes. Like you have said many times, those with the most gold make the rules. BTW, your philosophy and plot of “Idiocrosy” are pretty similar. If you haven’t seen, it is pretty hilarious, but rather concerning that is has come to reality. Most of that tangent wasn’t directed at you Genie. More directed at what LDD noted about many uber wealthy portraying generational wealth as intelligence.
post edited by Porktown - 2025/01/22 10:38:30
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 10:33:25
For the past 8 years the progressive left their minions in the press and the TDS sufferers have done little but lambaste Trump as President, as a pvt citizen and now as President again. They said and did little about the Biden admin as it drove our country toward becoming a third world entity and continued breathlessly cheering lawfare against Trump. Trump is President again despite their efforts and they cant stand it lol- their hate runs deep. They will not change so expect more breathless BS.
post edited by r3g3 - 2025/01/22 10:35:10
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 11:00:28
as far as hyperboulias rhetoric hyping every nuance as rotten, both sides do it. I know it and you know it
“BotH SidEZzzz GUyyzzz!!!!” The left has not had to manufacture anything in the Trump era. He is a walking talking scandal machine and so are the rest of the howler monkeys in his orbit. AGAIN. If democrats pulled even a tiny fraction of trump’s stunts, you people would lose you farqing minds, and people like you give him a pass every time. Trump is literally trying to overturn a constitutional amendment with an EO, and not a peep from republicans other than “thank you sir can I have another”. I can not even begin to imagine the reaction from republicans if a democrat in the White House tried something so extreme.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 11:07:07
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/01/22 11:16:35
as far as hyperboulias rhetoric hyping every nuance as rotten, both sides do it. I know it and you know it
“BotH SidEZzzz GUyyzzz!!!!”
The left has not had to manufacture anything in the Trump era. He is a walking talking scandal machine and so are the rest of the howler monkeys in his orbit.
AGAIN. If democrats pulled even a tiny fraction of trump’s stunts, you people would lose you farqing minds, and people like you give him a pass every time.
Trump is literally trying to overturn a constitutional amendment with an EO, and not a peep from republicans other than “thank you sir can I have another”. I can not even begin to imagine the reaction from republicans if a democrat in the White House tried something so extreme.
So predictable lol. You cannot cope any harder.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 11:17:58
I find myself starting to feel sorry for this guy--he is beyond obsessed with his TDS.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 11:44:18
as far as hyperboulias rhetoric hyping every nuance as rotten, both sides do it. I know it and you know it
“BotH SidEZzzz GUyyzzz!!!!”
The left has not had to manufacture anything in the Trump era. He is a walking talking scandal machine and so are the rest of the howler monkeys in his orbit.
AGAIN. If democrats pulled even a tiny fraction of trump’s stunts, you people would lose you farqing minds, and people like you give him a pass every time.
Trump is literally trying to overturn a constitutional amendment with an EO, and not a peep from republicans other than “thank you sir can I have another”. I can not even begin to imagine the reaction from republicans if a democrat in the White House tried something so extreme.
you're such a blind partisan "3 out of five'r" I don't why I even bother with you. have a nice day KTF
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 11:54:44
as far as hyperboulias rhetoric hyping every nuance as rotten, both sides do it. I know it and you know it
“BotH SidEZzzz GUyyzzz!!!!”
The left has not had to manufacture anything in the Trump era. He is a walking talking scandal machine and so are the rest of the howler monkeys in his orbit.
AGAIN. If democrats pulled even a tiny fraction of trump’s stunts, you people would lose you farqing minds, and people like you give him a pass every time.
Trump is literally trying to overturn a constitutional amendment with an EO, and not a peep from republicans other than “thank you sir can I have another”. I can not even begin to imagine the reaction from republicans if a democrat in the White House tried something so extreme.
I know you will disagree, but this divide is 100% on the media. Our media seems to be the Wild West in terms of journalistic standards. The left media says one thing. The center says another. The right has a completely different report. No doubt, if getting your political news from left or even center, much of what you say is true. If you are getting it from the right, it is a complete opposite. Since there are no actual rules for them to report facts or truth, they can report whatever they want and call it news. But if you look from the perspective of what Biden was accused of by the right, it isn’t all that far off of what the left accused Trump of. If he really did run some elaborate scheme of selling his influence for $Ms, that is pretty concerning. We are all skrewed with these garbage options until there is some sort of fix to our journalistic standards when it comes to political news. I see it happening around the same time that the uber rich pay similar percentage of their earnings, the welfare abusers get jobs and migrants stop fleeing their countries. Probably a few centuries after cancer is cured.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 14:09:26
LDD's even worse when stupid people get rich and then think they know everything...happens all the time...
unless inherited, I don't believe stupid people become and stay wealthy if you're implying Musk, Besos, Zuck, Soros, Buffet, etc are stupid, we'll disagree KTF
Stupid was probably too harsh of a word... I'm referring to the misplaced idea that someone who is good at making money in a specific way can apply those skills to other areas and be successful. We place so much emphasis on someone's physlcal wealth that we forget that their wealth was a product of a very specialized talent in a very unique situation at a very specific time. Clearly I think those on your list are highly intelligent...the application of that intelligence to other areas successfully is what I doubt...Trump included (although I don't think he's particularly intelligent but definitely not stupid).
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 14:12:33
We are all skrewed with these garbage options until there is some sort of fix to our journalistic standards when it comes to political news. Most seem to just want the Coliseum. So, that's what they get...
post edited by LDD - 2025/01/22 14:13:54
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 14:19:49
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/01/22 17:14:29
genieman77 “all sides should give one another a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath.”
Oh that is hilarious. We spent the last 4 years watching Trump and the right wing media act like raving lunatics when Biden so much as mispronounces a word, but now you want decorum? Of course you do.
Do I think Elon musk is a nazi? - who knows, probably not.
Do I think Elon musk intentionally made a sieg heil gesture at the Trump inauguration? - he could have been trolling, maybe it’s because he’s supposed to be on the spectrum, or maybe it was just a stupid spontaneous thing, it’s anybody’s guess.
Did that gesture look EXACTLY like a sieg heil - yea it sure as shiit did, and you all know it
What this comes down to is that Trump and right wing media have taken every possible opportunity to manufacture controversy when it comes to democrats. Even the slightest deviation from the norm is blown wildly out of proportion. I can not even imagine the kind of right wing reaction this would have elicited if it was a major figure on the left that made a gesture like this at such a high profile event.
Musk deserves every ounce of criticism and every word of bad press. He wanted to play this game, and these are the rules that the right wing lunatics like Trump made. Musk himself is just as guilty of “manufactured controversy” when it comes to criticizing the left.
I’d say you all need to get used to defending these idiots.
Yep, yep.....government filled with fascists...... https://timesofindia.indi...icleshow/117461008.cms Gentlemen, stop feeding the megatroll....let him wallow in his liberal tears....
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 14:28:18
LDD Most seem to just want the Coliseum. So, that's what they get...
One downside of Capitalism. There will always be suppliers for what is in demand. If the demand is for completely made up false narratives, there will be sources for it.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 15:29:25
as far as hyperboulias rhetoric hyping every nuance as rotten, both sides do it. I know it and you know it
“BotH SidEZzzz GUyyzzz!!!!”
The left has not had to manufacture anything in the Trump era. He is a walking talking scandal machine and so are the rest of the howler monkeys in his orbit.
AGAIN. If democrats pulled even a tiny fraction of trump’s stunts, you people would lose you farqing minds, and people like you give him a pass every time.
Trump is literally trying to overturn a constitutional amendment with an EO, and not a peep from republicans other than “thank you sir can I have another”. I can not even begin to imagine the reaction from republicans if a democrat in the White House tried something so extreme.
I know you will disagree, but this divide is 100% on the media. Our media seems to be the Wild West in terms of journalistic standards. The left media says one thing. The center says another. The right has a completely different report. No doubt, if getting your political news from left or even center, much of what you say is true. If you are getting it from the right, it is a complete opposite. Since there are no actual rules for them to report facts or truth, they can report whatever they want and call it news. But if you look from the perspective of what Biden was accused of by the right, it isn’t all that far off of what the left accused Trump of. If he really did run some elaborate scheme of selling his influence for $Ms, that is pretty concerning.
We are all skrewed with these garbage options until there is some sort of fix to our journalistic standards when it comes to political news. I see it happening around the same time that the uber rich pay similar percentage of their earnings, the welfare abusers get jobs and migrants stop fleeing their countries. Probably a few centuries after cancer is cured.
It started that way sure. But there's truth and facts behind the stories. Not all of the time, but a decent bit. Sometimes the sky is blue, the grass is green, etc. When you have people openly disputing that, we get where we are.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 18:14:41
LDD Clearly I think those on your list are highly intelligent...the application of that intelligence to other areas successfully is what I doubt
I can agree to a point I don't think I'd want Musk, Besos, Zuck, Soros, Buffet etc to do heart surgery, engineer a mile long railroad trestle or teach quantum physics to grad students But I bet every one of them would be more than capable of running the "biz" of hospitals, railroads and universities I "suspect" (and you can correct if wrong) But suspect, it's not really their qualifications you question, but their policy proposals you don't agree with KTF
post edited by genieman77 - 2025/01/22 18:16:32
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 18:29:25
I "suspect" (and you can correct if wrong) But suspect, it's not really their qualifications you question, but their policy proposals you don't agree with KTF
eh, not really...I'm not really sure what policy proposals Musk, Bezos et al are actually in for...(pretty sure they're there for their own interests...we'll see). Trump is issue by issue for me, mostly think his policies are a square peg in a round hole and he has one approach (blunt force ****ing). My issue is that most successful business people/rich are sooo enamored with their success that they believe they can apply it't, other businesses, sports etc...that sense of hubris took them to great heights at their specialty but doesn't serve them everywhere. Cue the successful local businessman that runs for the school aren't adult employees and the constitution isn't a contract negotiation (if you know what I mean).
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 20:55:30
It’s hilarious seeing these DNC paid “influencers” brag about the low TV ratings from Monday’s inauguration. Guess when you lose the Popular Vote, Swing states, and the Senate, you ll take what you can
post edited by psu_fish - 2025/01/22 20:57:40
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/22 22:37:25
Remember the MAGA outrage here when Joe Biden pardoned Hunter, after repeatedly saying he wouldn't? How many times did Trump say he wouldn't pardon the violent Jan 6 offenders? Where is the MAGA outrage now? Hunter's crimes were non-violent, while the Jan 6 mob injured 140+ police officers and contributed to 5 officer deaths. It is disgusting that the vast majority of Republicans in Congress are silent about these pardons when these officers put their life on the line to protect them from injury or death. And you think Trump is looking out for you?
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/23 00:13:51
Screw both of them for the pardons and the precedents they have set moving forward.
Biden did it first. Regardless of perceived protection - it was BS.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/23 00:58:50
☄ Helpfulby genieman77 2025/01/23 05:44:27
JerryS Remember the MAGA outrage here when Joe Biden pardoned Hunter, after repeatedly saying he wouldn't? How many times did Trump say he wouldn't pardon the violent Jan 6 offenders? Where is the MAGA outrage now? Hunter's crimes were non-violent, while the Jan 6 mob injured 140+ police officers and contributed to 5 officer deaths. It is disgusting that the vast majority of Republicans in Congress are silent about these pardons when these officers put their life on the line to protect them from injury or death. And you think Trump is looking out for you?
Who specifically were charged with the deaths of these 5 officers? Would you please provide the cause of death for these officers? I don't remember Trump ever saying he would not pardon some of the J6ers. He may have, but I haven't seen or heard him say that. How much time has Hunter Biden spent in jail? If he was put on trial back when he should have been, he probably would have served his sentence, and would have been out of jail a while ago.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/23 07:04:22
DeadGator401 Screw both of them for the pardons and the precedents they have set moving forward.
Biden did it first. Regardless of perceived protection - it was BS.
Couldn't agree more...the precedents being set here are very bad for the future of our country...some really f-up stuff
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/23 08:27:49
JM2 Would you please provide the cause of death for these officers?
The first death occurred on Jan 7 after the officer suffered two massive strokes beginning at 10pm Jan 6. The coroner stated the stress from Jan 6 probably triggered the strokes. Four officers committed suicide. One on Jan 9, one on Jan 15, and the last one was 8 months after Jan 6. PTSD was the most likely cause.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/23 08:31:20
DeadGator401 Screw both of them for the pardons and the precedents they have set moving forward.
Biden did it first. Regardless of perceived protection - it was BS.
Couldn't agree more...the precedents being set here are very bad for the future of our country...some really f-up stuff
I would pardon my son in a heartbeat, given the vengeful incoming admin. I'm surprised that any father wouldn't.
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/23 08:36:53
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/01/23 10:52:52
One police officer died from natural causes, 4 committed suicide. One unarmed woman protester was shot and killed by the police. No charges filed against him. I’m not condoning what happened that day, it was a terrible thing to have happened. It may not have been as bad if the troops requested by then president Trump would have been brought in. I believe it was Mrs Pelosi who turned thumbs down on that request. Also as a side thought,why were so many of the notes/records of the investigation of the protest by the committee of 9 destroyed?
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re: Trump 2024
2025/01/23 08:50:08
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2025/01/23 10:52:19
JerryS Remember the MAGA outrage here when Joe Biden pardoned Hunter, after repeatedly saying he wouldn't? How many times did Trump say he wouldn't pardon the violent Jan 6 offenders? Where is the MAGA outrage now? Hunter's crimes were non-violent, while the Jan 6 mob injured 140+ police officers and contributed to 5 officer deaths. It is disgusting that the vast majority of Republicans in Congress are silent about these pardons when these officers put their life on the line to protect them from injury or death. And you think Trump is looking out for you?
What did Fauci do in that Wuhan lab to get a preemptive pardon  . Pretty sure Rand Paul was going to blow it all up. Why did Joe pardon his siblings and their spouses, what money laundering are they trying to protect from  . Weird (you libs still using that word?) to pardon people who weren't in the government