PGC meeting

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2020/04/08 22:11:10 (permalink)

PGC meeting

The results from the meeting are on the web site now, Gonna be a lot of complaining I Am sure.  sam

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/09 09:34:22 (permalink)
    I took a look at it and the only complaint I have is I think they “wasted” on of the only three Sunday hunting days on bears. I think it could have better been used, number of participants wise, for a small game hunting day. Of course, small game hunting does not require buying a different tag, so PGC logic prevails.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/22 00:14:35 (permalink)
    Isn't a pheasant stamp required for pheasant hunting in the small game season ? I would think that a Sunday offered in Bear season is a nod to the hunters going to camp for Bear season. As far as small game hunting goes, at least in the Southwest area of Pa. from what I see, it is almost non-existant hunter wise.Same goes for Groundhog hunting,this area used to be great for teaching kids how to hunt by taking them hog hunting. Nowhere near the numbers of hog hunters now. But this may be just in this area,but there are not any hog contest around that I see either.  sam
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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/23 21:33:32 (permalink)
    I'm digging the new seasons. More opportunities across the board.
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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/24 16:35:08 (permalink)
    I'm in favor of the extended archery even tho I won't be able to hunt if Lord wolf ever let's me get back to work. And the otter season

    I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/25 22:13:39 (permalink)
    I took a look at it and the only complaint I have is I think they “wasted” on of the only three Sunday hunting days on bears. I think it could have better been used, number of participants wise, for a small game hunting day. Of course, small game hunting does not require buying a different tag, so PGC logic prevails.

    Looks like skirl season overlaps the Sunday during archery and the Sunday during bear. Do you specifically have to hunt deer on the 1st Sunday and bear on the 2nd?
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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/26 15:26:18 (permalink)

    Looks like skirl season overlaps the Sunday during archery and the Sunday during bear. Do you specifically have to hunt deer on the 1st Sunday and bear on the 2nd?

    Yes. Small game is not legal on any Sunday. There was a push to have the PGC pick a Sunday that overlaps many others seasons so there would be a greater opportunity for more hunters as small game and other hunters would like the opportunity to hunt as well. But, it didn't happen. All that can be hunted on those three says is archery deer, firearms bear, and rifle deer. 

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/26 21:10:14 (permalink)
    Yes. Small game is not legal on any Sunday
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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/27 09:16:16 (permalink)
    With the overlap on a couple of Sundays that are now open, the question just has to be asked —Why isn’t small game open those days too?

    It can’t be because of “safety” because small game overlaps on other days, like the Saturday before and the Monday following.

    What is the logic?

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/27 10:05:50 (permalink)
    The logic is, there is no logic and therefore this concludes my discussion in that such deductions or inferences make the conclusions more reliable if the premises are true, enabling better reasoning and decision-making.

    Happy Hunting.

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/27 11:39:32 (permalink)
    The logic is, there is no logic and therefore this concludes my discussion in that such deductions or inferences make the conclusions more reliable if the premises are true, enabling better reasoning and decision-making.

    Happy Hunting.

    yeah that's sounds like the information you get from the PGC, I just don't understand why three sundays are ok but anymore would cause catastrophic implications and ruin life as we know it ?  
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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/27 11:53:09 (permalink)
    Small game should be open on the overlapping Sundays.... PGC FAILED on this one.
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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/27 12:45:38 (permalink)
    The logic is, there is no logic and therefore this concludes my discussion in that such deductions or inferences make the conclusions more reliable if the premises are true, enabling better reasoning and decision-making.

    Happy Hunting.

    yeah that's sounds like the information you get from the PGC, I just don't understand why three sundays are ok but anymore would cause catastrophic implications and ruin life as we know it ?  

    PGC has been evading Sunday hunting for a very long time blowing smoke about the land management lobbyist opposing such a move.

    The three Sundays are a trial hoping to appease the pro-Sunday hunting lobbyist.

    Hell the PGC can't put enough "law enforcement" in the field as it is. Opening up 7 days a week may require 'biologist' to work weekends.

    Speaking of logic, I quit hunting the past couple years. I'm a little lax on the new laws. Crow hunting on Sunday still legal but groundhog still not?
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/04/27 12:48:23

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/27 18:43:04 (permalink)
    What is the logic?

    I can tell you why the PGC did not want any of the overlap seasons to be able to participate, but there is no logic too it. 
    The reason is the PGC did not want to ruffle any feathers in the legislature. The intent of the bill was to open three Sundays to only archery deer, rifle deer, and one optional. When it became clear that the language in the bill allowed overlapping seasons like small game and such to be legal, sportsman pushed to allow those as well to increase opportunity. The PGC chose to not take legal liberties beyond the intent of the bill  to not anger any politicians that voted yes on the bill. Supposedly the PGC has met with and plans to meet with legislators about getting them to support other opportunities that this bill allows. 
    Basically the PGC is weak kneed. 

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/28 09:32:43 (permalink)
    Yep, to heck with their customers as long as their handlers are happy.

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/28 10:02:00 (permalink)
    PGC made their bed.....

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/28 10:31:43 (permalink)
    Unfortunately they have a monopoly on hunting in PA, so if one chooses to hunt in the state, whatever it is it is.

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/28 12:27:43 (permalink)
    🤔 monopoly.... that sums it up nicely.

    .... it is what it is sure ain't like what it was. Thanks to the present PGC, PA a one time leader in hunting, now cowtailing to other states.

    But that's just me being me.

    Hunt Safely

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/28 14:47:13 (permalink)
    When were they ever a leader?

    What would be a specific example?

    I’ve hunted now for over 45 years and they never were during that time.
    post edited by DarDys - 2020/04/28 15:03:26

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/28 16:06:51 (permalink)
    🤗 I've got thirteen years on ya so it was before your time.

    No really, up to about the time the great Gary Alt, a legend in his own mind, I had the highest respect for the PGC.

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/29 10:10:31 (permalink)
    I’ll agree that Alt, or rather the move of putting Alt in charge of the deer program in order to boost his resume in order to make him the presumptive leading candidate to take over a merged PGC and DNR, was the pinnacle of the PGC stupidity (but what politically motivated moves aren’t), what made the PGC so great before that point?

    Was it one and done deer hunting?

    Was it stocking pheasants that had never flown?

    Was it not being permitted to hunt small game during bear season?

    Was it changing from county borders to WMUs?

    Not looking for a debate at all, just some (one, maybe) specific examples of when the PGC was a leader in either hunting or conservation that was of their direct doing.

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/29 10:58:55 (permalink)
    Changing county to WMU😠😡😤

    Because the PGC at one time, enforced game laws "protecting" ALL wild game and not just about producing bogus trophy antlers behind every tree.

    Small game & upland birds were at one time a very important part of hunting PA.

    It took a while but the PGC now sees the results of their game management laws and so do many more hunters.

    We're told the decline in hunters is due to age which is mostly true because most of us old timers just got tired of the smoke & mirrors. The part the PGC can't figure out, (doesn't care) why the bigger decline in the younger hunter.

    So that leaves keeping the remaining hunters, happy with more trophies behind every tree. That's how they do it in other states.

    Small game & upland birds are nothing compared to what it once was.

    Everything centers around the Boone & Crocket/Pope & Young record book buck... behind every tree.

    That has been the hunting promotion since the early 80s.

    Question the PGC and the answer most given.... "that's the way they do it in other states".

    Hunting PA is (was) more than about record books and selling antlerless deer tags.

    Not debating, just my feelings through personal experience and observation. Which by the way, doesn't count because I use no numbers except years of experience and I'm not a "biologist".🙄 (trying to keep my job supported with the sale of doe tags and closing pheasant farms)

    So.... how's spring gobbler looking? Early reports didn't sound real positive.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/04/29 11:01:38

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/29 11:09:46 (permalink)
    Took the kids for a ride sunday and seen 6 gobblers and 9 hens in a 2 hour drive. Wont be doing any turkey hunting but may take a long walk in tionesta this sunday with the fam and see what we can see. From the reports from a few of my buddys turkeys are plentiful and should be a good year. I know several guys that have already filled both ohio tags
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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/29 11:57:22 (permalink)
    Dave you still recovering from your "self" stent extraction? lol

    I been out-n-bout but not been by many open fields.

    Might be fun just to take a ride and fire up the owl hooter some night, just to see what the latest turkey talk is.

    Who knows, maybe it might stir some excitement to dress up like a tree and take the shotgun for a walk.

    Have fun on your walk.

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    Re: PGC meeting 2020/04/29 12:21:16 (permalink)
    The walks are the only thing keeping my wife sane lol plus it allows my boy to burn off some pent up energy. Its good to get him out in the woods now instead of sitting him in front of the tv. Wont be long for his first fishing trip
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