invasive worms

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2019/09/08 23:17:38 (permalink)

invasive worms

While reading the last issue of The Penna. Fish & boat mag. I came across a field note from a WCO describing an invasive specie of worm called the Asian Jumping worm. After googleing it I found out that it is actually destructive to the soil. They look a lot like reg.nightcrawlers except that the band around the top section is not raised like a crawler's is. They are very quick & agile & if you squeeze them too hard they will break off in their effort to get away. I was trying to get a couple,not knowing that they were different,but they were very hard to catch even though they stay on top of the ground. I had a cup that I was going to keep them in til I got back to fishing but I couldn't keep them in without a lid.Also even tho they were so active I didn't get a bite on them. I was told that if I got any more that the best thing to do with the extras would be to kill them but not to take the live ones to another place.  Was cool to see something so interesting.   sam

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    Re: invasive worms 2019/09/08 23:28:43 (permalink)
    Sam I couldn't resist and sure enough found a video about the Asian "Crazy" Worm, as they were called in the article.
    Yinz gotta see it folks..... stupid fish probably won't be able to catch these things.

    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/09/08 23:30:11

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    solitario lupo
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    Re: invasive worms 2019/09/09 11:27:41 (permalink)
    I use them for fishing. They love my mulch piles. There not as big as night crawlers. They break as soon as you grab them so I put both half’s on the hook.
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    Re: invasive worms 2019/09/09 13:58:30 (permalink)
    solitario, Do you find them better or the same as other worms? You would think that with all of that action that they would be great,although I didn't get anything while I used them,but that was only one time as I usually use jigs.  sam
    solitario lupo
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    Re: invasive worms 2019/09/09 17:39:32 (permalink)
    When I used them for trout it’s the same. Nothing different.
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    Re: invasive worms 2019/09/10 17:06:35 (permalink)
    They look like they're all hopped up from snorting the Marijuanas.

    You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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