Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
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Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
My wife has inspired me to buy a new rifle — lol. She was purging old jewelry the other day, getting rid (selling) pieces she had not worn in many years and had no sentimental value. This got me looking at my guns and realizing that I have a few that not only have I not used in a long time, I probably won’t use again. To that end, I decided to divest myself of a few (have not done so yet) and put together a rifle package that I will use. What I am trying (not very successfully) to put together is an ugly weather (read that as SS or coated barrel and action and synthetic stock), PA deer rifle for hunting from a tree stand (read that as weight isn’t too important, but length is). Further, the two properties I hunt have limited shooting distances of less than 125 yards. My first inclination was a shorter bolt action (it must be a bolt gun), so a short action cartridge like a .308. The .308 was chosen, again for the short action, but also semi mild recoil (I’m planning on installing a suppressor to take the recoil to near zero) and the ability to use a heavier bullet (165-180 grain, probably in a ballistic tip or something similar) that would, with a shoulder placed shot, remove the possibility of the deer getting off my property and onto the neighbor’s, who considers your land as their land and their land as don’t encroach an inch on mine. I had several makes and models of rifles in mind to look at to see what I was drawn to, but after visiting about a dozen gun shops, small to huge, the reality of supply chain issues has hit home since I was only able to find one of the makes/models I was looking for and although it was in the .308 caliber, it was not the version of the model I had any interest in. Since I could not find 5 of 6 of the make/model I wanted to check out, I was forced to look at some different makes/models that I had not considered before. The problem was, none are available in current inventories in .308 and the shops (and to the same extent, the internet) have zero prediction on when they may see the supply chain change. Because of a boom in popularity, however, there were several rifles I would consider, in current inventories, that are chambered for 6.5 Creedmore. However, other than what I have read, I know nothing about this heavy-for-caliber round. Does anyone have actual experience with a 6.5 Creedmore that you would like to share? Accuracy? Recoil? Results on animals shot? Bullet preferences? Any help would be appreciated. I would normally just wait until what I am looking for became available, but the suppressor permit takes so long (was 6-9 months with the paper forms, but now that the system has switched to e-forms and fingerprints it is 12-14 months instead of the 3 that was promised —lol), that I want to get this moving along.
post edited by DarDys - 2022/02/25 12:32:15
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/02/25 20:29:29
I personally don't own and never will a 6.5 creed. It's just another fan boy caliber that's been around for years. It just got popular idk why. It's no better then anything else. Couple buddies bought them in various models and makes. It's just fine for deer. I'll stick to my 308 or 300 mag if I was going to elk hunt or 7mm. Realistically Nothing is that much better then anything else ballistics wise by a large margin. Imo it's more about the availability of ammo. I almost got a 28 nosler until I seen it was 5$ a bullet I was out pretty past ha.
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/02/26 08:44:26
I, too, had no real interest in a 6.5, preferring a .308, but at times, one needs to face reality and the reality here is the supply chain. I was in a dozen gun stores and all total, there were three .308 in stock (all had them ordered, some told me that orders they placed in late 2019 are slated to be delivered in mid 2023, maybe).
None of the .308 in stock fit my criteria — either the barrel was too long, 24-26, which would be unwieldy when a suppressor is added, or they were not threaded for a suppressor.
Those same gun shops had dozens of 6.5 in stock, although only one of the six makes/models I wanted to check out because I had never handled them. I had seen the ones they had in stock before and some would work fine if I could get some real world experiences with the 6.5. That’s why I posted this thread.
I have already missed the paper permit process window to get the suppressor before this year’s rifle season, but am hoping the ATF gets their e-form system on track and I can get the tax stamp and suppressor before this season. But that means getting a rifle before the end of March.
While the rifle is not needed to start the suppressor process, it kind of is. The suppressor is serialized to the purchaser only at the time of application, so that means I need to buy a suppressor with the correct thread pattern to fit the rifle I buy. There is no “standard” thread pattern, but rather three popular ones. I need to know the specific one before starting the suppressor process.
As stated in the original post, this is for PA deer, in the woods, under 125 yards. I’m done elk hunting, in fact, one of the rifles I will divest myself of is a long range rifle in .300 Weatherby.
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/02/26 18:08:17
I hunt with a Remington 788 carbine with an 18 inch barrel, in 7mm-08. Flat shooter. Awesome balance. With Hornady superformance sst's in 139gr. bullets, has no problems knocking them down. Maybe something to consider. BH
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/02/26 20:54:18
My nephew’s son lives in Charlotte NC. He recently sent me a picture of a nice buck he harvested. Used a 6.5 Creedmore. Said he took it at 280 yards.
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/02/28 14:29:45
I don't own a creed but have several buddies that do and have shot theirs. 6.5 is considered by many caliber snobs to be the most efficient diameter from a ballistic coefficient standpoint. For those that want to shoot the "latest and greatest" or those that just like to shoot something different, there is an attraction there. For those that just want to have a good shooting rifle that is ideal for deer sized game, the creed fits that bill nicely. So does the 260 Remington, 7mm-08, and 308. The differences between all of them on deer is splitting hairs.
post edited by dpms - 2022/02/28 15:49:52
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/02/28 15:55:48
That’s what I was thinking (to the last three posters). Back in the day, I was a BC, velocity, and flatness geek.
For a custom .257 Weatherby, I went through about 30 different bullets and 8 different powders with loads worked from min to max for each bullet and each powder. All shots were run through a chronograph and velocity, with standard deviations were noted, along with the averages of a minimum of five five-shot groups.
It was a fun exercise at the time, but none of the deer shot with any of the different loads killed the deer any deader than another.
At one point, I had shot over 30 deer with not a single repeat on load used — different calibers, different bullets, different powders, different powder charges, etc. None of those deer survived or came back from the dead.
I was shying away from the 6.5, for no good reason other than not wanting to give in to the cult of popularity. But, with the supply chain being what it is, especially for rifles not produced domestically, and inventories being what they are, I may have to give in to the dark side in order to get the suppressor process rolling within the next 30 days.
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/03/01 00:37:08
Been shooting a Ruger #1 in 0/6 for many years--even in these short years for ammo supplies can always find something appropriate. Availability of ammo would be a huge factor to me My youngest often shoots a Marlin .356 336 with presentation wood-talk about hard hitting--wow - ammo is near impossible to find
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/03/01 09:07:06
Agreed. For short action rifles, .308; .243; and 6.5 seem to have ammo readily available. 7MM-08 is a bit tougher to find.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/03/01 09:46:51
I’ve always had the urge for a single shot rifle. Back when, the Browning was the jewel.
When in a gun store last week, they had a dozen of them, obviously used because they haven’t been made in a long time, but all in great condition and in various calibers. It took a lot to walk by and leave them there.
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/03/01 12:21:34
DarDys I’ve always had the urge for a single shot rifle. Back when, the Browning was the jewel.
I bought a TC Encore frame some years ago. Since then I added a 22/250 and 7mm magnum rifle barrels to my collection and a 454 Casull pistol barrel. I carried the 454 and the 22/250 a bit this past deer season.
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/03/01 15:29:52
What is the recoil like with the 454?
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/03/01 16:23:52
Perhaps a 350 Legend is in order for shots of 125 yards and in.
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/03/01 16:30:12
I’m looking for the suppressor to reduce the recoil to zero. That’s probably not happening in that caliber, even if I could find a rifle chambered for it, which may be impossible if I cannot find a more popular.308
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/03/30 09:53:53
Have you made up your mind yet?
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/03/30 11:16:25
Yeah, no, sort of, maybe — lol.
I’m leaning toward the 6.5 simply because more stores have those in stock, so I could make a decision on a rifle and get one almost instantly, which would provide me with the thread pattern information I need to get the suppressor process rolling.
Under the conditions I intend to use this rifle, I think this decision on caliber might be one of “dead is dead and one doesn’t kill a deer any deader than the other.”
At this point, though, I am in the process of divesting myself of three guns — I don’t use them anymore; haven’t shot them in 10 years; have no one to pass them on to upon death — that I will use to finance this new rifle/scope/suppressor set-up.
I’ve put some feelers out, but no takers yet. There is a gun show a buddy does in April that I can take them to that may have a wider audience. But I also got offers to sell them to The offer on one is slightly more than what I had as a target price. The offer on a second one is 8% less than what I had in mind (although I pulled my value out of my butt with no real data, do they might be correct). Still waiting for an offer on the third (expect that today),
Does anyone have any experience with, particularly selling yo them?
The last thing I want to do is ship guns to them, they do and inspection (that is the process), and come back with a lower value based on some degree of cosmetics (I was completely honest about the one having “hunting scratches and marks, they other two are pristine), and they are holding my gun hostage unless I agree to the new value.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/04/01 12:06:38
Well, pulled the trigger on a rifle yesterday (pun definitely intended).
I made the mistake of taking my wife to look at rifles and she just fell in love with the Christensen Mesa in the green stock with the bronze cerakote barrel and action. It didn’t hurt that I actually liked the feel of the rifle.
They had the Zeiss Conquest V 4-14X50mm scope with the illuminated reticle that I wanted, so putting a package together, minus the suppressor, was available. The only question was on trade value for the guns I wanted to divest myself of. I set a limit on taking a hit of no more than $300 in total (didn’t care how it broke down gun to gun)below what I was offered by because it would save me shipping them and dealing with a company I, nor anyone I know, has dealt with.
On gun 1, they came in less than $50 shy of what I was offered.
On gun 2, they were off by $185, but this was the gun I was concerned about having hunting blemishes that might have been an issue (it is rated at about 90%, but that is so subjective) once I shipped it.
On gun 3, they weren’t even in the ballpark — coming in at about 50% of value and of what I was offered. That one went back home with me to be shipped if the one lead I have falls through. I might try to trade it at the gun shop where I’ll get the suppressor.
The rifle is a 6.5 Creedmore because that is what they had and because my wife liked it (they had one in stock).
Now off to do the 50 shot barrel break-in. If anyone has ammo suggestions, I’m all ears.
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/08/02 10:43:39
They had the Zeiss Conquest V 4-14X50mm scope with the illuminated reticle that I wanted, so putting a package together, minus the suppressor, was available. The only question was on trade value for the guns I wanted to divest myself of. I set a limit on taking a hit of no more than $300 in total (didn’t care how it broke down gun to gun)below what I was offered by because it would save me shipping them and dealing with a company I, nor anyone I know, has dealt with.
Really nice choice, Zeiss is a banger scope manufacturer. Regarging 6.5 Creedmore - it's fine. Pretty much just that. Got very popular and now every ammo maker company has those in stock which is nice. Overall, it's pretty good round, but severely overhyped imo. Personally, I'm mostly running .308. I have a bunch of good quality 9mm ammo in my disposal since most of my carries like or Emissary, and even Hellcat - are all in 9mm. It's somewhat convinient to shop for same caliber for both you everyday carry and hunting.
post edited by Jtanner - 2022/08/12 03:19:30
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/08/08 18:51:00
I put 24 rounds through it using the Christensen break-in method. First group was 3/4, last one was 3/8, sand bad rest only. It was cool to see the groups tighten up as the process was followed.
I plan on finishing the break-in as stipulated, but want to wait until my suppressor is released to me to see if that makes any difference. Yesterday was 4 months since e-form application. It was promised by the ATF that the wait time using the electronic system would be no more than 3 months. The quickest I personally know of is 5 months.
As for the 6.5, no idea what it will do on a deer, but I did find it interesting that the point of impact for the 129 grain and 143 grain that I tested was identical at 100 yards. That may, probably, will change at longer distances, but I’m not to that point in testing yet.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Any experience with 6.5 Creedmore?
2022/08/09 07:44:37
DarDys As for the 6.5, no idea what it will do on a deer, but I did find it interesting that the point of impact for the 129 grain and 143 grain that I tested was identical at 100 yards. That may, probably, will change at longer distances, but I’m not to that point in testing yet.
That sounds a bit odd, but yeah, I'd assume 143 grain should perform better at longer distance. Let me know if you try it out at higher range, since my 6.5 is at another state currently: my dad took it for his hunting trip(he wanted to try it out for a long time, just couldn't stop by before hunting season before)