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Saturday start is official
Passed today. The Saturday opener was tentatively approved at the January meeting so an amendment was offered today to revert back to the Monday opener. 5 voted no. 3 voted yes. So the amendment failed and seasons and bags for deer stayed as they were tentatively approved in January.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/09 15:56:40
Saturday it is....makes no difference to me ...will be interesting to see what Monday brings....less hunters or more sticking around....for some it will be a mad rush to the camps on Friday.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/09 17:21:40
YEA....... 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Hunters be coming muup here same time I'm heading muup to the deep south. Shame I'll be wasting a senior lifetime combo hunting license....... again. BUT WAIT....... look at the money, I'll be saving for other adventures...... again. Good luck this coming season and remember, watch out for that big bad "CWD". 👍
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/04/09 17:22:51
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/09 18:12:41
Late flintlock and archery was extended one week as well to end on MLK day on Monday. Adds 7 hunting days onto those seasons.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/09 20:05:20
HA...... mere pittance of an Olive Branch hoping to get me back.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/04/09 20:09:14
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/10 09:41:02
I'm like the Captain-no difference to me. I knew it would be approved though. All the schools in my area were closed the first day of buck or even first 2 days like in my school district. Will they now have classes on Monday? Remains to be seen. Other states have Saturday openers and license sales are still down. Have to wait and see for PA.
The only thing better than 1 day of fishing is 2 days of fishing.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/10 10:33:14
Neutral here, but, adding opportunity is never a bad thing, in my mind.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/10 11:36:54
Panfisher I'm like the Captain-no difference to me. I knew it would be approved though. All the schools in my area were closed the first day of buck or even first 2 days like in my school district. Will they now have classes on Monday? Remains to be seen.
Several larger school districts around Pittsburgh have been having classes on that Monday for a few years now I believe. Chalk me up for another, "I'm OK with it." For my boys and I, it'll give us an extra day of the year to hunt deer, but we're hunting or fishing a lot in the fall and winter anyway. As I've said in many of the discussions about this and Sunday hunting, and trying to recruit new hunters, etc . . . I don't think it'll make a lot of difference. Those whose kids are busy with sports and other activities during the rest of hunting season will be busy on that day too. Winter sports practices for schools are in their first full week the week of Thanksgiving, and Thanksgiving day is about the only day players get off anyway, so this won't change much. I would imagine it'll make some college students happy. I remember my freshman year of college how mad I was when I realized we didn't get off for the first day of buck season. I'll take it, but in the long run, it's really only giving people who already hunt one additional day during gun season.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/11 09:30:49
Agreed. Funny seeing the vocal minority on the other site so up in arms over the change though. Just makes me chuckle......
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/11 12:51:33
I haven't been on that site in a few months, but I'm not surprised. I really don't get what the opposition is about with this. It's an extra day to hunt in what many hunters say is their favorite season of the year. Of course, I don't have a camp, and only hunted out of a camp once in my life for the first day, so I'm not tied to the nostalgia and tradition of that. But my goodness, just go a couple days earlier than normal.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/11 14:44:43
rsquared I haven't been on that site in a few months, but I'm not surprised. I really don't get what the opposition is about with this. It's an extra day to hunt in what many hunters say is their favorite season of the year. Of course, I don't have a camp, and only hunted out of a camp once in my life for the first day, so I'm not tied to the nostalgia and tradition of that. But my goodness, just go a couple days earlier than normal.
The only opposition I have seen is the dudes who work on the weekends. I like Saturday opener, one less day of vacation I got to burn for hunting, one more I can use for fishing or family at the beach
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/17 08:34:55
It's whatever here too, I just want a extra week in the rut that's all I ask..... but not for 2019 cuz I'm going to Montana to smoke me a monster muley
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/20 13:56:43
Watch out for Montana Grizzly ....work buddy got mauled years ago hunting Elk in archery ...lucky to be alive ! Big sow Grizz with 2 cubs...on him in seconds after eyes meet ...never seen a bear track all week hunting either. Think about a satellite phone if your going in deep or just better mountain reception ....saved his life ...life flight out by helicopter !
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/20 22:21:37
That sounds scary. I've crossed paths with a few Keystone Blackbear while archery hunting that caused, skid marks in my panty's.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
lost sage rod sectio
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/21 00:31:10
Hell Why don't they stop half stepping and bull ****ting and let us rifle hunters start the same day as the archery hunters? I know I would like to hunt the rut every year and get first crack at the big boys. The modern day bow shoots just like rifle with a lot less practice. The rules are there are no RULES. Is all about the $$$$$$. Hell just put the season in when you cook them.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/21 09:21:44
lost sage rod sectio Hell Why don't they stop half stepping and bull ****ting and let us rifle hunters start the same day as the archery hunters? .... The modern day bow shoots just like rifle with a lot less practice.
You got what you want, it’s in your response.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/22 03:13:15
Yea the area we will be in will defently have grizzly buddy went out for spring bear last year seen one everyday really looking forward to it....the deer not the bears I'm not super sure what's gonna happen we have a friend out there basically a free guide he said draw tags come out you will kill a buck just depends on what class you want
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/22 20:06:22
lost sage rod sectio The modern day bow shoots just like rifle with a lot less practice. The rules are there are no RULES. Is all about the $$$$$$. Hell just put the season in when you cook them.
If a new bow is the same as a rifle, go get ya a bow and you can start rifle hunting the rut, as you wish to.
My rifle is a black rifle
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/25 08:24:07
lost sage rod sectio Hell Why don't they stop half stepping and bull ****ting and let us rifle hunters start the same day as the archery hunters? I know I would like to hunt the rut every year and get first crack at the big boys. The modern day bow shoots just like rifle with a lot less practice. The rules are there are no RULES. Is all about the $$$$$$. Hell just put the season in when you cook them.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... Thanks for the morning chuckle.....it made my day.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/25 08:54:38
I remember talking to an oldster up on Hammersley Fork one year and he explained to me how the turkey seasons went there — the spring season, the fall season, and the when-you-wanted-to-eat-turkey season.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/25 10:44:39
DarDys I remember talking to an oldster up on Hammersley Fork one year and he explained to me how the turkey seasons went there — the spring season, the fall season, and the when-you-wanted-to-eat-turkey season.
Hammersley. I did a back pack fishing trip back into the headwaters one year for native brookies over Memorial Day weekend. Some nice country for sure. Fishing wasn't bad either.
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/30 18:15:04
Just heard on the news that the PGC is already discussing the possibility of going back to the Mon. opening for 2020 due to the amount of pushback from hunters. sam
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Re: Saturday start is official
2019/04/30 19:04:47
mr.crappie Just heard on the news that the PGC is already discussing the possibility of going back to the Mon. opening for 2020 due to the amount of pushback from hunters. sam
Several representatives relayed to the commissioners that they have received a lot of feedback from hunters against the move. Board President Layton said the commissioners would look at the data after the 2019/20 season and go from there. License sales, participation rates, hunter numbers on the opener etc..........
My rifle is a black rifle