Ruffed Grouse problems.

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2019/11/24 05:55:05 (permalink)

Ruffed Grouse problems.

  Just my opinion. I believe that the Grouse season should be shut down. I have not seen a Grouse this year and have refused to shoot a Grouse for the last ~5 years due to scarcity. Grouse hunting was my favorite hunting and I truly miss it. As a Forester I spend much of my time in the woods with my lab. I have not seen a Grouse this year. Perhaps I have been in the wrong areas however I am getting the same dismal reports from others. In NE PA we still have a Quail season isn't that a joke. I am almost 70 and can recall Quail in my youth.
  Now I realize the reported West Niles link to the population decline and feel it all the more urgent to shut the harvest down for next year. A few years ago grouse hunters were swarming a couple properties I own. Mine and neighbors properties were swarming with Grouse Hunters from out of the area. They were telling me there were no Grouse in their area well I was forced to post. I still had Grouse at that time. I have not seen a Grouse on the one property in two years, and on the other property I have seen none this year. I have seen no Grouse period this year on foot or while driving. I have friends that go to Michigan to hunt Grouse and they say that population is also in decline.

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    Re: Ruffed Grouse problems. 2019/11/24 08:23:24 (permalink)
    Agreed. Haven’t shot one in years since flush rates went from 20+ per day to single digits or worse.

    I’m sure that in some areas the re-introduction if fishers (who the heck wanted that in the first place — certainly not the grouse, the turkeys, or those that hunted either) didn’t help the situation.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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    Re: Ruffed Grouse problems. 2019/11/24 11:37:42 (permalink)
    Ruffed Grouse highs & lows were once based on multi-year cycles and now it is said the decline, is from the "Nile Virus" in addition to the cycles and loss of habitat.

    Grouse hunting was never my cup of tea but I never missed opportunity at taking a shot, I think more so in retaliation, for getting the hell scared out of me when the darned bird flushed.😳

    Anyways, if younz is interested, check out the link to an article written by a well respected outdoor writer.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/11/24 11:40:00

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    pheasant tail 2
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    Re: Ruffed Grouse problems. 2019/11/25 20:44:55 (permalink)
    Never a grouse hunter, but someone who enjoyed the drumming of Ole' Ruff every spring. I was fortunate enough to have a drumming log behind the woodpile and would sneak in there to observe Mr. Ruff drum a spring evening away. Its been at least 10 years since I have heard or seen a grouse here in Washington County.
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    Re: Ruffed Grouse problems. 2019/11/25 21:13:37 (permalink)
    BTDT, Read that article, sad read. I have been following the science right along so no surprises. Its just sad to me. Pheasant Tail I live in Venango Co and have property in few others locally, and we are in the last 3-4 years experiencing the lack of our Grouse. DarDys I would never shoot a Grouse now with the problems they are experiencing.
      I can not believe the Game Com. has not shut the season down. Sure seems irresponsible to me.
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    Re: Ruffed Grouse problems. 2019/11/25 21:45:12 (permalink)
    Sparrow the author, Bob Frye, I believe is originally from Franklin.

    I'm sure Bob could tell of some great Grouse hunting in Venango County.

    The hills along Two Mile Run from the once, Wolf's Head refinery to present Justus Lake were great Grouse hunting. Whether hunting deer or bunnies, those stupid birds would flush, leaving me dancing in place and yelling in jibberish.

    PT..... hearing and enjoying the drumming of Grouse, thanks for the memories.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Ruffed Grouse problems. 2019/12/04 15:37:27 (permalink)
    I've shot my fair share of grouse over the years many around the Hendersonville area and as far north as Owl's Nest . It's been years since I've actually hunted them but your right a grouse is a rare sight in our local areas of Mercer or Crawford counties. Use to flush a few in deer season, but it's been so long of seeing any I was wondering if there has been problems . Yes they should shut down or reduce the season to help increase numbers ....such a great game bird ...the true ghost of the woods ! 
    Big Tuna
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    Re: Ruffed Grouse problems. 2019/12/17 02:30:48 (permalink)
    Tasty birds...I had a spot about 30 plus years ago in the Slippery Rock area.....30-40 flushes a day were common...had a little female setter that was incredible on them.... I was young and hunted those reclaimed strippers hard.some of the most toughest terrain...up down...pines,grape vines tight group of young aspen I action... about a half a box on 20 gauge 7 1/2....every time I hunted there...I hit it about 5-8 time a year....and usual got my 2 bird's seriously been 20 years since I killed my last one.....but do remember it...Scout my beagle put two out of a grape vine tangle..and one choses to spiral straight up and over my head....a well placed single 6 hit hit to the killed quite a few in my days and only remember one being patterned beyond breast looked like a
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    Re: Ruffed Grouse problems. 2020/01/03 09:08:17 (permalink)
    Flushed three this fall while out and about. Nothing to brag about however its a sign they are still holding on. Have not heard one drum in few years.
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