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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/07/16 20:18:43
Now for the story of the day. It's a 3 parter so enjoy. We left my house at 7AM. I had all the gear stowed, or so I thought, and we headed out. I'm on RT 388 so we go the back way. Down my road to 168 to 19 to 80 to 79. I know Grove City is a bit shorter, but thas how I go. We hit right by the 62 exit on 79 and I notice the cooler is open. I don't want the ice to melt, so I pulled over before the exit and get out to close it. I had the sickest look on my face and felt like I was gonna vomit. My passenger asked "Whats a matter". I say, " The whole bag of harnesses are gone, they musta blew out". Now it's not the money, as everyone knows. It's the time and labor in tying them all. Some favorite colors, favorite blades. Heck some blades you can't even get anymore. Kinda like loosing a box of flies. So I high tail it off and back on 79, hit 80 doing 80 and land on 19. All the while we are scanning the other lane hoping to see this bag. We start down 19 towards home. I figure, I'm gonna a havta drive all the way back to the house, then jump in the passenger seat and tie friggin harnesses the whole ride up. On top of all that, still look for this lost bag. We're going down 19 and get right past the old Springfeild Inn. Take that bend and up the hill. What do we spy with our little eyes.... my bag of gear. Dam near spike the brakes, hit a side road, spin around and back out. He jumps out, snatches it up and laughed the whole way up to the lake. *whew* number one first disaster averted. Now for number two.... it was raining a little on the way up so I pulled the plug out. Now before you say, everyone has launched a boat without the plug once or twice, let me tell ya, it's way better than that. We drive to Walnut and see there was not a parking spot to be had, so off to Elk we went. Pull down the hill, get out and do the do. Straps, lights, ect ect. But before that, I screw that plug in. I'm backing down and Frankie yells, "You put that plug in?" I'm like "ye sir!". So off the trailer she slides and I park. Walk down, jump in start the motor and he yells "Water!" I look down and the back is filling up nicely with some of the finest Elk Creek swamp water you can find. Flip the blige on and she's a pumping, and pumping and pumping. Shut the motor down, jump out then I reach around the motor and take the plug out of the live well intake and put it where it goes. Disaster averted once again. He raked me over the coals for a good bit about that today. Nows the best part. We started turning gear in 38 to 41. Lots mark's, lots of fish. We weeded through I don't know how many to get 6. I don't keep them smaller than 16" and probably shouldn't keep them smaller than 17". After almost allday out there, I had a tip in my pocket that said "go into 28 to 30 if you're having trouble punching out". We hit that area, caught about 10 in a half an hour. Picked the biggest ones from those, 18s" and 19s" with the biggest being 20". We ran out of worms, so I used a Gulp nightcrawler and Frank finished with a black Powerworm. Go figure that! I know that's a long one and I hope yinz enjoy. Moral of the story, anything and everything can happen on a Big Lake trip. People act like it's easy. Run up, get your 12 and come home. For us smaller boat guys, it's not just a job it's an adventure. Throw in those 2s, that were supposed to be 1s or less, outta the NorthEast and we had our work cut out for us. Just onetime I wanna sit in a passenger chair and not have to worry about anything but reef em in😆.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/07/16 21:04:40
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/07/17 12:29:22
Reading your post made me think about my boat plug practices. I bought my boat in 97 and I have probably taken the plug out only 2 or 3 times since then. Any water from rain or rough seas, while fishing, I remove with the bilge pump. The boat is stored in my garage. After some googling, it seems I am in a very small minority that doesn't pull the plug every trip. I realize the type of boat is a big factor since in many larger boats you can't see in the bilge. I have a 16ft tiller, and I can easily look under my rear deck and see the bilge and my internal plug. Original I had a 40hp, but in 2011 I downgraded to a 20hp for obvious reasons. Any water in the bilge is easily seen in the performance of the 20hp. I was surprised the number of states, mostly midwestern and western, that have laws requiring you to remove the plug when on the trailer due to the spread of invasive aquatics. Could not find any PA requirements. The shallow water bite seems to be hanging on longer this year. I was surprised to see the near-shore water temp at 69F last week.
post edited by JerryS - 2022/07/17 12:38:52
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/07/17 12:33:51
Always a good practice to remove the plug due to invasives. If not, at least splash a little bleach in there at the end of the day.....will kill off the crud, make it smell better and will break down by the time you head back to the lake.....
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/07/26 21:59:09
I can't imagine a better walleye fishery than what Lake Erie is right now. Instead of Elk, we went outta Walnut. Same same. Meat on dips, 45+FOW. Only change was they were stuck down on that bottom. Not too much suspended today. I brought the 14yr old for her first trip ever. Needless to say, she'll be back 😆. She's been telling everyone she outfished me but what she wont tell ya is, I gave up all the grade-A gear after she lost/destroyed what she started with. I don't care, they're all going to tha same place Cuzzie. I was kinda happy not fishing for that last couple hours. I manned the tiller and worked the net.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/07/27 18:21:32
pensfan1 I can't imagine a better walleye fishery than what Lake Erie is right now. Instead of Elk, we went outta Walnut. Same same. Meat on dips, 45+FOW. Only change was they were stuck down on that bottom. Not too much suspended today. I brought the 14yr old for her first trip ever. Needless to say, she'll be back 😆. She's been telling everyone she outfished me but what she wont tell ya is, I gave up all the grade-A gear after she lost/destroyed what she started with. I don't care, they're all going to tha same place Cuzzie. I was kinda happy not fishing for that last couple hours. I manned the tiller and worked the net.
That’s what I say when I get out fished too! Good for her and proud poppa! Good work. Beats the heck out of work and sitting in a hotel in central Ohio!
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/07/27 20:53:05
Glad to hear pensfan! Great job getting her out for a good catching day!
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/04 19:01:07
Thinking about Saturday. Should it be Walnut inclose 28 to 30, or should we go outta Shades? Less than 2 miles and you're in 60FOW up that end. I'd like to try and find some bigger fish, but it's hard with all the 2 n 3 yr olds eating everything in site. Lemmie know, jus ask'IN jus say'IN.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/05 09:12:16
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/05 12:37:53
That weather isn't supposed to start till evenging.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/06 17:02:02
Copy n paste last couple from the reports page. Double ticket. Shades 55 to 60 FOW. #1 disps with meat. Some better ones today and we didn't kill anything under 17". Great weather. Minimal waves, zero bugs and we were done before it real hot. The Big Lake was kind and she didn't disappoint today.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/11 09:24:58
Anybody been drifting/casting for walleyes instead of trolling?
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/11 09:46:50
psu_fish Anybody been drifting/casting for walleyes instead of trolling?
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/11 09:56:45
psu_fish Anybody been drifting/casting for walleyes instead of trolling?
Perch Pirate.
True, but I want to go out on my own boat, not a headboat. Wasnt sure if guys that are drifting are getting more junk fish then trolling
Moses Guthrie
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/11 11:33:27
☄ Helpfulby psu_fish 2022/08/11 14:32:52
Camp neighbor has been getting 3-4 man limits drifting every time he goes out which is a few times a week. He hasn't complained about junk fish too much.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/11 12:06:29
Ya what Mo said. I would say half the boats we saw Saturday were drifting. We also say a few of those guys casting and jigging. Probably some sort of bladebait or lip less crank. Honestly, with ANY ability, you can catch them with any method used. It's solid hooks on the screen starting in the low 50s. I myself like that dispey fishing right now.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/14 08:22:41
Just when I thought catching was a no brainer, she put me in my place yesterday. Whether it was all the boat traffic or maybe that full moon last few nights put em outta whack or maybe I was just due for a bad day, who knows?? Tons of marks, many color changes and presentations but nuttin seemed to work. We got tons of little ones, heck I even got 2 on 1 harness. My smartest move was cut our losses and bounce by 2PM. 5 hours and 1 keeper was enough beating to take. Eh, there will be more trips to be taken, hopefully🤞. In words of the immortal Forest Gump.... "That's all I have to say about that ". 😆
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/08/15 06:04:58
Moses Guthrie
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/15 00:05:05
Pens, they were there and willing. 4 man eye box on Saturday. Sunday was murder, 4 man box of eyes and heads. Numerous doubles and triples, had 6 fish on at the same time at one point.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/15 06:06:30
Looks like you were further out then I like to venture. Thas a pile of fish. 👍💪. I'm getting a bigger boat😆
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/15 08:38:16
Dang, that is a pile of fish! Good work.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/19 18:23:45
Sweet Redemption!!! 2 man 63to65 FOW outta Shades. No worms were harmed in making this report. 😁 All metal on dispeys. #1 140 on 3 setting. Really nice average on them also. Best we've seen this year. Great info from a guy coming in as we launched. Hope he's reading this, cause he was spot on with the info. 💪🐟
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/19 19:39:21
Good deal Pens. We have been messing around with random soft plastics on harnesses instead of worms and doing quite well.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/19 20:00:55
I used spoons for the first time ever today. Stopped by the store and picked up a small assortment for next time.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/25 19:16:26
☄ Helpfulby Fisherlady2 2022/08/27 07:24:07
Fish died again today. Spoons took most. Meat cleaned it up and got the last 4. 62 to 64 FOW. Talked to guys coming in. Most ran out to The Mountain and beyond. 70 to 80 FOW. I was throwing one in the box while another boat was motoring by. I started acting the fool. Giving em the wave and such. They swung by and came inclose to check on us. We were fine but I kinda found that very refreshing and appreciated it. Great to know there are guys out there willing to check on someone to make sure everything was OK. Thanks fellas if you're out there. 👍. Most were 18 to 20 inch range with these 4 thrown in . That board is 24" wide.
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/08/26 16:30:36
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/26 16:32:01
I still can't understand why I can post a pic taken with an iPhone but anything I take with my Samsung never works.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/26 17:47:11
One of those eyes ate you Samsung. Hope this helpa.
Moses Guthrie
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/08/27 19:49:23
I always need to compress my photos taken on Android before posting.
Quick 4 man box today, 7 color core and bangos did most of the damage fishing 65-70 ft of water.
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2022/09/02 16:44:09
post edited by pensfan1 - 2022/09/02 18:30:48
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Re: Mushy walleye fillets
2023/04/18 07:42:59