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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/24 10:38:45 (permalink)
Pirates? You are saying all ten Pirates fans are going fishing while the season is on hold?

No doubt on the youth sports thing though. My available outdoor time has went up 10 times.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/24 11:29:04 (permalink)
Ya, I'll second that. No volleyball or basketball. Zero camps. No band activities, no Jiu-Jitsu training or mat time for any of us has freed up tons of opportunities and time. One thing that is good.. The miles and fuel consumption on these vehicles have come to a screeching hault.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/24 11:29:12 (permalink)
So what I'm reading is, making 40ish min trip to Arthur for the next couple three months may be the same as traveling 5 minutes to Pymatuning so I might as well stay at home and still not catch some stupid fish?

But still, is not fishing more than just catching. Fishing to me is about seeing and maybe hooking up with and making new acquaintances.

I know right now the lakes have their fair share of doorknobs zipping around in their botor moats, non-skilled yakers cutting between boats & shore lines or weekend need to catch for bragging rights wanna be anglers crowding ones honey hole but, ain't that the norm for this time of year? Although, the present situation has brought out more, PITA trying to launch/trailer their boat. But hey, we all had to learn so I offer to lend a hand and maybe give a few pointers too. Pointers like, take a dam boating course so you don't inconvience other folks who know what they're doing.

But that's jus me, being me.

Looking forward to seeing some all y'all on the water soon.

Be safe, good times & tight lines.🎣

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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/24 22:32:24 (permalink)
I’m by no means saying that people shouldn’t fish. I think it is a great thing. I personally taught two kids some basics their first time fishing and each caught a few crappie in the process. I would imagine a few new anglers for life will come out of this. I would also imagine a likely record of license sales this year. Which should help in stocking in the future, if that money stays with the PFBC.

I am saying to think twice about keeping as many as we might normally do. Since a bunch more people out there, likely keeping some as well. The stocking system (and natural reproduction) very likely was not putting this rush on fishing into the biologists calculations. With the state possibly taking money from fishing to cover other expenses that this mess has presented, it just might make for the perfect storm of fish shortages for a few years.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 10:21:53 (permalink)
Pork, I think you have taught basics, to far more than two kids. Thank you very much.

"Creel limit" for crappie, gills, perch, and such?

mmmm...... OK maybe in the spring set some limits but the rest of the year, when fish are not as easily caught, is there really a need?

Crappie the new PFBC trout??

A new stamp, coming soon, to a lake near you. 🙊 I didn't say that, did I.😁

Good times & tight lines.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 13:58:39 (permalink)
Popular, well-known spots like Arthur are gonna get hammered this year. The lesser known spots that are more difficult to access are probably gonna be the ticket for me this summer.

For example.... me and my girlfriend biked about 40 miles on the redbank creek trail on Saturday and we saw maybe 20 people the whole day. Won’t be easy to access the water but you could kayak it, or bust through brush if you are on a bike, or do some wading. The casselman below confluence is like that too. The difficult access is gonna keep the noobs away from spots like that, but water looks super nice.

Might have to work if you want to get away from the crowds this summer but I think it can be done.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 15:55:48 (permalink)
I didn’t put the summer doldrums in my thought. I am not saying state involvement, although I wouldn’t oppose the panfish enhancement stuff. I do think Moraine and Pymie are going to get hammered and have gotten hammered.

Good call on the rivers. I would bet the Yough is packed with “floaters”, but probably a lot more open to fishing.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 16:17:24 (permalink)
Pork I'm wondering if the present situation will be a good test for the need of state regs.

Pymie and Shenango both having crappie creel limit in place and (last I knew) Wilhelm and Arthur not having 'pan fish' regs.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 21:20:43 (permalink)
"B) have a kid that knows what they are doing like Crappiefisher and piggieback off of his skillz. (Lucky bassturd) C)" 
  Tim, I got home this evening from 12 days at Pymy. First off another big asre Bass Boat in front yard and two more trailers in back yard. Front porch loaded with fishing stuff behind the furniture. Go in front door and large pile ov new fishing crap. Go upstairs and pool table stacked 3 totes high with new lures. Whisky bar table loaded with FC. Want to sit on couch but loaded with FC. Go up my sons to drop off a water pump and 28 totes full of more new FISHING CRAP!!!!
 So I'll let you be the judge if I'm a lucky bass'turd or not.  This pile is maybe 1/4 ov the new lures not counting the 2 trailers, boat and zero turn he left behind in the 12 days I was away at Pymy.
 The larger totes are 40 gallon. 
 That's it, just opened the game room fridge and a bag ov Crappie he left behind for me to clean  
post edited by crappiefisher - 2020/05/25 22:06:13
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 21:30:52 (permalink)
At this point in my life I don't want to clean more than 20 crappie, and I don't think I'd mind measuring (I already try to only keep 9 and over anyway).  Plus, my boat limit would be 40, since my fishing buddy doesn't eat fish.  Even if they were all 12" Pymie crappies I wouldn't want to clean 40 of them.  Not that I've ever had that problem.  
I'm not sure the regs would matter though on Arthur.  The DNR hardly ever check anything, let alone measure fish.  
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 21:53:20 (permalink)
 They tried a combined limit ov 10 pan fish on Arthur in the past. They didn't notice a difference in quality. 20 Crappie is plenty. 
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 22:52:56 (permalink)
When I go out its 20 by myself or 30 for a two man limit. 10 -12"s. We try to throw the bigger spawners back. Besides, you guys are definelty right. Thats plenty to fillet at one time.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 23:02:31 (permalink)
You think the vast majority of folks that are pounding Arthur right now have any idea what they are doing? It’s a tough lake to fish. I’m thinking people may not pulling the numbers of fish that you might be estimating in a worst case scenario. Most of the kayakers I see up there aren’t even fishing.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 23:08:24 (permalink)
I must agree about regs, in all the years I've fished, I've been asked to see my creel/live well one time and that was, leaving the water after sunset at Wilhelm.

Must be my honest looking face🙉

Lot of pros & cons about over population stunting growth too so I'm not sure, about the over fishing thingy.

I too limit my catch as filleting bunches of fishes at one setting just ain't my forte. đŸ€” Come to think of it, catching bunches of fish ain't my luck either, but that's another story. Stupid fish.

Hey speaking of trailering or launching a boat during darkish hours. As I was leaving a launch area this evening I was reminded of a pet peeve of mine.

Don't y'all love it when y'all are backing toward the launch ramp and the guy that's sitting in the lane beside y'all, leaves his head/fog lights on? Hell, even them "tactical" sun glasses, 😎as seen on TV, ain't no match for blinding headlights in the mirrors.

So what I'm askin is, to all the not knowing, when sitting on a launch ramp and it's dark would y'all mind turning y'alls dam headlights off, so somebody else can back into the lane beside you. 😁 Please?

Sure was a beautiful holiday weekend and looks to be more of the same the remainder of the week.

Hope all y'all can find more time to hit the water this week.

Good times and tight lines.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2020/05/25 23:10:46

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/25 23:35:06 (permalink)
crappiefisher, Don't mean to be nosy but,what does your son do with all of that stuff ?   sam
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/26 05:49:13 (permalink)
  He says he needs it most of the time. This FC he just bought he could have bought a brand new truck. 95% top brand name crank baits & spinners. He will probably unload the less expensive lures. 
 Worst part is I worked at a sporting good store in high school & as a 2nd job for a bit as a adult. So ov course I will sort through every darn lure and organize from Muskie down to Trout and Pan fish. When I was a kid I used safety pins and bent nails for hooks, sticks for bobbers, plastic bags as waders, metal coat hanger with a onion sack & red rubber band for a net, bolts for sinkers,tried making my own boat & some times only had a hand line when skipping school.
  Now don't know if I'm in Heaven or Hell with this FC.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2020/05/26 06:04:25
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/26 08:50:12 (permalink)
At this point in my life I don't want to clean more than 20 crappie, and I don't think I'd mind measuring (I already try to only keep 9 and over anyway).  Plus, my boat limit would be 40, since my fishing buddy doesn't eat fish.  Even if they were all 12" Pymie crappies I wouldn't want to clean 40 of them.  Not that I've ever had that problem.  
I'm not sure the regs would matter though on Arthur.  The DNR hardly ever check anything, let alone measure fish.  

I think 20 is the most that I have ever kept myself.  It was still 2+ hours of cleaning...  I too try to keep 9 and over, but will toss an 8" every so often.  Amazing the amount of difference in meat each inch makes too.  When I run into a 12"+, I will end up turning them into nuggets when I fry, so they are similar to the other sizes (and get more breading)!!!
As noted about the DNR, they likely aren't measuring unless they see someone trying to be sneaky with a cooler into their vehicle or something obvious.  That is what makes me the most concerned that they would even consider what this rush on the water is potentially doing.
As noted too, those guys lining the shores at the beach/launch areas, likely aren't loading up too much.  I have gotten skunked doing the exact same things that a few days prior had me on fish after fish.  It is definitely a tricky lake.
I'm still going to do a bit more C&R this year.  Unless a legal walleye, that thing will find a home in my cooler.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/26 10:28:21 (permalink)
Let's face it, catching Crappies and other panfish isn't that hard. Minnows n a bobbers arent exactly high on the difficulty scale. With LA becoming the new hotspot, I could see guys taking way more than needed. Which can't do anything but hurt the fishery. The enhancement regs are doing wonders for Shenago. I think it was a season or two late at Pymie. The most we have ever killed was 76 at Wihlem in the early 90s. Those days are long gone. Even with the electric, thats still a lot of work. 20 is a good number. IMO. Thats 40 fillets, which is 2 meals for this household. With this heat wave, those fish won't stay in the shallows too much longer anyways. They've probably already spawned and are in the summer haunts. If you dont know where those spots are, then your not really gonna make any large "scores". Again, jus MHO.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/26 10:58:06 (permalink)
 Don't forget the night bite for Eyes and Byrds this time of year at Arthur is a madhouse. Always was a hot spot during the day being a hr. from the Burgh then Cranberry built up. Even Brady township where I live has grown in size a good bit. Then the 80's the Byrds were planted and only took a few years for the night bite to explode.
 Nice the lake/park is being enjoyed by so many and has been my favorite since the first year it was filled. Good fishing as long as I can recall and most likely will stay that way.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/26 12:17:56 (permalink)
 They tried a combined limit ov 10 pan fish on Arthur in the past. They didn't notice a difference in quality. 20 Crappie is plenty. 

when they did the 10 fish limit the bluegills where great , the size was outstanding , then they ended the restriction an then the size on them slowly went back down , it was great for a few years, would like to see it restricted again
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/26 14:22:46 (permalink)
 Don't forget the night bite for Eyes and Byrds this time of year at Arthur is a madhouse. 

This is the one that will likely be effected the most.  It seemed to already be much more crowds for less/smaller fish the past few years.  At least for me, the average size and average amount of fish caught per trip has went down substantially in the past few years.  At least in usual years, the aspect of having to get up for work a few hours after getting to bed, was limiting guys amounts of trips.  Without having to get up, who cares if you get home at 4AM and sleep until Noon?  
Anyone out this past weekend?  I imagine it looked like 3 Rivers Regatta.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/26 19:21:28 (permalink)
 The Crappie that I cleaned today from the fridge still had eggs. A couple had red tails from spawning. Haven't been out for a good bit & might not go at all. Make more room for others & not be part ov the "It's so crowded". Dogwood in back yard is in full bloom & the cooler temps starting Saturday & following week should keep the Crappie easy pickens for the average angler.
post edited by crappiefisher - 2020/05/26 19:30:34
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/28 10:42:00 (permalink)
 Don't forget the night bite for Eyes and Byrds this time of year at Arthur is a madhouse. 

This is the one that will likely be effected the most.  It seemed to already be much more crowds for less/smaller fish the past few years.  At least for me, the average size and average amount of fish caught per trip has went down substantially in the past few years.  At least in usual years, the aspect of having to get up for work a few hours after getting to bed, was limiting guys amounts of trips.  Without having to get up, who cares if you get home at 4AM and sleep until Noon?  
Anyone out this past weekend?  I imagine it looked like 3 Rivers Regatta.

I launched from Bear Run on Sunday 5/24. Parking lot at 6:15am had about 4 or 5 trailers. Fished till noon, when we left the lot was darn near full, but its 90% filled with vehicles with no boat trailers. Oh and the fishing was slow. Didn't go fishing for crappie, went hunting for other species and struck out. Did catch one crappie as a by catch.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/28 11:47:50 (permalink)
I launched from Bear Run on Sunday 5/24. Parking lot at 6:15am had about 4 or 5 trailers. Fished till noon, when we left the lot was darn near full, but its 90% filled with vehicles with no boat trailers. Oh and the fishing was slow. Didn't go fishing for crappie, went hunting for other species and struck out. Did catch one crappie as a by catch.

Sounds pretty similar to my past two times out, trying for the others and not much (a few takes but not landed).  I usually end up trying for crappie for an hour or two to avoid a skunk though.  The launch situation sounds similar too, although I was expecting with Memorial Day weekend and nice weather for it to be a zoo.    
They really need to open up the North Shore beach area (not sure if South is closed too), even if they aren't allowing people to swim.  It is packing the other lots and having people park on the sides of the streets (with many no willing to pull off of the road).  The North Shore beach area has probably 300 parking spots in the upper and lower lots that should be open for parking at the very least.
It seems that their attempt to keep people off of the beach by shutting those lots is forcing people into much smaller confined areas and causing more distancing issues.  I forget what day we went out last weekend, but the launch next to the sailing base had every spot taken and the entire shoreline filled with people fishing.  I have never seen the bike rental lots as filled as they were.  
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/29 10:33:36 (permalink)
My experience last weelend 5.24 also. Great spot, had good bait and heard striper everywhere. Came up empty handed except for bullheads.

At Porter's Cove another guy pulling in around 1AM told me he had his best night in 15 years with stripers the prior Saturday. That is also the same Saturday I couldn't go fishing because my mother in law was coming over.

Sometimes I think I need a new hobby.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/29 10:33:36 (permalink)
My experience last weelend 5.24 also. Great spot, had good bait and heard striper everywhere. Came up empty handed except for bullheads.

At Porter's Cove another guy pulling in around 1AM told me he had his best night in 15 years with stripers the prior Saturday. That is also the same Saturday I couldn't go fishing because my mother in law was coming over.

Sometimes I think I need a new hobby.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/29 16:15:08 (permalink)
I trolled yesterday for about 3hours or so. Not a bite, not a mark, no bait... water was 72-73 degrees. Thinking everything is still shallow and in the weeds. Fished a post spawn brush pile for a minute. Got 2 big whites, that I turned loose. They're probably still in spawning mode, but not sure how much longer with those temps. Guy I talked to said they still had eggs last week.

I'm about done with the local scene. Getting the gear ready for the Big Lake. I'm guessing another couple weeks and then start in close. That 10-12 foot outta Elk and work our way out. Good luck and stay safe.
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/30 04:55:43 (permalink)
so just got off the water and I'll say the alewives are VERY SLIM fished and trolled around most of the lake.  Every since they started letting us throw casting net ale's simply are not there, Well a FEW here and there. heard a couple fish hitting top water only to be large mouth and Of coarse the freaking cats destroying my lures. Almost got myself a kayak on a long cast NOT SEEING THIS FOOL WITH NO FREAKING NAV LIGHTS WHAT SO EVER He said He didn't need them HMMMMMMMMMM next time WON"T BE SO NICE like tonight kayaker's BEWARE LOL   BE SAFE OUT THERE 
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/30 07:54:22 (permalink)
Bighead I don't disagree with the lights but unpowered boats only need a handheld whitelight on board.

Chapter 2; page 15. Note: Chart showing required lighting for unpowered boat.


Not a good thing in my book and unfortunately, it's the power/sail boat operator who will be held responsible in the event of an accident.

The following link requires a PDF download.


Good times and tight lines and beware the yaks at night.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Lake Arthur 2020 2020/05/31 12:30:55 (permalink)
The girl Crappie my son gave me yesterday evening still had eggs. He said very few boats out that he could see. Another year of good size Crappie for the lake. They fillet so nice when packed in ice over night. crappy
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