Helpful ReplyPymatuning Bust

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2021/03/21 22:02:15 (permalink)

Pymatuning Bust

Went up to Pymatuning on Saturday.  I have been hearing of good perch fishing at ice out.  Well the ice is out, the weather was beautiful and a great day to be out but the catching was not.  I was told to find the boats which I did find and there were many of them in one bay but I saw few fish caught.  It was a long drive to not get a bite. 
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/22 10:10:42 (permalink)
I would give it another try in a week or two. The warmer that water gets the better the fishing will get in the bays. TIGHT LINES!
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/22 13:42:33 (permalink)
 Heading up Tuesday mid morning with my son and brother. Have a lot to get ready for boat and gear yet. Told son he can leave another boat at camp so he don't have to tow back. Plus it will give me more needed room at home. Be nice just to get out. Ov course he leaves me the chore to get everything ready for the boat, anchors, life jackets, fish finders, batteries, food, rods/reels, tackle and so forth. He'll show up and say "you ready ?" 
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/23 21:42:50 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby rippinlip 2021/03/27 05:21:08
  My brother bailed out, said he is only good for a couple hrs. not a all day outing. Made it to lake around noon. Lake was too low for our Crappie spots, haven't fished it enough to know deeper areas this time of year and didn't want to spend time today searching. Could have moved to where a small pack of boats where catching them but would rather catch nothing than do that.
 Ended up keeping 77 nice Perch and 14 10-12" Crappie. Bunch of borderline Perch released. Had the area to ourselves so that was nice. Have them packed in ice for the night so they are easy to fillet tomorrow. Good day out with my son and saw 3 Eagles.
 He wants to go take me after the morning rain tomorrow.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2021/03/23 21:51:41
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/23 22:33:30 (permalink)
I heard all those bays have like a foot of water in em. That whole system from Pymie down to Shenago need some heavy down pours. Maybe this weather coming thru will help.
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/23 23:06:36 (permalink)
 Yeah it sucks with a float 12" from jig. Plus all the green slime vegetation floating around. Better off finding a channel close by.  
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/26 10:22:58 (permalink)
Been getting plenty of crappie and perch and gills....cant imagine not getting any bites on that lake did you have a hook on your line?Water is terribly low and its tough fishing at times dealing with all the algae but the fish are still there.WCW
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/26 11:30:54 (permalink)
Walleye trolling on those spawning flats should be full force by next week.
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/26 12:04:00 (permalink)
Maybe I need to take all the hockey and hunting gear off my boat and see if my motor still fires up?   At least if I stay local, I know I only need the electric motors.  I hope it still floats....
I am sure my trailer will need some work and lights.....I hate trailer lights!!!
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/26 13:31:55 (permalink)
 Didn't go back out the other day. Told my son to take it easy and slow down for a day and we can go house/property hunting around the area instead. Had him put new stickers (registrations) on some ov his boats up here. Told him to list at least one for sale while he is here. Have multiple interest in the Pro Fisherman sine he listed it yesterday. Hope it's outta here this afternoon . Said this nice pontoon no one uses gotta go soon and start listing a few more at home.
  Very little rain up north end of lake so far last night/morning and only a tiny short drizzle yesterday. Nasty winds this morning. Low fishing pressure on lake compared too same time last year.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2021/03/26 13:36:34
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/27 05:26:42 (permalink)
Crappie did you axe Timmy if he had a trolling motor for sale? I'm looking for a radio too. The kind for a boat that mounts like a car stereo. I spent the last few days wiring the trailer and cleaning the boat. The mice made the boat into a condo and ate the wiring.

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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/28 14:20:13 (permalink)
Thanks for the encouragement fjel5472.  I haven't been up Pymatuning fishing in about 30 years so I am pretty rusty on the lake, nevertheless I saw very few caught by other fisherman.  Thinking I might give it another try on Tuesday, the weather looks good.  As you mentioned, it should be a little warmer.  I was marking 48 deg in the bays when I was up last week.
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/29 16:50:08 (permalink)
Crappie did you axe Timmy if he had a trolling motor for sale? I'm looking for a radio too. The kind for a boat that mounts like a car stereo. I spent the last few days wiring the trailer and cleaning the boat. The mice made the boat into a condo and ate the wiring.
 I'd message him on FB. He hordes stuff so might be hard for him to let go. He bought 22 shopping bags filled with Lucky Craft and Rapala lures and a ton ov other fishin' stuff this week and doubt if he will sell any any time soon. 

post edited by crappiefisher - 2021/03/29 17:22:39
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/29 17:59:38 (permalink)
I'm actually looking for a couple things, also. Handheld Marine radio and a lead melter. The kind that the mold slides under the spout and you use the the lever/handle to pour. Everytime I go on Janns or another site that carries them, they're out of stock. Lemmie knw. Thx Duud.
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/29 21:37:10 (permalink)
 He has quite a few ov those. Like I said he hoards 'em though. He has two very large (BIG HEAVY) gas ones and one the same size that is 220 volt electric. Little over 700 discs (Frisbee size) rubber molds, a press to make his own creations and two huge machines that run off a air compressor and elec. that you pour lead into that hold the disc molds and then they spin to make whatever the mold has product designed. He hasn't used the disc molds lately but said he has to have 'em.  3 plate machines that will silver, gold, brass, copper plate spoons and so forth. Some stuff is pretty interesting... how many air brushes does one person need??
 Big reason I was out property hunting with him the other day so he can move his fishing lures etc. crap from his brothers houses and buildings and my 2 places into his own. He has $20,000 more lures on the way next month that he wants to save  He has no clue what he has. was up barn last week with him and I said what are you going to do with this one and a half ton ov different powder paint?? He said he forgot about having it  Unbelievable how some people can hoard. 
  100 times worse, he buys out the fishing hoarders and businesses that passed on or retired.
  Guess if doomsday comes the fishing tackle will be worth gold to survivors.   
post edited by crappiefisher - 2021/03/29 22:56:18
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/29 22:50:21 (permalink)
 He had a surprise when we went fishing last week. I packed everything for the trip. He uses rods $200 ++ when he goes and same with reels. I packed old whippy 2 piece rods from the 50's--60's -- 70's,  old Johnson and stuff like Mitchell 308 reels. Should ov seen his face when he picked up one of 'em. He didn't complain and told him I would have been in heaven if I had one of these when I was a kid. Love those old rods to this day.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2021/03/29 22:54:16
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/29 23:04:24 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby JerryS 2021/04/01 07:41:09
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I'm looking for one of these.


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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/29 23:31:18 (permalink)
  Yeah I know he prob. has a dozen. I can ask him but that will be fruitless.
 He has buildings loaded where you can hardly move with fishing tackle that is not for sale in his eyes. He sells a few things that he is comfortable with and does ok for now. It's like as Spoonie would say "it's like nailing Jello to a wall." Finally got him to unload some lures but make sure that colors/make/ ain't rare and stuff like that.
 I'll see if he can find one new for you online and then I'll message you the link (in stock) 
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/29 23:49:55 (permalink)
 I  asked and he said most are out of stock like you said. This was his response after that.......

People are wanting a lot for them. I have a bunch but some need parts... You can get free parts from lee


Tim sent Today at 11:45 PM
The lee pots all drip eventually... Tell him he is better off buying a lyman or rcbs.. they are more $$$ but worth it
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/30 11:15:59 (permalink)
Crappie...I think you and the brothers are what they call "enablers."  
Put it on the curb and say come get it or the garbage man gets it....pretty simple.  
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/03/30 13:22:02 (permalink)
 Believe me it's been done more than once. Threw out the second floor window a truckload of gortex fishing/hunting clothing, super nice stuff but he had a warning. Ended up taking it for trash day. My brother took a pallet ov Berkley power bait worms/minnows/lizards and turned 'em into fire starters, he was just a little drunk that night lol. He had the balls to buy out a working mans store a few moths ago, mostly Carhartt, boots and tons of clothing. He dropped of a truck and trailer load at my place when wasn't home. Rest he filled up his brothers empty 2nd floor that he was getting ready to remodel. Made him get rid of the the other stuff he brought here after I picked over what I wanted and I kept a 5' carved Mountain Lion climbing down a cliff. Thought he was done at the store and 3 weeks ago to my surprise brings back 2 more truck/trailer loads Nice quality stuff but enough is enough. If he don't get rid ov the 33 vintage very high end stereo crap from there soon I will.
  His mommy sticks up for him   
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/04/01 11:36:33 (permalink)
 My last and finale post on venting about him. Just today 2 cars a truck, washer/dryer and two air conditioners come here. 13,000 lbs. ov soft lead to his brothers place. Sure hope he buys a place with buildings asp. He did go get me 500 sf ov Maple 3/4" hardwood flooring a rug and antique farm sink the other day so I'm not helping in the matter. Not a April Fools prank.  
  He may fish Pymie day after Easter.
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/04/01 13:13:17 (permalink)
Thanks for asking him Chris. I got the wiring finished on the boat trailer and the navigation lights weren't working. Fixed them and the horn was broke.Just about had to rewire the whole boat. I need a cat.

You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/04/01 16:33:22 (permalink)
 He just left here, you should message him. He don't know what type you are looking for #'s or foot control and so on. Much easier for you to ask him to get info and price on something used like that.
 Hate when the mice do that. I junked a nice rust free low mileage F-150 because ov it. Anymore I'll solder all wire connections or use those crimp quick connectors & shrink tape then put that flexible plastic wire tubing over it where I think mice could be a problem. 
 Hope it all works out for you with the pontoon soon.
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Re: Pymatuning Bust 2021/04/02 11:50:01 (permalink)
Thanks Chris I will message him. The pontoon id 90% I'll get there. I want to drag it up Pymie and chase Crappies. A neighbor said to try stuffing the drain holes in my trailer with steel wool. He said the mice hate it because it gets in their teeth. Thanks again. 

You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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