Good luck rifle hunters

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2022/11/25 09:06:28 (permalink)

Good luck rifle hunters

Good luck and be safe out there. Looks like pretty good weather for the opener in most of the state. I will be toting my 22/250 with me hoping to run into a dumb coyote and maybe do a few pushes for the guys. Will try for a doe towards the end of the season maybe. 

My rifle is a black rifle

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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/11/30 07:19:50 (permalink)
    This place is dead? Well iv hunted every day we have not piled them up yet. First morning I took the lady friend out we seen like 8 does and the big 9 I hunted most of archery he busted us. She missed a doe, I could of shot all them but it wasn't about me. We then did 4 pushes killed 3 does. Sunday I sat with a buddy in his box stand in the rain. Didn't see ****. Monday the band got together we got 1 nice 8pt and 2 does. Yesterday there was only 4 of us again but the last drive we managed to thump 3 ended with 5 for the day. I got 1 doe tag for home and 2 for 2e if I manage to get down there. Idk just yet will see . Pretty slow for us last year we tagged out in 2 days. We passed alot waiting for cooler Temps so we can hang our deer it's finally arrived.

    I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
    fishin coyote
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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/11/30 08:11:03 (permalink)
    I've been out 3 times so far seen a total of 3 bucks and 19 doe. only 1 buck was legal (I think) and it was small. I've passed up the doe so far as I only have 1 doe tag left and flintlock season is coming up.

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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/11/30 12:48:33 (permalink)
    This place is dead? 

    You got that right. Well our crew had a good opening weekend. 4 guns. One nice 8 point down. The other three could have shot legal bucks but passed. Everyone could have shot doe but passed. 

    My rifle is a black rifle
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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/11/30 12:56:33 (permalink)
    Haven't been out with a gun in my hand yet.  May go out Friday (or tomorrow, if the wind isn't still howling) with the bow or maybe even my kids crossgun, since it is gun season.  lol.....
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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/12/01 15:12:00 (permalink)
    Haven't been out with a gun in my hand yet.  May go out Friday (or tomorrow, if the wind isn't still howling) with the bow or maybe even my kids crossgun, since it is gun season.  lol.....

    Good luck. Aim for the high shoulder with that crossgun. 

    My rifle is a black rifle
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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/12/01 20:24:17 (permalink)
    Sat for 1.5 hrs this evening with the .243 and not a deer seen.  Think I maybe, could've sort of heard some movement down below me but it was too thick and with all the cars on rte 136 I couldnt tell for sure.  Walk was 3/4 mile back in on a gas well road.  No fresh tracks seen in the mud where the well trucks ran through recently.   
    Gonna go freeze tomorrow am with the cross gun over in Elizabeth tucked in close to some houses.
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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/12/05 07:52:35 (permalink)
    With the rain in the am Saturday I elected to sit in camp for a few hours and have a few more cups of coffee since I only planned on shooting a coyote if I saw one.  As the hunters were sitting in their stands, I watched two 8 points feeding across the camp yard twice. After the front moved through at 11, I grabbed the 22/250 and headed out. Ended up seeing two more bucks and 11 doe. No shooting for our guns Saturday. Very few deer seen by them, but admittedly they are stuck in their ways and prefer to sit stands where they have great visibility. I try to tell them to hunt the thicker stuff but it falls on deaf ears. 

    My rifle is a black rifle
    fishin coyote
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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/12/05 12:59:01 (permalink)
    Been very slow in my area for me and the neighbors. Not sure what the issue is as I know the deer are there they're just not moving much and with the lack of mast this year it seems as if they're just hanging out in the posted 3yr old clear cut next to us but even the guys in it are not shooting. Weather sure wasn't very cooperative this weekend either with the high winds and falling trees 

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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/12/09 21:02:33 (permalink)
    Good Luck everyone going out tomorrow for the last day of rifle. Fill dem tagz.
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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/12/10 11:40:27 (permalink)
    I gave up.  Went Thursday night with the bow, just a doe and 2 fawns kicked out walking in.  Might head out some for late season.   Definitely need to make some changes and find some new spots for next year...
    fishin coyote
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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/12/10 18:04:10 (permalink)
    Big fat zero on the last day.
    Had chances on doe all season that I passed so I can’t complain. Time to get out the smoke pole.

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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/12/10 23:31:37 (permalink)
    Blanked. Typical last day where im at. I think i might retire the powder blaster. Im more confident and accurate with the bow at 50 yards, than I am with the smoke pole.
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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/12/11 17:38:48 (permalink)
    Me and a few guys from camp took Friday off to make it a long weekend for the last Saturday. I toted the 22/250 again looking for a coyote and I was the only one to see a buck. I had three bucks come past dogging a doe in the afternoon. One was a pretty decent 8 point. My daughter has been sick at college and got a call about 4 Friday afternoon from the wife that she was getting worse so I headed back to camp, packed up and headed home. We drove a few hours to her school early Saturday and took her to the ER. After a horrendously long visit there she came back positive for mono.  First weekend of deer season I have missed in over 26 years but family first.........

    My rifle is a black rifle
    Moses Guthrie
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    Re: Good luck rifle hunters 2022/12/12 16:16:13 (permalink)
    Not sure if it was the weather or just no one hunting anymore but by the afternoon of first day thru the rest of gun season there seemed to be no one in the woods in the areas of 2D and 2F I hunted. Between 5 of us, we took a dozen does and I was the only one of the 4 of us with buck tags to connect with a buck, a scrubby 5pt without brow tines the second Saturday. We had 4 other shots at bucks that didn't connect and a few smaller legal bucks passed on the first day. A few deer drives put up old school herds of does. Flintlock season should be fun.
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