I went to buy my license today and got an unpleasant surprise. I’m in a CWD area and that program, which used to be a mail in or online purchase, was rolled into the DMAP program two years ago and you could purchase up to two zone-specific DMAP Permits over-the-counter, which was really convenient because they could be bought at the same time as the general license.
Well, guess what? Although licenses went on sale Monday, 6-22-2020, DMAP did not because the exact zones have not yet been established. The maps is the Digest show the overall DMAP areas, but not the specific four-digit zone numbers required to purchase the DMAP permit because, according to the digest, they were unknown at the time of publication. Further, there is projected date when these permits will be available.
Seriously, the PGC knows a year in advance (maybe more if it is a standing day, like the 3rd Monday in June) and they cannot get their act together enough to have all license, permits, tags, etc. available for sale on the same day?
The CWD Plan meeting isn’t until July, so who knows when the permits will be available?
The poster formally known as Duncsdad
Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.