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2019/04/01 11:58:32 (permalink)

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    Expert Angler
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    Re: EVEN MORE ABOUT CWD FROM OUTDOOR NEWS 2019/04/07 10:45:22 (permalink)
    Erie County June 2018 a buck was observed on brother in laws property, he walked over to it and it was skin and bones just standing in the water of Temple Creek, He called game officers and a couple of them came out and killed the animal and took it away. They never contacted him about their findings. The pictures he texted me sure looked like it was CWD, I think we are in for a devistating blow to the deer heard. I read where a young deer contracts the disease and it takes 2 - 2 1/2 years to destroy the animal all along it is spreading the infection throughout the range , Does anyone want to eat a harvested deer that may or may not be infected ? I hope I am wrong  
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    Re: EVEN MORE ABOUT CWD FROM OUTDOOR NEWS 2019/04/07 12:16:39 (permalink)
    If the deer had CWD the PGC would have been shouting it from the rooftops in order to support their narrative. Since you heard nothing, I suggest it was something else.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re: EVEN MORE ABOUT CWD FROM OUTDOOR NEWS 2019/04/08 18:53:18 (permalink)
    Since I been back I been seeing CWD (collided with death) deer all over the place. RTs 19, 58 & 173 between I-80 and Espeyville has carcasses laying everywhere including front yards. (maybe throwed there by snowplows)

    Speaking of RT173, the Army been using that road, between Sandylake and Cochranton, for mortar practice or sumpthin? Good Grief!!! 😧

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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