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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 15:40:27
Maybe he will invoke the act of 1798 like he said he could/would do on day one to help clean up the mess of the last year that congress was going to pass to help with the boarder? That act will give him the power to take away free speech also. He has said networks and podcasts that don't agree with him should loose their license as it is. Never happen even if passed in congress. He can't just wave a magic wand like he dreams. He ran on the same promise in 16. How did that work out? To windy for fishing today.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 15:43:32
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/11/11 15:45:55
Deporting the criminal illegals has been going on for a long, long time nothing new there.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 15:45:18
There are also a huge number that have been found in violation via court actions. I believe-could be mistaken- its because they never showed up for their pre scheduled immigration hearing dates they got when entering and just disappeared into America. These -the gang members and criminals come to a pretty large number and will take some time to locate and remove in and of themselves. Talking heads on the lib side make it sound like some kinda roundup as they try to create trouble but Trump has mentioned those above in his speeches. Not that it may be just a start but I fail to believe its gonna be Armageddon like some try to say,
post edited by r3g3 - 2024/11/11 15:47:30
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 16:07:31
Tim, on the tip thing, so many of those workers are in the poor class with children and don't pay taxes on them anyway. Is the earned income tax credit still in existence for families? If so they get a large return when filing. In Trump's speeches he said he hated paying over time and would just hire more part time employees to get out of it. How would the Gov. make up the billions in loss on the S.S. and overtime? Just sink the ship down farther.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2024/11/11 16:22:28
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 16:24:52
Porktown The way Trump talks in is general terms, with talking heads interpreting everything after the fact, who knows what much of this will look like in legislation format. From the spin prior to the election, some said deporting any violent criminal, some said all here illegally. Unless they know they are a flight risk to return, I have no issue with the violent criminals being deported. I find it hard to believe this wasn’t happening. If we know it is safer to keep here (knowing that they will likely return), then I’m fine with exceptions to keep them here incarcerated. Yes, paying for them stinks, but the risk of them returning if violent and actively involved in something organized that the chances of returning are high.
Until we see what any of the legislation looks like, it is just speculation. Each side presenting what their media sources are providing.
Regarding immigration, most of what has been discussed can be done unilaterally by the executive branch. It will not have to go through Congress. Neither will most of the deregulation and dismantling of federal agencies. They will challenge that stuff in the courts and our conservative SCOTUS will simply say the existence of the EPA, the FCC, and the FTC is unconstitutional. Poof. Gone. Add any and all other three letter “deep state” government agencies to that list. Just as Trump did last time, the only real policy agenda that they need Congress for is budgetary stuff, primarily tax cuts. Repeal of the ACA remains to be seen. Republicans will need Congress for that but I don’t expect this to be a high legislative priority, but who knows. Generally speaking tho, they won’t need Congress for much. They’ve been cooking up a list of things that they can do with only the executive branch and the courts. That’s what project 2025 is. Just wait and see.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 16:31:06
crappiefisher Is the earned income tax credit still in existence for families?
Won’t be for long
post edited by MyWar - 2024/11/11 16:33:03
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 16:38:24
ICE NUT What part of illegal don't you guys understand also there not law abiding folks if they.Correct me if im wrong There here as criminals right lOur crops and hotels and landscapers have been here for years they have green cards and have been doing that work for lazy americans for decades.
Illegal in that those 5% of the US workforce are undocumented and here illegally. 8+ million of them which means none of them can qualify for a work permit or green card. I'm not saying if it's right or wrong. All I'm saying is that it has to have have a negative impact on inflation.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 16:57:17
For the nonviolent, but here illegally folks. Wouldn’t it be easier, as per law enforcement, to pass legislation on illegal employment? If there are no jobs for these folks, they will leave on their own. Would be a lot safer/easier to have pencil pusher type investigators going through records showing illegal. Have some surveillance operations, but not having to deal with rounding up the illegals. Have a hard date, say 3-4 months out, very well publicized for employers to clean their operations of illegals. Gives those immigrants time to go back. Can even have programs to ship them back voluntarily. We’d end up having to pay for their transportation if deported anyway. Unless Mexico is going to pay for that after the wall?
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 17:29:56
Tim, He promised removing all the illegal immigrants when he won in 2016 .He removed less than Obama. Pretty sure he is more bark than bite again. But be prepared to hear over and over again, stock market, unemployment, economy, oil, infrastructural and so on and so on that it is the "best ever, never seen anything like it before and the greatest of all time" Only in his mind, he can't wait. Oh well, it's all good. Most old men I have known had became more mellow than tough with age.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2024/11/11 17:31:52
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 17:50:39
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/11/11 19:19:48
Especially since he won't get impeached, cases will be dropped and has more power this time around. He should be in a much better mood.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 18:10:34
crappiefisher Tim, He promised removing all the illegal immigrants when he won in 2016 .He removed less than Obama. Pretty sure he is more bark than bite again. But be prepared to hear over and over again, stock market, unemployment, economy, oil, infrastructural and so on and so on that it is the "best ever, never seen anything like it before and the greatest of all time" Only in his mind, he can't wait. Oh well, it's all good. Most old men I have known had became more mellow than tough with age. As far as mellowing out, I certainly have. “I had a chequered past and a uncertain future, but I do my best to live in the here and now. And the here and now ain’t all that bad!
post edited by bigfoot - 2024/11/11 18:11:36
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 21:20:32
Social Security benefits were previously exempt from federal income tax until 1984, when the 1983 Amendments to the Social Security Act went into effect. The amendments were a result of the recommendations of the Greenspan Commission, appointed by PRESIDENT REAGAN. The 1983 Amendments established that a portion of Social Security benefits would be taxable for beneficiaries with incomes above certain thresholds. The share of benefits subject to tax has grown since then, and is currently capped at 85%. The tax structure is tiered, with different thresholds for unmarried taxpayers and married couples filing jointly. At least he promised that the wars will be over on his first day of office if not before if he was elected. That will be so wonderful, He has been saying it will take him 5 minutes to end them. He is the greatest of all time I must admit.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2024/11/11 23:01:55
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/11 23:04:29
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/12 00:10:53
crappiefisher Tim, He promised removing all the illegal immigrants when he won in 2016 .He removed less than Obama. Pretty sure he is more bark than bite again. But be prepared to hear over and over again, stock market, unemployment, economy, oil, infrastructural and so on and so on that it is the "best ever, never seen anything like it before and the greatest of all time" Only in his mind, he can't wait. Oh well, it's all good. Most old men I have known had became more mellow than tough with age.
Pretty much where I'm at. He'll have 2 years, then he'll have a built in excuse. I think it'd be great if he lowers groceries and gas prices. Highly doubt it. I hope everyone gets what they voted for.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/12 09:13:05
So which of you MAGA guys is thinking about buying a Tesla? Raise your hand. Cmon I know some of you are. I bet psu_fish is.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/12 09:38:22
MyWar So which of you MAGA guys is thinking about buying a Tesla? Raise your hand. Cmon I know some of you are. I bet psu_fish is.
Most likely never will, at least not until the tech improves greatly. Should already have rapid charging, wireless charging mats, you can place in your garage and park over, charging over night or whenever, no plugs required. Range, winter operation and towing capacity/range will need to improve immensely to get me to think about it. They should have solar coatings and translucent glass that trickle charges the car already, as you use it or when it's parked in the sun. This stuff exists already but likely too costly to apply at this time, even at scale. I'll stick with my toyota highlander hybrid for now....
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/12 10:25:40
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/11/12 10:50:08
MyWar So which of you MAGA guys is thinking about buying a Tesla? Raise your hand. Cmon I know some of you are. I bet psu_fish is.
Wouldn’t take one if you gave it to me. While you are playing games by asking stupid questions just to be an antagonist, Did you move out of the county yet or are you waiting until Inauguration Day? Perhaps that 4-year cruise thing rather than establishing a residency via other counties’ immigration policies that more than likely won’t let you in long enough.
post edited by DarDys - 2024/11/12 10:29:03
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/12 10:52:59
Almost scary to realize Biden /Harris still have 2 months as lame ducks to initiate all kinds of lib mayhem. They have already started trying to make changes in the categories of many new hires to try and make it harder for the incoming admin to get rid of them.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/12 10:58:07
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/11/12 11:47:22
MyWar So which of you MAGA guys is thinking about buying a Tesla? Raise your hand. Cmon I know some of you are. I bet psu_fish is.
If Joe and Kammy had produced more than 7 EV charging stations with that $7.5 billion, I’d be all in. Who wouldn’t love driving a coal powered vehicle that’s produced in such environmentally friendly ways that doesn’t rely on the forced labor of people in underdeveloped countries.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/12 15:33:31
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/11/12 17:12:18
MyWar So which of you MAGA guys is thinking about buying a Tesla? Raise your hand. Cmon I know some of you are. I bet psu_fish is.
You can afford one being a paper pusher at NextTier Bank
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/12 17:16:54
Your lib friends in Cal are big on them War -even doing mandates-They are so environmentally responsible they are even getting rid of their fossil fuel plants out there. Then they have to buy fossil generated electricity from outa state-and still require rolling blackouts lol Libs can be such hypocrites
post edited by r3g3 - 2024/11/12 17:40:15
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/12 22:20:13
Speak of the devil. Now Elmo gets to run some government “department” with the acronym DOGE. Nice.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/13 00:26:34
I recently heard Mr Musk state that cutting 2 trillion from the federal governments spending would be easy. After that, a lot harder. Let’s see if he can back that up, or as they say in Texas “all hat, no cattle.”
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/13 11:58:52
bigfoot I recently heard Mr Musk state that cutting 2 trillion from the federal governments spending would be easy. After that, a lot harder. Let’s see if he can back that up, or as they say in Texas “all hat, no cattle.”
Take a look at spending breakdowns. Right now it is about $6.5T. The overwhelming majority is SS, Medicare, VA, deficit and Military. Better hope you don’t get what you’re asking for if Medicare, VA and SS are funds that you rely on. No doubt there can be more efficient ways than how the government can be run, but cutting roughly 1/3 of spending “easily”, likely means programs you likely don’t want cut. Or, like Trump did four years ago, who cares about our kids/grandkids. They won’t mind paying for you.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/13 21:39:38
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/14 06:14:07
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/14 09:19:50
☄ Helpfulby r3g3 2024/11/14 12:13:38
bigfoot I recently heard Mr Musk state that cutting 2 trillion from the federal governments spending would be easy. After that, a lot harder. Let’s see if he can back that up, or as they say in Texas “all hat, no cattle.”
Take a look at spending breakdowns. Right now it is about $6.5T. The overwhelming majority is SS, Medicare, VA, deficit and Military. Better hope you don’t get what you’re asking for if Medicare, VA and SS are funds that you rely on.
No doubt there can be more efficient ways than how the government can be run, but cutting roughly 1/3 of spending “easily”, likely means programs you likely don’t want cut.
Or, like Trump did four years ago, who cares about our kids/grandkids. They won’t mind paying for you.
How about starting by rooting out the reported half trillion of fraud every year and perhaps eliminating some departments. Let’s start with department of education. Over 2.8 billion spent there every year. How about cutting back on some foreign aid and funding some of the ridiculous studies on things such as foreign drag shows and transgender monkeys?
Greatness is not measured by what we have, but by what we give. If I were to give our children but one thing, it would be the gift of euthusiam!
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/14 12:21:58
I was told by a certain someone on here, that his Likely Voters pre-election poll numbers were still terrible with Latino's Why So Many Latino Voters Abandoned Democrats, According to the DataDigging deep into the data shows why so many Latino voters abandoned Democrats.
post edited by psu_fish - 2024/11/14 12:23:36
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/14 12:38:31
I see where "The Onion" just bought "Infowars". Went from a far-right website to satire, basically no change. Now that Alex Jones is unemployed, he would fit perfectly in Trump's cabinet. They already have a Fox news host in charge of the $800B Pentagon, and a sex trafficker/drug dealer in charge of the DOJ.
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Re: Trump 2024
2024/11/14 14:04:33
bigfoot I recently heard Mr Musk state that cutting 2 trillion from the federal governments spending would be easy. After that, a lot harder. Let’s see if he can back that up, or as they say in Texas “all hat, no cattle.”
Take a look at spending breakdowns. Right now it is about $6.5T. The overwhelming majority is SS, Medicare, VA, deficit and Military. Better hope you don’t get what you’re asking for if Medicare, VA and SS are funds that you rely on.
No doubt there can be more efficient ways than how the government can be run, but cutting roughly 1/3 of spending “easily”, likely means programs you likely don’t want cut.
Or, like Trump did four years ago, who cares about our kids/grandkids. They won’t mind paying for you.
How about starting by rooting out the reported half trillion of fraud every year and perhaps eliminating some departments. Let’s start with department of education. Over 2.8 billion spent there every year. How about cutting back on some foreign aid and funding some of the ridiculous studies on things such as foreign drag shows and transgender monkeys?
Bigfoot my friend - I had to look this up because honestly, these numbers never apply to me and I wasn't sure but. There's a thousand billion in a trillion. So, if Porks numbers are right, 6.5 Trillion are spent. (according to google, 916 Billion spent on Military in 2023). So we have 6.5T = 6,500 billion. The Department of Education has 238 Billion in funds allocated to it for 2024, not 2.8 Billion. Most of their money spent is on Federal Aid and Loans for students. Feel free to check it out here:
That website is cool. Anyways, the Department of Education spends 1.8% estimate of the total money spent per year in the US. 1.8% for Loan programs and grants for the education of people. We want to get rid of that? Really? From mostly kids? Out of all the things listed here, which shows a great visual for the Govt Budget: