Trolling motor on my 20' Fish n Ski

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2019/04/08 11:40:07 (permalink)

Trolling motor on my 20' Fish n Ski

So I finally tried a trolling motor on my boat yesterday.  And only because Wilhelm North is electric only.  I have a 55lb jobber that I bought for my not_really_a_kayak tub, and accompanying gigantic agm battery.  This thing has to go on the transom, since my boat has a 5" lip running the whole way around.  That isn't terribly convenient, but it is doable.  The leads aren't long enough to get to the floor though, so the battery went on the splash well.  A bit sketchy, but it weighs 700lbs so it isn't like it was going to jump out.  
All in all, I really liked having it.  Which shocked me a bit.  Also shocking is that it moved my big boat full of equipment and two big guys at 3mph once it got going.  The 20 horse only pushes me mid 7mph so that's not too shabby.  Now of course it has no hole shot and you can't stop in a hurry, but it's a trolling motor.  It does what you'd expect.  
The down side is carrying that heavy battery around and the motor itself.  Plus mounting and unmounting it is an extra chore coming and going.  There's no good way to mount one on the front of my boat if I wanted a traditional setup.  That small flat surface has the anchor cleat and a rod holder.  And even if I was willing to give those up I'd either need to disconnect the thing each trip anyway, or figure out some other cover situation.  
Anyway, not really looking for a solution.  Just posting my experience in case anyone wondered if a 12v trolling motor would move their big boat.  Because I came and looked before my trip.   

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    Re: Trolling motor on my 20' Fish n Ski 2019/04/15 15:34:26 (permalink)
    I have a big, heavy, 1988 Wellcraft V20 with a 70lb trolling motor I use on the lake.  I don't mind getting around at 3-4 mph.  Was going to scratch one of the zeros off of the 200hp to make it legal, but not sure they would buy it.
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    Re: Trolling motor on my 20' Fish n Ski 2019/04/15 16:00:08 (permalink)
    Bet you make a lot less wake with that 200 running min throttle than those guys running restickered 30s on their 14' bass rigs.  
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    Re: Trolling motor on my 20' Fish n Ski 2019/04/15 16:25:31 (permalink)
    I was told by someone who knows Evinrude's VERY well, that the E-tec 15 H.O and the 30 HP are the same engine. Go look at specs: both are 35.2 displacement, and bore x stroke are both if you see a newer 'Rude that is stickered a 15 on restricted assured its a 30
    I do wish PA would up the limit to 25....yea I know guys would be getting 40s with 25 stickers...but Yamaha came out with a 25 HP that weighs only 126 lbs for the 15inch model, and 143 lbs for 20 inch model.
    One can dream.
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    Re: Trolling motor on my 20' Fish n Ski 2019/04/15 20:05:05 (permalink)
    Depending the mfg/model, the removal of a restrictor plate may be the only difference between zoom or old big fat hairy shirtless dudes, speeding around in circles and wake jumping with loud motors, pulling screaming kids on a rubber replica of "Nessy".

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    Re: Trolling motor on my 20' Fish n Ski 2019/04/16 06:07:18 (permalink)
    I do wish PA would up the limit to 25....yea I know guys would be getting 40s with 25 stickers...but Yamaha came out with a 25 HP that weighs only 126 lbs for the 15inch model, and 143 lbs for 20 inch model.
    One can dream.

    Along the same lines as your thinking, I think a regulation change to “no hp limit, no wake only” would be great for hp restrict lakes. It works well for lebeouf, the users do police the lake.
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    Re: Trolling motor on my 20' Fish n Ski 2019/04/18 08:38:18 (permalink)
    Now this is funny. 30HP stickered as a 9.9

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