Deer Hunting 2020

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2020/07/15 09:14:23 (permalink)

Deer Hunting 2020

With doe tags starting at the beginning of the week, it is about time to get the deer thread started.

The last two years were pretty frustrating with regard to daytime deer sightings. I blamed it on a number of factors, but the most prevalent seemed to be my west neighbor’s well overflow that fundamentally flooded my woods. This kept me from keeping trails clear, unwanted growth at bay, and really seemed to change travel patterns.

Late winter, we came to an agreement and he mitigated the flow and my woods dried up in about three weeks that I could get in and put things back the way they were three years ago before he built. The results have been more daylight physical sightings, more daylight camera results, and just more camera results period. The deer seem to be back on their original patterns.

Looking at the buck prospects, the following are verifiable sightings (seen physically more than five times, seen on camera more than five times, or a five time combination of physical and camera where the deer can be positively identified by size, shape, distinguishing marks, etc.)

Spikes — 4 — one is a youngster, the other 3 are older

4-points — 6 — two are youngsters, the other 4 are older with two being 3.5 come hunting season and one even older — none have brow tines

5-point — one that is 2.5 come hunting season with one brow tune

6-points — two — 2.5 — one with a perfectly round hole in its left ear — we call him gauge since it looks like he had a gauge earring removed

8-points — two — one is 3.5 and the other older (I have three seasons of him with antlers. The older one we have named “V” because of the shape of his antlers. At this point, he is wider than his hind quarters, doesn’t start to spread until after about 3-4 inches above his ears (hence the name “V”), has 6-8 inch G2’s, 3-4 inch G3’s, but really has no mass at all.

Nothing with more points is about as a resident or near resident. I have one photo of a huge bodied buck on a licking branch, but it was early May and antlers were just starting. No sightings since.

So far things look promising, as long as they don’t go completely nocturnal.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.

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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2020/07/15 16:20:58 (permalink)
    I just hope I can line up some new properties. I have two properties that I consider my go to spots. One was sold and the new owner just clear cut it and is putting a house on it. The other is now up for sale so who knows what the future holds there. I might get one more fall out of that place. If it sells I will have to go in there and take down all of my tree stands which I am not looking forward too. Best case scenario is some rich guy buys it that doesn't hunt and he will let me keep doing my thing. The chance of that happening in today's world is pretty slim, though. 

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    Moses Guthrie
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2020/07/15 17:47:24 (permalink)
    Dpms, I went through the same thing last year. Had a feeling it would be the last year for my lease due to some family structure changes with the land owner and decided to find some new places while still holding the lease. Was able to find a few new places on public land and still hunted the lease from time to time. Day after rifle season ended I got the call saying they would not renew the lease. Worst part was taking out the stands... Hang in there you will be surprised what you can find with a little research.

    As for this year, I got to start looking for places to put the dozen double man stands sitting in my Actually have ideas for most just got to wait till allowed to hang them on public land.
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2020/07/15 18:23:51 (permalink)
    I also went through those trials and tribulations, in 57 years of hunting, more times then I care to remember. Either the land was sold, developed or overrun by other hunters who lost their happy hunting grounds.

    Looked into those leased land hunting clubs then thought, bite the bullet and buy land.

    Ten years later, hunting regulations were changed preventing me from harvesting a buck, 12 years in a row.

    I gave away my ladder stands to anyone who wanted them. Property is now posted, by the new owner who doesn't hunt. He's from California.

    Good luck this season, hunt safely.

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    pheasant tail 2
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2020/07/15 21:41:50 (permalink)
    Been down that road a few times, once when I sold my home and property to Mr. Peabody's coal company, my home was on the edge of a long-wall panel so mitigation would have been difficult and very frustrating, particularly for my better half. Guess what I discovered? Hunting was again new and refreshing. I spent alot time just roaming, there were new places to explore and new challenges. My zest for hunting was re-born. Sure at times I miss my "ole' ponderosa" and the predictably of the ebbs and flows of the seasons. I also learned that there a many little nooks and crannies of public ground that are surprisingly over looked by many.
    fishin coyote
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2020/07/15 22:18:06 (permalink)
    Sounds promising Dardys. Hope it works out for you. I have a couple of medium sized 8s hanging around the backyard but typically this isn’t the case. The main summer range around here is about a mile up the road. Saw quite a few real nice buck in the soybean fields up there yesterday.
    I feel your pain dpms. We’ve all been there. I spent the 1st 38yrs of my hunting career hunting either someone else’s property or public lands. Now I have my own little chunk were I spend 80-90% of my time but like PT said there’s lots of little hidden away spots on public ground especially in bow season.

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    pheasant tail 2
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2020/07/16 21:57:00 (permalink)
    Hey ya the hell are you doing? Its been too long. I was in Meadville a few weeks ago for night before heading to Chautauqua Lake. I wanted to give you a ring, however my brother in-law was also in town so I spent some time visiting with the outlaws. The Chautauqua fishing was outstanding!!
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2020/11/24 09:00:37 (permalink)
    Good luck this weekend to everyone heading out for the rifle opener. I will be out and about even though my antlered tag is punched. I picked up my Furbearers license so I can still carry a gun in my travels. 
    Weather looks to be dry both Saturday and Sunday, which is always a good thing. 

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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2020/12/27 08:50:06 (permalink)
    Took the flintlock for a walk this morning in 5 inches of fresh powder. Was in the woods from 6:30 till 11:30 and for my efforts I saw zero deer and not many tracks. Pulled out for an archery sit in the evening from 2:00 till dark. For my efforts I saw zero deer. 
    Long cold day in the deer woods. 

    My rifle is a black rifle
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2021/01/15 11:27:27 (permalink)
    Anybody been hunting with the flintlock? Seems like I am the only one that cares to share their hunts these days. Since I don't enjoy talking to myself I kinds quit posting them. Been out 3 times so far and managed to miss a nice doe last weekend. Been pretty slow for me this year in flintlock. Going to give it a go tomorrow for the last Saturday of the statewide season. 

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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2021/01/15 12:01:47 (permalink)
    I don’t do the late seasons. I figure if they eluded me for 9 weeks, see you in the fall.

    Still getting some great bucks on trail cameras.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
    fishin coyote
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2021/01/15 12:56:42 (permalink)
    I've been out a bunch of times with the smoker but it's been very slow. I've only had 1 in range and it was about 50lbs I let it walk

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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2021/01/16 12:40:28 (permalink)
    Well, so much for my plans. Woke up to heavy freezing fog with a light snow coming down on top of it. I made it about 10 miles and turned around. Roads were downright treacherous. Cars in ditches. When I began to slide on the highway, the call was easy. Thats a wrap on flintlock 2021 for me. 

    My rifle is a black rifle
    Moses Guthrie
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2021/01/16 19:35:38 (permalink)
    Made it out for a few hours this morning before it started snowing. We put up 5 doe, only thing I could shot were a couple peanuts that got a pass. Last couple weeks we have put up some nice bucks but they always seem to know which sitter doesn't have a buck tag.
    fishin coyote
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2021/01/16 20:06:24 (permalink)
    Got out this evening in the snow. Saw 2 doe around 4:15 but the swirling wind gave me away. The neighbor was around 3-400 yards from me, sent me a text he had 9 walk by him at 25yds and his gun wouldn’t go off LOL.
    With 5 minutes left I looked to the north of my stand and saw 1 run by. Then a few more before I realized there was a chase going on. The little doe took off with a couple in tow and left me sitting there looking at 5 bucks within 50 yds. They were sparring, rubbing, making  scrapes and all I could do is sit there and watch. Great way to end my season.

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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2021/01/23 18:47:20 (permalink)
    4 of us went out today for the season ender in the SRAs. Put up a pile of deer, four shooting opportunities ended with two misfires and two dead tank does. Good way to end the season.
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    Re: Deer Hunting 2020 2021/01/23 20:18:50 (permalink)
    Moses Guthrie
    Good way to end the season.

    Yes it was!

    My rifle is a black rifle
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