Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ?

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2020/04/19 19:29:58 (permalink)

Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ?

Seriously thou, since "lockdown" I been reading some of the comments on the fish commission page on Facebook, freeking gold especially from the stock truck tailgaters šŸ˜‚

PS We should have surprise openers every year

PSS Remember they are just dumfezh...

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/19 20:16:18 (permalink)
    I don't do those high priced classy web sights but I agree, maybe like a "Nerf shotgun" start 'cept nobody would know what day, week, month. šŸ‘

    So, anyways you catchin' any them dummies?? Fish I mean??
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/04/19 20:25:24

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/20 09:31:53 (permalink)
    There are a lot of reasons that people are ticked off. Yes, there are some guys that want to catch the biggest dumbest of the trout they stocked and hitting it hard opening day is the only way they know how. They don't want to work for anything and get their full $8 investment worth. Could be the same guys that stand around a hole all day throwing everything but bullets at the one orange fish. 
    Now in all seriousness, they was a lot going on to get people riled up. We are all on edge and stressed anyways so anything on top of that is just worse. First, was the lack of regulation enforcement which just allowed poaching for weeks up until that shotgun start. If you are a regulation follower, you got sloppy seconds many days in. Then there was poor distribution of the stocked fish, basically everything was dumped in one or two holes where the truck can get close. With no volunteers allowed, it was up to mother nature to distribute the fish. There was also supposed to be more larger fish stocked this year and more golden creamsicles. If that happened in this area of the state, there is no evidence of it on social media or apps like fish brain (didn't happen or poaching). Then On top of that, a weekday shotgun start screwed the essential workers and people working their 40+ from home. People couldn't get out until Saturday or Sunday after hearing that they might make more money on unemployment and when they finally get to show up, all they find is trashed spots that have been fished for weeks.
    Finally, and really the one I'm personally bothered by, is that the kids got screwed this year if they wanted until opening day or that weekend. Grown****men in waders crowding holes/spots 5 feet off the parking lot with two palermineos that the kids should have been given first chances at. If your'e geared up to go wading and you choose to spend 3 hours on the first evening hovering over a spot right by your car and dad's with kids are made to walk up/down the creek trying to find a straggler, your'e a special piece of ****. 
    There are probably more things to worry about but these are the ones I've seen across all the interwebs and most of them have a point for discussion. Yeah, with this virus we have bigger things to worry about but it's salt in the wound for a lot of people that followed the rules. 
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/20 10:52:25 (permalink)
    I think those fake synthetic goldens  palominos  whatever you call them shouldnt even be stocked. all they do is give away holding spots for other trout ,, spots that the average truck chaser normally walk by BUTTTTTT when they see one  its like  hey i caught 3v other fish trying to catch this hunk of gold,,, its like watching a  adult easter egg hunt for them   oooooh theres a palomino guess i will camp out here all day lol lol    catch a palomino  keep it   because the other trout will thank you for it lol     jus my 2 cents lol

    I have become comfortably numb
    solitario lupo
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/20 11:31:41 (permalink)
    Some of the comments on the fish com. Site got me cracking up so many people crying about the fish and can care less that they can die from a virus. I rather have the waterways open so I Can fish for other fish and not get bothered by anyone. I wish they would do away with this invasive trout crap. The only thing thatā€™s good about it is for teaching kids how to fish.
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/20 12:45:49 (permalink)
    In my area, there wasnā€™t much grumbling about the surprise opening, but a lot about other things trout and PAF&B connected.

    The first was not permitting volunteers to help stock ā€” even way, way, way before limited travel, etc. This fundamentally killed spreading the fish out a away from the road (unless there was a high water event) with those that will actually bother to carry buckets (and there are plenty that would and do do so) and float stocking. A friend float stocks a section of creek near his house (has for more than a decade), but was told ā€œnoā€ this year. He made arrangements with the local WCO to have buckets filled (he supplied them) and left in his driveway so he could do the float as usual. But the WCO was stopped by Harrisburg.

    Many of the streams local to me also get supplemental stocking by sportsmenā€™s clubs. One particular club stocks 10,000 trout (to the Fish Commission 4,000) and was told they needed to do it (the entire operation ā€” netting the ponds, transfer to vehicles, transporting to the stream, and stocking) with three people ā€” total, according to a club member that volunteers for the operation which he said typically takes 50. When they said they could not do it with three guys, they were told they couldnā€™t stock ā€” even though this was, again, before the travel limits. Iā€™m not sure other clubs ran into this or not.

    Word on the street (not really, word from reliable, inside PAF&B sources), is that a significant portion of hatchery rainbows were lost over the winter, so stocking wasnā€™t exactly as advertised (no volunteers to witness either). In streams where the catch ratios typically runs 5-6 rainbows to 1 brown, my experience this season has been the reverse, way more browns than rainbows, so who knows.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/21 18:00:40 (permalink)
    I helped stock several streams in beaver and Lawrence county before the cutoff, and there was no shortage of nice fish, opening day was absolutely great and for days after we have been catching fish, we are still catching fish as   of yesterday, I wish they would do the SURPRISE  OPENING every year ! If more guys would throw more back they could extend their trout fishing quite a bit. anyways liked the opening day this year.
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 07:48:02 (permalink)
    Different districts, different rules, I guess.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 09:29:59 (permalink)
    Only thing Iā€™m peaved abahht was no kids day before the masses were allowed in. This did very little if anything to prevent crowds, of that I am sure. What it DID prevent was many kids from getting first crack at unmolested trahht. Normal place I take my kids to had dozens of fish in each hole last year. This year it was picked clean.
    Itā€™s just another indication that our govt had absolutely no idea how to handle all this.
    And please spare me the ā€œif it saves a life.ā€ stuff. This virus doesnā€™t even affect kids, and is overblown in general. 55 deaths in Allegheny county with 1.2 million people!! Numbers donā€™t lie!
    post edited by fisherofmen376 - 2020/04/22 09:31:31

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 09:59:27 (permalink)
    Children are resilient, they'll recover......

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 13:39:49 (permalink)
    What is a trahht ?
    Enquiring minds want to know.

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 13:52:03 (permalink)
    What is aĀ trahht ?
    Enquiring minds want to know.

    ā˜šŸ‘† A "trahht is a "trahht".

    What is an "enquiring" mind inquiring minds want to know??
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/04/22 13:54:36

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837ā€“1919)~
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 14:19:34 (permalink)
    I believe that is yinzer or mupeer speak for trout.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 18:03:40 (permalink)
    so for all of you who are peeved about what ever - exactly what would you've done differently given the situation??
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 21:39:15 (permalink)
    BTDT, looks like you corrected something that didn't need corrected, but we can't expect you to at least do some research on advertising history!
    Geez, you can't even criticize correctly.
    Check first, type later!
    The well known ad slogan for The National Enquirer supermarket tabloid ā€“ ā€œEnquiring minds want to knowā€ ā€“ passed that point long ago. The Enquirer trademarked the slogan in 1981. And, according to the information filed in the U.S. trademark database, it was first used by the gossipy tabloid on October 20, 1981.
    No wonder MyWar has you cornered!

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 21:49:06 (permalink)
    so for all of you who are peeved about what ever - exactly what would you've done differently given the situation??

    Let the kids have a day for themselves...the crowds really arent bad for mentored youth day.  
    Then for everyone else, I don't really care...  Do a soft opening like they did, or do away with opening day altogether.  I fish for trout most of the year so opening day for me is a day AVOID a trout stream!  I have no desire to stand shoulder to shoulder for stockies anyway.
    Just give the kids a designated day where the fish have been recently stocked.  Its fun for them and a fund day for families. 
    We still have gone ahht and caught trahht (like that one eh?) so as BTDT said kids are resilient and will get over it.    
    Hindsight is 20/20...i realize this.  Just seems like the kids got the short end of the stick and the crowds are exactly the same!

    "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 21:53:23 (permalink)
    BTDT, looks like you corrected something that didn't need corrected, but we can't expect you to at least do some research on advertising history!
    Geez, you can't even criticize correctly.
    Check first, type later!
    The well known ad slogan for The National Enquirer supermarket tabloid ā€“ ā€œEnquiring minds want to knowā€ ā€“ passed that point long ago. The Enquirer trademarked the slogan in 1981. And, according to the information filed in the U.S. trademark database, it was first used by the gossipy tabloid on October 20, 1981.
    No wonder MyWar has you cornered!


    CYA on that one.... what took you so long.

    Need MyLiar to help ya research the internet to save face... did ya?

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837ā€“1919)~
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 22:08:40 (permalink)
    fisherofmen.... it's no secrete I ain't no fan of special regs for the kids.

    But if I were to chose one topic where the kids should have the advantage, it would be catchin dem trahhts ahead of the slobs who call themselves sportsman.

    Not everyone, but it takes but one bad apple to spoil the bushel so I think, y'all know what I'm sayin.

    I think by now most all y'all know my feeling toward our PFBC so no need for me to voice my opinion about the trahhts opener.

    As for the Golden Super Fish.... I quit trahht fishin the year the FFBC trashed our prestine waters with that thing.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837ā€“1919)~
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 22:38:02 (permalink)
    The MyWar comment was meant to be a slam at you, and you fell for it in true TROLL fashion - MyWar has nothing in this.
    As for taking so long for a "CYA" - I see it took you all of about 15 minutes to insert your feeble TROLL reply.
    We look in on these pathetic threads maybe twice a day, we have real lives to live and don't reside on here like the TROLL that you are, we find more lame humor in the rubbish that you post that it serves as the daily laugh.
    You have over 10 thousand posts listed and very few of them make any sense.
    Here's an internet challenge for you - can you let two hours pass before making a comment on this (or any thread)??? - bet NOT...since your keyboard is your favorite toy.

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/22 22:48:21 (permalink)
    The MyWar comment was meant to be a slam at you, and you fell for it in true TROLL fashion - MyWar has nothing in this.
    As for taking so long for a "CYA" - I see it took you all of about 15 minutes to insert your feeble TROLL reply.
    We look in on these pathetic threads maybe twice a day, we have real lives to live and don't reside on here like the TROLL that you are, we find more lame humor in the rubbish that you post that it serves as the daily laugh.
    You have over 10 thousand posts listed and very few of them make any sense.
    Here's an internet challenge for you - can you let two hours pass before making a comment on this (or any thread)??? - bet NOT...since your keyboard is your favorite toy.

    My my why so upset?

    Oh, before I forget, thanks for keeping tabs on my post. When I hear all y'all keepin count it's the same as hitting the like button, cause y'all keep readin my post.

    I won't hold you up any longer, I know you'd like to get back to playin games with your joystick. Have fun.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837ā€“1919)~
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/23 07:43:24 (permalink)
    You just don't get it, do you?

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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/23 09:20:28 (permalink)

    You just don't get it, do you

    Moi.... just don't get it???

    What I "get" BorgCollective is "The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are cybernetic organisms, linked in a hive mind called "the Collective."

    In my book, that makes you a "trekkie"; groupie, follower, one who lacks leadership skills. a/k/a loser; one who follows aimlessly, in search of a friend.

    What do I get from your recent comments on this board and now by your "trolling" on other boards, is you have no friends in your gamer community either.

    What I'm thinking is, you're waiting repair of your "xbox" (again) and you got very lonely playing with your joystick while sitting hopelessly waiting, for the "trekkie" conference call that will never come.

    Time to grow up Borg and get a real life.

    Have a really really nice day..... BIjatlh 'e' yImev
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/04/23 09:42:34

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837ā€“1919)~
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/23 11:41:54 (permalink)
    Only thing Iā€™m peaved abahht was no kids day before the masses were allowed in. This did very little if anything to prevent crowds, of that I am sure. What it DID prevent was many kids from getting first crack at unmolested trahht. Normal place I take my kids to had dozens of fish in each hole last year. This year it was picked clean.
    Itā€™s just another indication that our govt had absolutely no idea how to handle all this.
    And please spare me the ā€œif it saves a life.ā€ stuff. This virus doesnā€™t even affect kids, and is overblown in general. 55 deaths in Allegheny county with 1.2 million people!! Numbers donā€™t lie!

    and fisherofmen it probably wasn't that the spots where picked clean , it was probably because they didn't get fish in the first place because we [ as in volunteers ]  didn't carry  buckets so your children could catch unmolested fish In those holes, after the help cutoff, most fish where at the bridges, and you hear the gripes from other people that the youth days take too many fish out of their holes, no matter what you do there is always someone complaining. there is still plenty of fish out there, we are still catching fish and its two weeks into the season 
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/23 15:40:22 (permalink)
    Fishing license and trout stamp sales are down from last year at this time per the PFC.  I know my 2 sons did not buy a fishing license or trout stamp this year.

    The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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    Re: Why so much butthurt over surprise opener ? 2020/04/23 18:28:42 (permalink)
    Only thing Iā€™m peaved abahht was no kids day before the masses were allowed in. This did very little if anything to prevent crowds, of that I am sure. What it DID prevent was many kids from getting first crack at unmolested trahht. Normal place I take my kids to had dozens of fish in each hole last year. This year it was picked clean.
    Itā€™s just another indication that our govt had absolutely no idea how to handle all this.
    And please spare me the ā€œif it saves a life.ā€ stuff. This virus doesnā€™t even affect kids, and is overblown in general. 55 deaths in Allegheny county with 1.2 million people!! Numbers donā€™t lie!

    and fisherofmen it probably wasn't that the spots where picked clean , it was probably because they didn't get fish in the first place because we [ as in volunteers ]  didn't carry  buckets so your children could catch unmolested fish In those holes, after the help cutoff, most fish where at the bridges, and you hear the gripes from other people that the youth days take too many fish out of their holes, no matter what you do there is always someone complaining. there is still plenty of fish out there, we are still catching fish and its two weeks into the season 

    Bubbaman in general you are prolly right...
    But in my specific case i know for sure that 1.  the stream was stocked and 2.  A bunch of dudes came in and picked it clean.  i saw  10 cars in a spot thats made for 1-2 guys TOTAL!!! 3.  I got there with one of my sons the next day and it was barren.  Its a small stream that really doesn't even deserve trout lol.  Its just a fun place for the kids to fish.  
    Regarding duuds complaining that the kids fished it ahht...come on...it's one day and the limit is only like 2.  Shouldn't we err on the side of the next generation having some fun slamming feesh and not having to worry about a million guys hovering near them?  
    And as I said, yes i know theres other places to catch em.  Ive taken the kids in the past 2 weeks and we've done that.  Just sumn pretty cool about having a day that's just for them.  I didn't even fish for youth opener...I was running back and forth helping them get fish unhooked and released!  It was an unforgettable day that they talked about all year.  
    Maybe next year...

    "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
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