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2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
Kind of slow around here.... Have two cameras out, only checked once after a 2 week set and only a couple small 8's, 6's and 4's, lots of doe/fawns and unfortunately, several coyotes and a guy walking his golden, twice. lol Need to check them again but lack of time making it tough and this having to go back into the office several days a week, dahntahn, is the big old stinko. Did see a slammer, wallhanger 12 pt or so on the border of the property I hunt when I was leaving, after checking my cams. Had a limp in his back leg but not too bad. Had split G2's....tall, wide....not super heavy, and small brows but, I'd put him on the wall if I got lucky enough to harvest him. Nice to know there is a nice one in the area. Hopefully my cameras will have more on them with the next pull. Still need to set out a couple more cameras at my spot in West Deer and my spot in Jefferson Hills. Where the heck did the summer go?
fishin coyote
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/01 09:46:10
My cameras have been slow all summer on buck pics. I've seen only a couple small ones, so hopefully the bean field up the road dries out and the bucks will disperse to their fall pattern in the next couple of weeks
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/01 13:34:48
Did my first camera check last night. Have two 11 points, 3 8 pts, a 7 pt and few smaller bucks on video with a good bit of does. Camera was out for about a month. Things are looking promising.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/06 12:27:31
Nice to see someone around here interested in talking about hunting. I got one camera out which I probably won't check until after my hunt on the opener in the SRA, which is just 2 weeks away. The post office lost my first two doe tag applications so I have to run to the courthouse next week to get a few tags for 2B. Gonna get my clothes washed this upcoming weekend and set up my Ozone chamber. Probably shoot the crossbow a bit to make sure everything is still good to go. My honey hole in 2A where I have killed a bunch of bucks and does over the past 18 years was sold over the summer. The property was recently closed on so I have to try to make a run down and meet with the new landowner. I am not holding my breath as access is tough to come by these days. If I am denied access and hunting I hope they allow me to go in and get all of my stands. If not, I may be doing some stealth stand retrieval. It sucks to lose good spots but I have some back up areas.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/06 12:35:10
Really would stink if the new landowner won't let you retrieve your stuff. If you had advance notice of the pending sale though.....well....lol. Second camera pull was highly disappointing. Had 3x as many coyotes as bucks, and those bucks were small 1.5 yr olds. Plenty of does/fawns though, esp. in the one spot, so I should be good to go come pre-rut. Did see the same guy walking his dog in this same "good" spot so that may be why the bucks are staying away this year. He did spot my camera this time so I guess it is a bonus that it was still there. I'll be relocating it next check, if it is still there. Saw 2 yotes hot on the tail of a doe, mid-day, on my one camera. Hopefully I see some of those bastages in range this season and I can get a shot off. a couple of the yotes looked really big too..... Probably need to start scouting out some of my older spots just in case. Just hate to have to default to them with gas prices so high still.
Moses Guthrie
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/06 16:36:08
I lost a lease I had till 3 years ago. My friends, family and I killed a ton of deer every year until I was told we were not welcome anymore. Was a blessing in disguise. There were landowner family changes the last hunting season I had access, so I could see it coming. Went researching and scouting hard that fall. Found quite a few places open to public hunting with great deer populations and minimal pressure. Wish I would have been looking earlier. Biggest bummer was losing 3 ladder stands.
As for this season prep. Need to wash clothes this weekend and hang some public land stands the weekend after. Then it is time to sit up in a tree for way too many hours.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/06 17:30:42
eyesandgillz If you had advance notice of the pending sale though.....well....lol.
I know. I am rolling the dice for sure. The good news is the fellow that bought it lives right down the road and knows the other property owners I have permission to hunt in the area. As far as I know, he lets people hunt his place but they are extended family.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/10 12:12:11
These past weeks rain has had me scouting hard. As a roofer obviously I'm not working in the rain. So about mid August I got a fire under my****and started scouting hard. Iv put over 50 miles on my boots searching for deer. Countless hrs on maps escouting then walking the woods. All new areas to me Most being public and I firmly believe the hard work is gonna pull through. Few areas where busts but surprisingly most where gold mines. Low to zero hunter sign. And most importantly big bucks! And iv learned a ton. Back in July I deployed the cameras I had on the 2 farms I hunt. Well after a month I discovered 6 had finally broke. I ended up buying a few replacements and deployed them the past few weeks on oaks and scrapes. What iv learned.... look for producing oaks there's gonna be mid October deer activity. Be willing to work harder then the other guys. Some areas are kayak access. Waders or 3 mile hikes. To my surprise I'm not the only one paying attention. Iv found multiple cameras in very hard access areas I was shocked to see one. Iv also found what I believe is a giant living 100 yards off the rd. I found his bed, a shredded tree with blood and velvet on it. And a textbook scrape. Wich luckily I had a camera left to hang over. I got plans to acquire another 6-8 cams and deploy them into some of these areas until after rifle season to get a better idea about these new spots. To say the least I'm freaking jacked about this bow season. Iv never put in so much work in my life.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/13 17:40:38
I have two cameras I check regularly in my woods, nothing worth chasing has come by yet. However, this summer we had very large coyotes back there. Haven't seen them since July. I set 4 cameras up at another property I hunt, unfortunately I forgot the exact spot of two of them and the brush is doing a great job of hiding them from me. The other two had some decent bucks (6-8 point), and turkey wandering near my main stand. I'm going to ride back there Sunday and do a final inspection of my stands and hopefully locate and extract my missing trail cameras SD cards.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/15 08:28:07
I always drop points on my cameras. Because iv lost them before well couldn't effectively relocate them lol .... best of luck to everyone may your quivers be full of bloody arrows. And long drags with big racks!
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/17 10:49:19
My body decided to sleep in this AM. Hopefully some of ya had some luck. Wasn't highly motivated after I checked my trail cams at my close property this week and found another trail cam 10 yds away from one of them that wasn't there before so moved it and at the other camera, saw two guys in street clothes checking out the woods that then spotted my cam. Good thing is, it was still there. Think they may be oil well workers checking the two wells on this property since there were fresh truck tracks in the puddles. A shame since I saw what looked like a decent racked buck on the cam but it was blurry since it was running, so hard to tell for sure. I was whooped anyways. Took a vacay day yesterday up to the MILs who is still recovering from breast cancer surgery. Dropped off a truckload of wood I gathered up earlier this week then cut another load while I was up there. Then, spent 2.5 hours weed eating her yard while the wife cut on the zero turn. 3 acres of lawn with multiple out buildings,sheds, fenced garden, trees, pond and rock walls/landscaping make for a lot of trimming esp. When most hasn't been done all summer.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/19 07:52:11
Ended up seeing 4 deer. Bumped 3 on the walk in for the evening hunt and had a doe at 22 yards that never gave me a good angle. It felt good to be back in a tree.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/26 07:49:40
This past Saturday afternoon movement was really early. I ended up seeing 6 does and a small buck. Everything was before 4:30. Almost got a shot at a doe walking in. She was feeding on acorns and I got to about 25 yards before she made me out. I never did get a clear shot. The rest were too far.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/26 09:07:33
Only one deer seen on stand so far, in two sits, and it was a small doe (I think). Went Saturday afternoon near where I shot my 9 point least year where I was getting fairly regular movement and nothing but squirrels and chippies. Went home to check my trail camera there and a 1.5 hrs before I got there on Sat., a guy was walking his dog in the woods. Went by at 2pm ish and saw him coming back through at 330ish. Could explain the "no movement" there. Just found out my one honey hole up north near Gibsonia got sold and closed in late August. Never even got the chance to hunt there last year or put a camera out. Need to write a letter to see if I can secure permission from the new owners. Not hopeful though.
post edited by eyesandgillz - 2022/09/26 19:13:08
fishin coyote
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/09/26 13:12:16
I'm not in an SRA but have a camera on an oak that's dropping and last week it had 700+ videos on it. Strangely most of the bucks were late morning early afternoon feeders. Good luck to those who are getting out this weekend
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/05 16:11:11
Season has been pretty decent so far, sat in the rain first day saw 6 does and one deer I couldn't make out. Monday morning had 8 does and a smaller 7 pt feed through from daybreak till 930 and then this morning had 6 does come through. Had easy shooting on big does each morning but a drag of about 2 miles had me watch them go by. Back at it Saturday.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/06 10:11:19
I have seen one small doe here in 2B, on 5 or 6 sits so far. Not looking like it will be a good early season for me. Cams have doe on them in spots but I have been getting a lot of people and yotes too. Oh well. Hopefully it gets better as the season progresses.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/09 06:56:59
Had a couple of decent sits Friday and Saturday. Seen 6 does. Had a mama and fawn come through and bed down within range for a few hours. I thought about taking her but the older I get the less I want to shoot a doe with little ones early in the fall. As my ground deer stash gets lower, the urge gets greater though! Finally got a decent buck on camera as well.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/21 19:50:03
Everyone quit hunting? Iv been out 8 times all one sit areas hang and bangs. It's been ehh productive I suppose passed 7 bucks so far. One was the nicest iv ever had the opportunity to shoot and didn't. Pure greed kept him alive. Because he was a 7pt and I killed one last year hope he survives. Hope I don't regret it. I got like 6 9pts I'm chasing and I know there's much bigger bucks around. It's scrape week now I'll be out in the am for sure. Then after this week I'm taking off temp drop sweet November, tags getting filled
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fishin coyote
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/21 20:04:50
Been slow in my area. The only bucks I’ve seen have been little ones. The bigger ones are around I have them on camera, just not seeing them while hunting. Got a bunch of vacation to use in the next couple of weeks so hopefully my luck changes.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/21 20:13:15
I missed a little over a week with the Rona. Today was my first day back at it saw 3 does n a4 pt in the morning. One small doe this evening. My son had a better evening seeing 4 does, a smaller 8 and a 5 pt. Alot of fresh scrapes seen on my wall in. Got 8 days off starting next Friday. Will spend most of it in the stand.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/24 12:22:22
Worst season for me, in my memory, hunting 2B. Finally saw my first "buck", if you can call it that, Sat. morning. Spike that probably could have been shot as a doe. Saw a doe as well. Did get down around 9:45am to walk out the bench I was hunting to scout a little. Kicked out a smaller racked buck and a doe and a couple fawns about 50 yds from my trail camera. Not sure if they were bedded or working my way and stopped when the fellas on the hillside above me started weed whacking at 9:15am. Oh the joy of hunting the suburbs. Did get a surprise on my trail cam and got vid of a bobcat. First for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDzlIbWC2Dc
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/24 14:41:01
I have passed on some does. Finally had a shooter buck on camera in the daylight. 9:30 and 11:30 he was moving past one of my stands last week. I went in there this weekend and had deer around me but elected to hold off in case he was around, which he wasn't.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/27 09:04:20
Deer were moving around last night with the cooler, wet weather and wind. Kicked a buck out on the walk in (didn't see horns, just the tail, but smelled the tarsal glands when I walked the path he took off on). Saw the saw 3 or 4 doe multiple times from the stand starting at 5:30pm and until it got dark. The one doe was being pushed by a small 3 or 4 point and she wanted nothing to do with him I put out one drop of doe in heat once I was up in the stand and let it hit the ground an then put some Evercalm on a branch up high. The one doe was downwind of me multiple times, knew something was up....but I think the mixture of scents (including mine), had her confused as she kept circling and coming back. Strong wind probably diluted my scent somewhat too and it is VERY suburban so, that came into play as well. Almost hit a 2.5 yr old 6 or 8 point on my way back home, saw a bunch more deer along the road live and plenty of roadkills. Kicking myself for not being in the stand this morning.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/29 11:28:08
Hunted Thurs evening saw 5 does and a big 9 I was targeting coming on a string, caught me grabbing my bow and busted me. No option for a shot. This am I seen 2 does and at 720 rattled in another target 9pt , caught a wiff of me it was so calm. No shot again, needed to take 2 steps. He has no idea how close he was to taking a ride in the Honda
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/31 08:17:20
Still have not laid my eyes on a legal buck in daylight. My rutcation starts this Wednesday but the weather looks like it is going to be warm and the moon getting brighter. A recipe for great night time activity and slowwwwww during the day.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/10/31 15:06:52
Got a vid of a decent one finally. Seems to have a lot of points on his right side. I moved this camera to one of 4 new scrapes about 100 yds from this location. Hopefully it is him making the scrapes. Only a few videos over the 3+ weeks this cam was out so not a place I want to spend a lot of time. https://youtu.be/7oHc023QAS8
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/11/05 19:30:19
Slowest November for me ever thus far based on the records I keep. The highlight thus far was having a bobcat walk directly under my stand this morning. I sure hope it picks up next week. The weather is not helping. My best day so far is two bucks seen.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/11/06 07:27:41
Hunted every day since last Friday. All day each day with the exception of the last two afternoons off cause of the heat but only seen 3 legal bucks and 11 bucks total. Slow for me as well. Stopped at the taxidermist last night, he said it seems to be way behind a typical year for deer coming into his shop.
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Re: 2022_2023 Archery Season Thread
2022/11/06 08:06:31
Wednesday night I grunted a nice 8pt in he slipped in down wind and got me. I was in an absolute mess of tangles there was no shot. Thursday I had a big 6pt cruise by and find a doe he chased here around until dark. My buddy shot a great 8pt that evening. I did not hunt Friday or Saturday. Waiting for a drop in Temps
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky