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Re: Patriots 2022/09/16 09:06:46 (permalink)

The 12 mill is how much is in a fund that lawmakers in Florida set up for these types of actions.   

Wow ok, so they really do have a “Cheap Political Stunts to Trigger the Libs Fund”. Money well spent I guess?

Theatre fund
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/16 12:00:06 (permalink)
I’m also seeing that desantis spent like $12 million to send these people to Martha’s Vineyard? Not sure if that’s true or not, but let’s assume that it was at least a substantial amount of money…

Maybe this is just my clown brain thinking clown thoughts again, but wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to spend that money on food or housing? Like if they have all this extra money laying around, and the immigrant problem is so bad, maybe just divert a little bit of cash from the “Cheap Political Stunts to Trigger the Libs” Fund to where it would actually be useful. I wonder why the pro-life, “all lives matter” Republican Party hasn’t thought of this yet?

Lives don't matter to these people once they are born.

One of the things that we desperately need if we want to have any kind of meaningful political discourse, is the presumption that the other side is arguing in good faith. And when you see stuff like this, it just makes it really hard to do that. It’s almost like cruelty is the point. It’s a feature, not a bug.

You're not wrong. But you're looking for good faith from extremists within the government that will ensure it won't happen for a long time.
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/16 14:31:09 (permalink)
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/18 10:25:13 (permalink)
You know election season is in full swing when the GOP starts whipping the base into a frenzy with the immigrant bogeyman. The caravan at the southern border should be the top story on Fox News before the end of September.

Gotta give it to desantis. He knows how to play the game.

Have you guys not kept up on the immigration problem? Maybe you can't, because the mainstream media absolutely refuses to cover it. But they're covering it a little now, (although they're only reporting the administrations' side), which is the objective of Gov's Abbot and DeSantis shipping a few thousand to the sanctuary states and the capital. Fox news has been covering the nearly 3 million who have invaded our southern border at the invitation of the Biden administration. They have reporters on the border and they are the only reporters there. Daily you will see individuals, small groups, and large groups numbering in the hundreds pouring across the Rio Grande. Most will immediately turn themselves in, where they will be recorded, processed, and paperwork to appear before immigrations officials, but so many have crossed that court dates are years into the future and many, (read that most) will never show up. Others, (this year alone as many as 800,000 gotaways), well, we'll just never know about them. Fox shows video every single day from various border towns, and they even have a new drone fitted with infra-red cameras and show them crossing at night and high tailing it into the desert. So far this year, 800 have died due to coyotes, (the human kind), drowning in the recently rain swollen river, some from disease, and more from dying of thirst in the desert or just from the arduous trip alone.
So I ask all you bleeding heart liberals, since Texas and Arizona border towns are not equipped to handle this incredible influx of nearly 7000 per day, what is it that you think should be done with them? You don't seem to be the least bit concerned about the hundreds of flights that the administration flew into N.Y., Pa., Fla. and other places at regional airports (never a national or international airport), so as not to call attention, all in the dead of night with 200 illegals on board, and these regional airport areas had no advance warning whatsoever? Remember when the Presidents' spokes lady was asked about that? Her answer was that it wasn't in the dead of night but in the early morning, like 3:00 AM. Talk about a **** poor excuse! But Abbot buses 2000 into New York City, and DeSantis flies 50 into Martha's Vineyard, and you're all up in arms about the inhumanity of it all and using people for political purposes. Well, I'll tell ya what. It is for political purposes, because somehow, the rest of the nation needs to see the plight of both the immigrants and the southern border states. How could Texas and Arizona house and care for 3 million additional people? The illegals need to be stopped. The wall needs to be built completely across the southern border, and those seeking asylum need to do it right and come through an official Port of Entry. The $20 billion that it has cost so far would go a long way to fixing that.
I commend the US Border Patrol and the Texas Rangers for stopping, confiscating, and prosecuting all the drug trafficers that are bringing the heroin, marijuana, and poison fentanyl through. They can't get it all but are doing a good job so far.

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Re: Patriots 2022/09/18 11:25:12 (permalink)
Both parties have ignored the root of this problem for decades. The wealthiest country in the world, cannot have third world regional neighbors and not expect similar. We need to invest in keeping these people in their own countries. America first policies should include this, if not, we end up with this byproduct. So, it should be considered America first policy, but anyone doing it would have the political ad of “he’d rather give jobs to Central Americans than our own country”.

Tax incentives for companies or other to set up shop in Central America. This limits our dependence on SE Asia. I know Venezuela is not Central America, but if opportunity half way to the US, many will stay there instead is passing through. Maybe make that part of the deal with other countries. If we provide all of these jobs, etc, they need to keep a certain percentage of migrants instead of passing them through.

A wall is a bandaid to the problem. So is them being processed in Mexico. It doesn’t stop them from coming. Maybe delays a bit, but then here. Is that really a fix? For what cost? Most do not want to be here for free Brandon phones and to steal elections…. They are trying to escape starvation, oppression or other. Many come here and paid 1/4 minimum wage and thrilled to just have a roof over their heads. Most know that is what they are getting and willing to risk their lives walking hundreds of miles through dangerous countries to do it. Yet no legislation ever mentioned to go after these companies that will hire them???

Why does neither party ever want to address the root of this problem or most problems? If this was part of the GOP TV agenda, I’d tune in more. The coverage of this issue under Obama. then cut if coverage under Trump, then kicking up coverage again under Brandon. Smells like Wholey’s.
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/18 20:14:31 (permalink)
You know election season is in full swing when the GOP starts whipping the base into a frenzy with the immigrant bogeyman. The caravan at the southern border should be the top story on Fox News before the end of September.

Gotta give it to desantis. He knows how to play the game.

Have you guys not kept up on the immigration problem? Maybe you can't, because the mainstream media absolutely refuses to cover it. But they're covering it a little now, (although they're only reporting the administrations' side), which is the objective of Gov's Abbot and DeSantis shipping a few thousand to the sanctuary states and the capital. Fox news has been covering the nearly 3 million who have invaded our southern border at the invitation of the Biden administration. They have reporters on the border and they are the only reporters there. Daily you will see individuals, small groups, and large groups numbering in the hundreds pouring across the Rio Grande. Most will immediately turn themselves in, where they will be recorded, processed, and paperwork to appear before immigrations officials, but so many have crossed that court dates are years into the future and many, (read that most) will never show up. Others, (this year alone as many as 800,000 gotaways), well, we'll just never know about them. Fox shows video every single day from various border towns, and they even have a new drone fitted with infra-red cameras and show them crossing at night and high tailing it into the desert. So far this year, 800 have died due to coyotes, (the human kind), drowning in the recently rain swollen river, some from disease, and more from dying of thirst in the desert or just from the arduous trip alone.
So I ask all you bleeding heart liberals, since Texas and Arizona border towns are not equipped to handle this incredible influx of nearly 7000 per day, what is it that you think should be done with them? You don't seem to be the least bit concerned about the hundreds of flights that the administration flew into N.Y., Pa., Fla. and other places at regional airports (never a national or international airport), so as not to call attention, all in the dead of night with 200 illegals on board, and these regional airport areas had no advance warning whatsoever? Remember when the Presidents' spokes lady was asked about that? Her answer was that it wasn't in the dead of night but in the early morning, like 3:00 AM. Talk about a **** poor excuse! But Abbot buses 2000 into New York City, and DeSantis flies 50 into Martha's Vineyard, and you're all up in arms about the inhumanity of it all and using people for political purposes. Well, I'll tell ya what. It is for political purposes, because somehow, the rest of the nation needs to see the plight of both the immigrants and the southern border states. How could Texas and Arizona house and care for 3 million additional people? The illegals need to be stopped. The wall needs to be built completely across the southern border, and those seeking asylum need to do it right and come through an official Port of Entry. The $20 billion that it has cost so far would go a long way to fixing that.
I commend the US Border Patrol and the Texas Rangers for stopping, confiscating, and prosecuting all the drug trafficers that are bringing the heroin, marijuana, and poison fentanyl through. They can't get it all but are doing a good job so far.

Do you have a source for the bolded?

"The wall needs to be built completely across the southern border." Do you not remember the "wall" Trump had? The prototypes were absolutely laughable. People just climbed over them. 

Also, you say "Bleeding heart liberal" like it's a bad thing. It's not. Why would caring about other individuals be considered a bad thing?

The problem I have with DeSantis little stunt, outside of the actual act itself, is geniuses like PSUFish or whatever on here, touting the mistreatment of humans as some kind of victory. Way to go, ya really stuck it to the libs?
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/18 20:52:17 (permalink)
“The US and the Holocaust” on PBS is scary of how similar things seem 100 years later.
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/18 21:04:39 (permalink)
“The US and the Holocaust” on PBS is scary of how similar things seem 100 years later.

Yep. It really is incredible and pretty scary honestly. The worst part is, people know this, and recognize it, yet still choose to roll with those who want to overthrow our government. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/18 22:44:34 (permalink)
“The US and the Holocaust” on PBS is scary of how similar things seem 100 years later.

Yep. It really is incredible and pretty scary honestly. The worst part is, people know this, and recognize it, yet still choose to roll with those who want to overthrow our government. 

Yep, it is terrifying what the Democrats are doing to this once great nation.
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 01:22:22 (permalink)
“The US and the Holocaust” on PBS is scary of how similar things seem 100 years later.

Yep. It really is incredible and pretty scary honestly. The worst part is, people know this, and recognize it, yet still choose to roll with those who want to overthrow our government. 

Yep, it is terrifying what the Democrats are doing to this once great nation.

The best part about this Eyez is you're maybe who I'm talking about. I've seen your other posts around the site. You're not a fool, you're a smart guy. 
You've seen the Paramilitary groups that stormed your Capital. The violence that occurred on Jan 6 alone. The fervent worship of a man like a deity. These things are undeniable, muchacho. 

Pork, I think a lot of the population just overlooks it - and that's what is scary. 
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 07:01:36 (permalink)
One of Hitler’s favorite targets were the socialists and moderates at first.

I didn’t know that his playbook to take over Europe was modeled after the formation of the US. Taking over the land of the native population and putting in reservations.
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 07:30:20 (permalink)
If the election wasn’t stolen (from allowing everyone to vote) and king president trump were still in. Would Fetterman still have caused inflation? Or did inflation happen due to the border wall not being completed? Our board experts on Trump noted that Russia wouldn’t have attacked Ukraine. We can pretty much all agree that we wouldn’t be spending all of this money backing Ukraine for sure…. And the Queen doesn’t die. What else am I missing? Maybe chocolate fountains and unicorns?
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 10:06:56 (permalink)
If the election wasn’t stolen (from allowing everyone to vote) and king president trump were still in. Would Fetterman still have caused inflation? Or did inflation happen due to the border wall not being completed? Our board experts on Trump noted that Russia wouldn’t have attacked Ukraine. We can pretty much all agree that we wouldn’t be spending all of this money backing Ukraine for sure…. And the Queen doesn’t die. What else am I missing? Maybe chocolate fountains and unicorns?

Pure cynicism, Pork. Your new idealism still conflicts with reality.

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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 11:51:44 (permalink)
your missing that inflation is Zero(0),and the southern border is closed,and now the pandemic is over,and Brandon not sure now whether he will run again. FJB
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 12:22:26 (permalink)
your missing that inflation is Zero(0),and the southern border is closed,and now the pandemic is over,and Brandon not sure now whether he will run again. FJB

Because it is Fetterminflation! Somehow Oz is throwing shade at the money Brandon threw into the economy that contributed to it. Even though he threw much less than the two times the other Dotard threw at it. But those were good uninflationary throws of money.

Did the Brandon not sure if running thing change? Is that guy sure of anything? Does he even know what year it is. And some think he is capable of running some deep state. If that chest pounding dunce was part of a deep state, he’d brag about it. If he runs and somehow the collective GOP pulls out of the cult and back into rational conservative thought, it would be a slam dunk. But too many brainwashed Nazis would rather follow a proven loser, to lose again. I like presidents that can win. So much winning, going to get sick of winning. Unfortunately, seems like it is Brandon doing all the winning. And I would agree, too much and I am sick of it.

As for the pandemic, once those shots became available for all, I think most in this country agreed it was over. Fringes on each side could complain about details of masking or whatever. Getting those shots in arms saved hundreds of thousands of people and opened up the economy. Although not very well coordinated opening up, but not sure you can really do that in a free market.
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 12:24:43 (permalink)
Pure cynicism, Pork. Your new idealism still conflicts with reality.

I agree that my newly (few month old) joining of MAGA conflicts with reality. But I have always been a fan of absurdity. So, honestly, not sure what took me so long. Did you see the new Q drop?
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 12:45:51 (permalink)
Yeah, I saw that crap on Q, but it doesn't bother me at all. Entirely too far right fringe, and truthfully, I can't even tell ya what they think they stand for.

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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 13:13:31 (permalink)
I can't even tell ya what they think they stand for.

From my understanding, they all have a different thought of what they think they stand for.  Everything is some sort of code/riddle, that no one has a key for.  People will post different interpretations of what it means to them and others will take those as some sort of reality.  It seems like something that Timothy Leary is behind...  
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 14:02:44 (permalink)
I can't even tell ya what they think they stand for.

From my understanding, they all have a different thought of what they think they stand for.  Everything is some sort of code/riddle, that no one has a key for.  People will post different interpretations of what it means to them and others will take those as some sort of reality.  It seems like something that Timothy Leary is behind...  

I'm pretty sure I mentioned this here before but if you're looking for an interesting documentary on Q...this is it.
I only watched the first season.  
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 20:51:03 (permalink)
Yeah, I saw that crap on Q, but it doesn't bother me at all. Entirely too far right fringe, and truthfully, I can't even tell ya what they think they stand for.

Qanon and the bachiit crazy conspiracies have become an arm of the GOP. Not sure where you been or how you have never heard of it? oRangeman not only parrots the craziness of Q, but he used the "soundtrack music" at the Ohio rally for Vance. For some that don't know anything about Q. Here's just a couple tidbits. They think JFK Jr is still alive and was going to come back and help reinstall t***p as President. They also think a cabal of baby eating Liberal pedophiles run the country. One of which is Anderson Cooper, who keeps young looking by drinking the blood of infants. As crazy as those two things sound, there is alot more out there. Maybe do some research?? jus say'IN..
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/19 22:59:48 (permalink)
What’s with this bizarre one finger salute these Qanon people are doing at Trump rallies now? I swear it just keeps getting weirder.
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/20 10:21:06 (permalink)
It's almost a certainty that Q is actually a LARP.  The finger thing would have been inserted as a game challenge.  
It's literally Gen X or Gen Zers toying with the ignorance of the boomers and other astoundingly dumb individuals and it's made it's way to the highest levels of our politics.  They'll make a movie about this $heet someday and I'm not sure we want to see the ending.  
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/20 10:26:59 (permalink)
"Where we go one, we go all".  Is their motto.  I would assume that is what the one finger refers to.
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/20 14:06:05 (permalink)

Crazy thing is that all the Q crap has been proven to be nothing but fantasy. I have to agree with thought that the boomers, and not smart people, are just being taken advantage of. People like Flynn, Sydney Powell, MTG ect ect, and especially t***p have tapped into that and expoited it. Someone that believes Jewish space laser started the California fires or Hillary was running a child sex ring out of a NY pizza shop, really need help. Scary thing is, like I said, Q has become an arm of the GOP and their supporters. Sad times we live in.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/11/18 22:22:53
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/20 16:34:00 (permalink)
Here’s a Blue patriot that actually killed someone over politics
post edited by snagr - 2022/09/20 16:36:39
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/20 17:17:56 (permalink)
It's almost a certainty that Q is actually a LARP.  The finger thing would have been inserted as a game challenge.  
It's literally Gen X or Gen Zers toying with the ignorance of the boomers and other astoundingly dumb individuals and it's made it's way to the highest levels of our politics.  They'll make a movie about this $heet someday and I'm not sure we want to see the ending.  

This has been flying completely over my (old) head makes perfect sense.  Maybe if I had spent the last 15 years living in a virtual reality of games and media it would have been apparent.
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/20 19:15:00 (permalink)
Here’s a Blue patriot that actually killed someone over politics

Stuff like this happens, and people of both sides do stupid stuff. Look at the shooting awhile back at that congressional baseball game. That guy was a Democrat who did it.. BUT I'd venture to say that only one side supports and follows Qanon. Wanna take a guess which side that is?? jus ask'IN. jus say'IN....
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/20 20:33:33 (permalink)
Here’s a Blue patriot that actually killed someone over politics

Stuff like this happens, and people of both sides do stupid stuff. Look at the shooting awhile back at that congressional baseball game. That guy was a Democrat who did it.. BUT I'd venture to say that only one side supports and follows Qanon. Wanna take a guess which side that is?? jus ask'IN. jus say'IN....

What ever happened to debate over Conservative ideals, basically lower taxes and less government vs. Progressive ideals, programs usually meant to help people but come at a cost?  How have we gotten from that to the cesspool of the far left and far right that seem to be what our primary system delivers for candidates?  How are there so many far left or far right people to be in the majority of their party?  Most people that I know seem to be either leaning left or leaning right.  Even on here, besides a few, seem to be that way.  But those on the far left or far right are just fine throwing around the idea of a civil war???  How a third center party can't come up and save us all?
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/20 20:52:24 (permalink)
It has been at 2 party system since the beginning and will always be. Only thing a 3rd party does is siphon votes . Like Stein in '16 and Perot in '92 n '96.
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Re: Patriots 2022/09/20 22:42:06 (permalink)

What ever happened to debate over Conservative ideals, basically lower taxes and less government vs. Progressive ideals, programs usually meant to help people but come at a cost?  How have we gotten from that to the cesspool of the far left and far right that seem to be what our primary system delivers for candidates?  How are there so many far left or far right people to be in the majority of their party?  Most people that I know seem to be either leaning left or leaning right.  Even on here, besides a few, seem to be that way.  But those on the far left or far right are just fine throwing around the idea of a civil war???  How a third center party can't come up and save us all?

How did we get this far, you ask? One reason is that 30 or so years ago, there were still Blue Dog democrats. Even Clinton democrats were reasonable, and many times both sides met in the center of the table and got something done, but the Progressives slowly infiltrated the Democrat Party, often by campaigning and running on a centrist platform, then makin' a hard left turn once they were seated. There's nearly 90 of them in the House now, and they have control of the party because they have the biggest mouths and the sympathy of the mainstream media. How can you help but admit that the modern day Democrat Party Just ain't your fathers' Oldsmobile any more?
Meanwhile, moderate Republicans get tired of them running their traps constantly, and they can't get a word in edgewise. The media will print 97 articles favoring the 'Crats to just 3 (if they're lucky) favoring a Republican. Think about yourself. Ever been in a discussion (or argument) when every time you tried to make a point the other side just stepped all over you and wouldn't let you speak. Well, that's what has driven conservatives and many moderate Republicans to go hard right in an effort to ward off the Left's relentless hammering. So now, we basically have moderate Democrats and Republicans sitting on the side lines and accomplishing nothing, so the only way to be heard is to get some skin in the game and move either left or right. It is hard right against hard left mainly because many of the lefts ideas and policies are just plain wrong.

Never try to argue with an idiot. They'll bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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