Rotation at DSR

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Clint S
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2019/10/19 16:26:48 (permalink)

Rotation at DSR

I have heard that they are now going full pool rotation at the meadow pool at the DSR. Even days fly fishing , swinging only with 1/8 oz weight  limit added to fly only .  odd days will be conventional gear . No fishing from south side.   I may have the odd, even mixed up. Catch and release only for ALL species at this area also. They have a rod rack for placeholder and markers set up for distance. Full rotation of pool should be 45 min that say. Don't go there so no skin either way, but maybe someday though..... LOL

The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing.  ~Babylonian Proverb


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    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/19 19:41:33 (permalink)
    Clint, posted a response to their page on my feelings . Nuff said

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/20 07:23:50 (permalink)
    Enough paying customers want it to warrant it, I imagine. They are the ones that stay in the  expensive rental houses, too. Though I think it an imposition on public pools where others are already fishing, there's nothing wrong with establishing it on private waters. If they made the whole SR CandR  it could change the river to something akin to atlantic salmon rivers, without  paying for individual beats and mandatory guides.  I read  a complaint last week from a guy who brings a group  from England to fish the SR. He said they spent an enormous amount of money, but felt the fishery had become ridiculous and geared to snaggers.  He said they're not use to seeing fishermen throw their garbage on the bank and treat trophy fish as if they were the same. Rule changes like this may draw them back.  The trial run must have been successful if they are now instituting it.   I can put out a pretty long line with a  single hand spey and a nine foot rod, maybe someday I'll go check it out. 
        I think I was with with Clint fishing a prime spot in Paradise, when a bunch of swingers tried to force us into rotation. They didn't get their way. If it's a mutual choice, great. If not, pound salt. 
    post edited by fichy - 2019/10/20 07:43:22
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/20 07:59:08 (permalink)
    I bought my pass this year, and I walked down on Friday to check it out.  I think it is even any legal tackle and odd swung flies only.  It is from today (10/20) until 11/28.  There was no need for full rotation on Friday, but the guys that were in the Meadow were rotating anyway.  This system will definitely give more people access to the run, one of the best for swinging on the river.   And old timers like me will need to sit on the benches for a while after the death march down there.  Unless of course you prefer to get there and find virtually the entire run taken up by guys who are holding the "buckets" for the whole day.  But with the " stream improvement " work done down there, which should move the fish further up river more quickly than  the "natural braids", the entire stretch from the meadow to the frog water below lower clay is one big "meadow."
    The DSR property is amazingly clean, I have picked up 2 small pieces of trash in my three trips down there, and the river tenders I have met have all been very cordial and informative, I may be showing one of them  around the Rachacha area when he heads this way on a busman's holiday.  Early there were a lot of flossers hanging in the choke points  watching for the kings, but now it is mainly flyguys and Pinners, and the pinners don't hero float.  Definitely more pleasant than some encountering of the posses up river!
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/20 16:31:02 (permalink)
    Encouraging,  Lucky. I'll have to make an effort. I'm on a streak of going to the river on the 29th for my birthday for the past decade.  I was going to skip this year. Might make a pass reservation, now.  Thanks for the info.
    post edited by fichy - 2019/10/20 16:32:21
    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/20 16:41:53 (permalink)
    I just returned from setting up my hunting camp on 874 acres private property.
    So here is my rub with anything now dsr.
    They were cool in making a better environment towards fishing. Offering reasonable pay to park and good water available. Once they challenged generations long waterway usage it left bad tastes in my stomach.
    They were the only single business to reject public usage of the waters that ran through their property. It changed the entire fishing laws in the entire state of NY. I get it and if it was solely for keeping people off their property, I could endorse that challenge. It was NOT,. It was however to capitalize on a profit from the state of every angler in ny and beyond fund.
    Yes , it's a cleaner section of the waterways, but whose fault is that.
    They are now trying once again to sway regulations changes. No kill of trout, mandatory rotation, mandatory tackle restrictions and the one that burns me is no fishing from the south shore. That is just a start of capitalism in its finest towards a publicly funded fishery.

    I remember when they first started charging to "park " the ballpark and black hole tried to follow suit. It quickly got squashed but it or many sections along that river deemed private could once again become reality. Tailwater and anyone with deep pockets
    post edited by hot tuna - 2019/10/20 16:45:54

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/20 18:10:05 (permalink)
    What happened to hyping Tailwater?  And whose fault is the trash in the public sections?  Sure ain't mine.
    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/20 18:26:21 (permalink)
    I only hype tailwater as a good lodging facility. In pretty convinced I will spend $105.00 a night with my wife for a hotel that has 4 star rating with plenty to do just there than a 40 ppl in a well used fishing room . There is a difference if I'm solo.
    The fishing sucks on that side anyway except for the barrel. They don't capitalize and charge to fish the river or disallow fishing except on their 400 yard side unless you stay at their hotel. Its actually what I promote. There are no extra fees or regulations involved. Even drift boats are allowed to anchor .

    Trash becomes everyone's problem, no matter theirs or not ours. For me to think I should pay a enormous fee to be trash free is not to my liking. I do not think that the price of fishing should influence the lack of trash.
    Kick people in the azz, hold them accountable . That's what's lacking and its not about paying extra for someone else to clean it up. Education and enforcement, that's why I haven't visited the river in 1.5 years
    post edited by hot tuna - 2019/10/20 18:33:35

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/20 18:43:57 (permalink)
    I've watched multi millionaires throw their cigarette butts on the ground because they think someone else should clean it up

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/20 19:17:55 (permalink)
    I liked Schoolhouse frog water side in the winter, it heats up and draws steel and others to the soft seam that butts it. Only place I've landed an Atlantic in the SR.  Your experience is different. You barely flyfish, I pursue it with a passion. I enjoy the company of those that share it.
      There's lots of signs about the detraction of litter. The azzhats partying in Stoneys til four in the morning aren't worried about having their conscience , or consciousness disturbed by some DEC sign. Until a different mindset  is established on the whole river, it might be a vast plus to have an escape. My wife goes to the river with me, she is starting to hate it. I have opened my mouth to trash throwers and snaggers. Little good it does. Some people are beyond redemption. I'd venture the lack of trash at the dsr is because people are starting to self police. Perhaps paying for a privilege  engenders respect. 
       I would rather eat  corn finished beef than fish and have no illusions I'm some master hunter gatherer. Forcing more  Catch and Release on the river is good for me, especially if they expand the fly zones.  For now, the dsr will do. Maybe if I had my own Montana size hunting preserve I'd have a different perspective.
    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/20 19:42:01 (permalink)
    Good thing I'm jack the ripper for our annual Halloween party with our favorite GD band next weekend. Seems lots daggers floating.
    I do barely fly fish, actually I don't even consider it as such anymore if I hold a swatter in my hand. Very few do on that river except the red light district and the few working around them. I considered myself a fisherman and steward of the outdoors no matter how ethically I pursue my quary. I enjoy the company of such like minded people.
    What fathams me is some will pay more to fish than lay their heads to rest. Fishing there is 1/3 of the equation.
    People don't hold higher regards to the environment because they pay more, someone is picking up their trash or kicking them out.
    Shouldn't that just become normal.
    Any beach,lake, river, stream hiking trail I go to there is trash.

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/20 20:14:19 (permalink)
    The schoolhouse south shore frog water is productive in fall and spring or higher flows. During normal winter and 335 -500 flows, it collects ice flows and makes shelf ice. At least that's my experience and at last report 2 years ago this January and February.
    The head will be good if you get there before o'dark thirty, from south. The middle/ pool can remain iced all day from the south
    The tail is dicey where the islands split. Flow gathers on the south along with difficult angling. No clue as to what the excavator work has done. Hopefully for a lodger, better. I rarely fish the tailwater side if I stay there in winter
    Yes it's a tried and true winter hold but much better on the north side.

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 08:24:38 (permalink)
      Well, I didn't say it was  easy. Sometimes I had to break through skim ice, some of the time it was walking out on the shelf and jumping off. I don't know if I'd do it now, I'm getting a little too old.  The good thing is, after a drift boat or two passed I'd see no one.  I haven't been there, other than a walk down the powerlines, since the tailwater opened. My casting skills are also up to the challenge of overhead trees and banks in close proximity. Yeah, just use slinkys and a spinning rod. No thanks, I like the challenge.
      If I understood what you said correctly, all the places you visit have garbage. Lots of places I go, don't, or there's just accidental micro-trash . Different clientele. And actually, the  vast majority are free. 
          My town was the only town in NY to receive a grant from the EPA to  fund a program for economic development through outdoor education. A town forest has been purchased. Friends and I will construct trails and help develop educational programs fostering stewardship and respect for the environment. Less and less garbage is seen on the roads in my town, thanks to teachers and parents that promote ethical behavior. We even have a very good wild broookie stream on the property.  Oddly, in this current political climate, it's a bi-partisan effort.  As for millionaires expecting others to clean up their butts, that's the micro view  of a macro-economic  problem. Nice analogy. I'll be interested to see how the DSR is run and the overall sense of the place. Til I get eyes on, I'll reserve judgement. I'm one of those annoying people that like empirical data.
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 10:58:41 (permalink)
    HT, you have a very flawed understanding of NYS Fishing and land use laws.  Posted has meant the stream, too, since as long as I have been on the planet, it is a fairy tale that you are ok as long as you stayed in the water.  Clubs such as the Tahawus Club (Upper Hudson and Opalescent), the clubs on the upper Beaverkill, the Garbutt Club on Spring Brook and Oatka Creek in WNY, just to name a couple, have posted their banks and waters for over a hundred years, and have vehemently prosecuted trespassers.   AS I know you have heard from Fred, Doug posted his property and started DSR because of the complete chytshow that was happening in the fall, the amount of garbage left both on the river and in access points, and to subsidize the costs of liability insurance he was having to buy, to protect himself from lawsuits from the families of people who drowned upstream but washed up on his ground, and the inevitable casualties of the mayhem going on on his property.  2Bob first , and then I when  I arrived shortly later,  helped him pick up up in the old lot on 13, and that was not long before the posters went up.  He did not challenge anything, he maintained that he owned the Riparian rights, including the fishing rights, when sued by the Driftboat guides, and the Courts found in his favor, and in favor of other riparians if certain conditions of title were met, as they were for DSR.  I do  not like to have to pay to access " public" fish, but none of the public trout leave the river in the private preserve, so it does not lessen the opportunity of upstream fishers to get at that part of the resource.  What is a round of golf cost at a private course now?  A Single membership for 7 day access at a small country club nearby is over $1000 a season.  In that light, the fee at DSR is not so expensive, and since I only have a few years of being able to do the death marches, I'm willing to pay for the better experience now.
    Fichy, high probability that we'll be in town on the 29th, I'll watch for the beard!
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 11:54:49 (permalink)
    Used to love going there before the DSR but agree it was like the Ballpark.
    Liked it when they offered a parking area and ladder to get to the river and willfully paid the fees up to around $25.
    Those were one trip and done years and as I started going much more often also stopped paying them and went upstream.
    Also didn't enjoy guides with several clients pushing in when ya had a decent spot. Just as bad IMHO as the snaggers running over and busting your little pocket upriver not necessarily snagging but trying to get right along side of ya.
    Rude behavior by those  who hadda get fish  $$$ was often as bad as the rising price.
    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 12:06:01 (permalink)
    What a strange twist.
    You are correct in why the dsr was changed from public to completely closed to now a privatized fishing location.
    What I don't understand is your thinking that this was supposed affordable to the public and currently comparing it to an elite golf club as reasonable now.
    As for the law: it took 3 courts to make a final decision after the first one was not taken in favor of the public.
    And finally, it was only as long as I've been on this planet that yes you could access water ( deemed the water is public) as long as you didn't trespass through property . Now the ground under the water is no longer
    Allowed to be touched even if the water is.

    Trout were allowed to be harvested there as well until I believe 2011 so this is a somewhat new
    Enough on this subject for me. Enjoy fantasy land down there.

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 12:20:21 (permalink)
    The DSR day pass now  costs about fifteen beers in a bar or 6 packs of cigarettes, or many times more for a ticket out of reality whether it's pills or inhaled. 3 pizzas.  It ain't for the indigent,  but I'll spend as much in gas going out.  They let my wife in for free, and she'll carry a pack with good food and everything we need. 
    In some ways it's a cheap thrill. And a healthy one
    post edited by fichy - 2019/10/21 12:30:16
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 12:25:30 (permalink)
      Costs about fifteen beers in a bar. 6 packs of cigarettes, many times more for a ticket out of reality whether it's pills or inhaled.

    Ha, I don't drink in bars, smoke tobacco or take recreational drugs so I guess I'm ahead of the game when I pony up DSR's asking price.  Lol  
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 14:53:46 (permalink)
      Costs about fifteen beers in a bar. 6 packs of cigarettes, many times more for a ticket out of reality whether it's pills or inhaled.

    Ha, I don't drink in bars, smoke tobacco or take recreational drugs so I guess I'm ahead of the game when I pony up DSR's asking price.  Lol  

    Some people fly to New Zealand or Argentina to catch a 10lb. brown in a river, like you did in the Meadow. Now that's some savings.
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 15:24:38 (permalink)
      Costs about fifteen beers in a bar. 6 packs of cigarettes, many times more for a ticket out of reality whether it's pills or inhaled.

    Ha, I don't drink in bars, smoke tobacco or take recreational drugs so I guess I'm ahead of the game when I pony up DSR's asking price.  Lol  

    Some people fly to New Zealand or Argentina to catch a 10lb. brown in a river, like you did in the Meadow. Now that's some savings.

    I'll tell my wife that when I spend more $$$ on equipment.
    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 17:52:00 (permalink)
    Of course I can't keep my big mouth shut when a discussion is involved. I'd like to call this a discussion until closed.
    I'm still in shock and awe of feelings towards what a privatized fishery is doing to the public . I heard words and read print before about this subject.
    Mandatory rotation : My understanding was it's a great thing for voluntary rotation, it was not popular to make it mandatory.
    Costs to fish the SR: This is not nova Scotia and in some cases better than Alaska as public fishing goes. Big corporations are taking over our publicly funded fishery.

    Its these things I don't understand:
    As anyone knows in today it's a dog eat dog, I want it now daddy world. Unless you figure out how to circumvent every single tax, fee, surcharge or bill that arrives from the wallet.
    Taking more , regulating more or making more laws has surely not helped to support the future. Now , now, of course there are extremists that will say we just can't let them burn more coal but I'm talking straight forward outdoor recreation and rights.
    It blew my mind as I actually endorsed this section for years until it got ridiculously capitalized.

    I don't even remember when I first bought a season pass in the section off question but I do remember the costs and increases.
    Parking was $5.00 at first charge , my first season pass was $75.00. My last was $750.00 plus a surcharge. My last parking fee was a fantastic day catching coho at $65.00 in 2009 or 10. I haven't back since. I believe it's now 75-85 on weekends, if you get a ticket. $150-175 for 2 days in a vastly populated river is outta my radar. I'd rather spend that money elsewhere in a nice comfy place exploring free water.
    My son has asked to go salmon fishing in a pay to play area as such because he wants nothing to do with people around him. I explained its nothing more than fantastic salmon water and people that take your money. The show is the same and anyone at anything will just come and walk in front of you and snag a fish but just not on steroids as other sections. He declined..
    Thing that hurts most is anyone would support privatized regulation that may impact the entire state regulations

    I also agree, the c& r needs to be expanded below rt 52. I would like to see it down to Ellis. Any tackle welcome below 52 but c&r only.
    It would surely spread out the floaters below the lower zone and keep drift boats moving.
    Not sold on a ff only though. Can do that anytime one wishes.

    The eagles killed the concert scene by charging $80.00 and up for a farewell tour. It was unprecedented prior to pay that amount. Now it's the cheap bargain.
    Reason I pay $15.00 and $1.50 a Busch can to see Lukas Nelson and POTR play in a dive bar instead of $400.00 VIP seating for them to play with Neil Young.
    Just trying to keep it real
    Peace and tuna

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 18:02:51 (permalink)
     At least there aren't people here to physically threaten you anymore if you persist in having the last word.   The SR is a unique situation. I don't think policy there dictates what happens elsewhere in this state by any means. Lucky didn't include the Neversink Club in his list of exclusionary properties,  I  use to sneak into it as a teenager.  Private Idahos have been around for a long time,  just as Lucky said. The DSR is far more accessible and NOT a private club. Maybe they can set some examples for the rest of the non-paying water.
    post edited by fichy - 2019/10/21 18:16:23
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 18:24:16 (permalink)
    Heading to fish the DSR four 4 days starting WED.  Well worth the price and I don't have much problem dealing with the daily rotation on the meadow.  I'll just fish the fly rod those days.  Price is well worth not having to deal with the crowds and I catch and release so no biggy for me. 
    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 18:53:47 (permalink)
     At least there aren't people here to physically threaten you anymore if you persist in having the last word.   The SR is a unique situation. I don't think policy there dictates what happens elsewhere in this state by any means. Lucky didn't include the Neversink Club in his list of exclusionary properties,  I  use to sneak into it as a teenager.  Private Idahos have been around for a long time,  just as Lucky said. The DSR is far more accessible and NOT a private club. Maybe they can set some examples for the rest of the non-paying water.

    I dig it and thankful .
    My wife has no idea on what I spend in new gear.. these days, it's about zero as it gets , only gas money and time.
    I had a very good friend called neversink. I get that elite group as well. Still driftboats drift. Our gun clubs dissolved years ago in flavor of corporate elite.
    I totally agree, their section is far more appealing but I don't understand the cost of freedom. That's what alienate me and the free folks.
    Not everyone is a hogwash slob and it saddens me I'd have to pay a private club to play nice or so...
    If special interests set standards for the rest of the state, I'm doomed.
    No longer can I walk on some hard water use a peice of equipment , raise and harvest what my families have used for generations.
    This seems zoning 101.
    Buckle up...

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 19:07:16 (permalink)
    Heading to fish the DSR four 4 days starting WED.  Well worth the price and I don't have much problem dealing with the daily rotation on the meadow.  I'll just fish the fly rod those days.  Price is well worth not having to deal with the crowds and I catch and release so no biggy for me. 

    Hey tracker.
    I hope you have a great time.
    Maybe you'll find some nice salmon to play with also.
    I switched totally to trout buy October 2nd when I fished there with good results.
    May your lines be tight and hands smell like fish .

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 19:08:29 (permalink)
    One thing I really liked about Nova Scotia was that ALL water is public.
    Wherever it is ya can walk across fields or woods if necessary to get to it and its OK.
    Everyone knows it and everyone can do it so its OK- never even once heard a bad word in several years up there fishing- on the contrary all were polite and nice. 
    Keeps down any crowds too.
    post edited by r3g3 - 2019/10/21 19:10:06
    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 19:31:36 (permalink)
    Wasn't nova Scotia province beats, rotation and gillies mandatory.
    Never been myself but so told from others

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 19:58:41 (permalink)
    r3g3- I honeymooned in Nova Scotia 1982.  As I recall most it not all the rivers were closed when we were there because of low numbers of returning salmon (late August/early September).  In Canada they shut rivers down on a moments notice.  Imagine if they did that on the Lake Ontario tributaries, they'd have mass riots on their hands.
    hot tuna
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 20:08:43 (permalink)
    From my co workers account, he pays to play. These places are in the thousands.
    He visits places like nova Scotia, Scatatcwan, Idaho, Kansas montana, Alaska and the likes.
    He actually disembarked on most NY pay populated waters years ago in favor of our public lesser places here
    While I don't agree with the money he spends to sit in a tree stand for a week to shoot a 22 point buck and pass on 10pts regularly in neg 25 degrees on the flatland of Canada( non penned)
    I do heed his experiences and advice as well.
    post edited by hot tuna - 2019/10/21 20:18:39

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Rotation at DSR 2019/10/21 20:10:19 (permalink)
    No, that's New Brunswick  and the Gaspe'.  I fished the Margaree and loved it. Only caught a grilse, but I did it on my own. Also caught sea run brookies you had to back pack to. Nova Scotia is wonderful. That's current info, as I'm planning a trip back next summer. You can hire a guide if you'd like to get a leg up, but you can flail at will,  with a license, of course. 
    post edited by fichy - 2019/10/21 20:15:51
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