Helpful ReplyAny Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There?

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2019/02/02 19:44:45 (permalink)

Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There?

If there anyone knowledgeable about Two Mile lake, I'd love to ask you a few questions...
Also, I heard a rumor today that there are Lakers in Two Mile...anyone know if that is fact or fiction?
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/02 21:44:29 (permalink)
I'll go as far as saying, 6" of ice by the dam today and the water is dam deep in that area.

As for the catchin today, sorry no spot burning.

Spoke with my nephew and he said Justus was disappointing today and he won't be returning this weekend.

As for type of fish, the PFBC ruined the lake with their stupid trout. So I'd recommend contacting the NW Office and inquire as to what's worth fishing for in a once, fun lake.

Good times and tight lines.

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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/02 21:52:27 (permalink)
I fished it today and I couldnt catch anything BUT trout.  Catching is catching, but I'd prefer to catch fat perch, chubby crappie, or better yet...some ice 'eyes.  What that lake needs is some pike IMO...  I know there are tigers in there, but they're few and far between and that lake would just make a killer pike lake.  Anyways, I wondered if anyone knew any GENERAL areas of the lake where the perch/crappie sizes were good or if any one wanted to possibly divulge GENERAL areas for walleye in that lake.  You can of course PM me.  I probably just need to fish it more and try to find the structure.  Anyways, it's a nice lake and I'll look forward to fishing it this summer...
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/02 22:09:42 (permalink)
Justus is nothing as it once was. Great fishing for Large Mouth, Walleye, Musky, and Crappie too. Then came the PFBC and the rest is history.

Have not fished Justus for 25 years and not likely ever will again. Still have my contour map though.. Just in case. lol.

Good times and tight lines.

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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/03 09:15:32 (permalink)
I'd pick another lake for Perch or Walleye ,seems it's good for Bass and lots of Trout. Seen lots of guys on Wilhelm yesterday driving by. Shenango has guys on ice steady up at the Golden Run area. I'd about bet the Laker rumor is just that .
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/04 08:29:20 (permalink)
Where did you hear this rumor about Lakers? Its 100% false. You can count the lakes in PA with Lake Trout: Lake Erie, East Branch Clarion River Lake, Raystown, and maybe Silver Lake out east. Now up at the federal fish hatchery in Warren, they will sometimes stock a few old spawned out Lakers in the Allegheny Reservoir.
PFBC stopped stocking Walleyes about 5-6-7 years I'm sure there are a few left, but not many. There are some nice largemouth and also smallmouth in that lake.
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/04 08:34:44 (permalink)
I heard it from some locals who seemed sure of it when I questioned them about it out of disbelief.  I figured it was a myth, but I've also seen the PFBC/PGC do some questionable things that did not make sense to me.  Thank you for the information on the walleye population...
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/04 09:15:30 (permalink)
I never quite understood why PFBC made borderline Walleye Lakes like Justus and Kahle part of the big bass program.
Kahle currently seems way over carry capacity for bass. Justus is way deeper, and has more drop-offs and better walleye looking habitat, but between the bass, trout and musky, the walleye fry have zero shot of survival.
Same with Kahle, all the bass just munch on the walleye fry that were stocked.
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/04 09:27:44 (permalink)
Wouldn't surprise me to hear the PFBC tried stocking "splake" at one time or another.

Them biologist love a good experiment....

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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/04 14:37:56 (permalink)
Wouldn't surprise me to hear the PFBC tried stocking "splake" at one time or another.

Them biologist love a good experiment....

This was part of an email a PFBC biologist sent me back in 2011, when I asked some questions about the trout program...
While Two Mile Run Reservoir is deep and has a small layer of cooler water with some oxygen it is not a classic two story lake with a large deep layer of very cold water with very high oxygen concentration conducive to trout such as occurs at East Branch Clarion River Lake.  It is more of a borderline situation at Two Mile.  Back in the early 1990's we tried stocking fingerling trout in Two Mile Run Reservoir and had very few trout make it through to succeeding years and attain larger size.  A few larger trout are occasionally caught in the lake but for the most part our information indicates hold over potential is limited.
I assume he is talking about Brook Trout at 2Mile, cause if you look at Keystone Lake in Armstrong, read the 2001 biologists report:
Keystone Lake  

Spring sampling in 2001 at Keystone Lake (Armstrong/Indiana Counties) produced extremely positive results.  Past stockings of brook trout have produced high numbers of brook trout ranging from 8 to 10 inches in length. Night electrofishing efforts verified the high numbers of brook trout as well as high numbers of rainbow smelt.  The smelt were introduced in the late 1980's and early 1990's and are self sustaining. Spring night electrofishing produced high numbers of walleye as well.  The majority of walleye ranged from 18 through 24 inches, however fair numbers of walleye ranging from 27 to 30 inches were also encountered.  These walleye were without doubt some of the heaviest encountered during walleye sampling efforts over the past two decades.
Trapnet efforts continued to produce quality size walleye and legal brook trout.  No smelt were observed during trapnet efforts.  Seven tiger muskellunge were sampled by trapnet and they ranged from 708 through 1295 mm (27.8 - 50.98 inches).  Four of the seven tigers were of legal size.  Black and white crappie were just becoming active and some of the early anglers were doing well with fair numbers of crappie being present, including good representation in the 9 to 13 inch size groups.  Bluegill were not present in high numbers and most were less than 8 inches in length.  Good numbers of smallmouth bass were encountered.  Keystone Lake appears to be home for numerous quality sized walleye, tiger muskellunge, and smallmouth bass.  Additional sampling will be done in late May to evaluate both small and largemouth bass.
-- Fisheries Management Area 2
So I highly doubt PFBC spent the money to source "Splake" eggs.
post edited by psu_fish - 2019/02/04 14:46:35
Ugly Stik
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/04 14:56:02 (permalink)
Some folks refer to large rainbow trout as lakers aka lake runs from Lake Erie. There are  some huge trout in Two Mile. Some of these approaching 30". 20 years ago the lake offered some nice walleyes but those days are gone. There is a 36" walleye mounted in the park office caught in a gill net years ago. I did well on jumbo perch on deeper water off the points but haven't fished it for years. Recently I've trolled for walleye in the deeper water but all I caught were 14-18" trout on the crank baits and harnesses. The north end of the lake is silted in so badly that navigation is almost impossible.
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/04 15:55:32 (permalink)
Uglystik right you are. I've heard many anglers refer to the huge Rainbows as Lakers.

I also know two guys that maintained the the gate on the spill box at two mile and at one time assisted with "diver certification" programs held at the lake.

It was common to hear of the "lunker trout" swimming in the depths of Justus.

PSU I don't doubt "splake" were ever tested at two mile, but I still wouldn't be surprised to hear the PFBC tried at one time.

Furthermore, over my many years of fishing and hunting, I find it more and more difficult believing any PFBC biologist even if, he/she were standing knee deep in dead gizzard shad, and reported a foul odor.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/02/04 15:58:33

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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/04 21:45:36 (permalink)
A gill net ? WTF
Walleye fry are almost a waste got to stock fingerlings for better survival, but the PFBC like to throw numbers out instead of quality . I'd rather see all fingerlings stocked forget the fry even if it means less numbers. Their inland Walleye program is a fancy name for we'll be stocking way less Walleye in local lakes. They have really cut way back on Walleye stockings all over except Pymy !
Ugly Stik
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/05 06:33:53 (permalink)
The gill net was used by PFBC to conduct a survey on the lakes trout. As I recall they found no natural reproduction. A word of warning. Some nice browns move up the creek feeding the lake in the winter. This creek is not an approved trout stream so winter trout regulations don't apply.
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/05 08:44:41 (permalink)
Sigh. Holy spot burn.
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/05 09:39:47 (permalink)
Sigh. Holy spot burn.

😂😂😂😂 It only hurts, for a little while. 😂😂😂😂

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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/12 10:03:56 (permalink)
I was told 2015 was the last Walleye stocking in Two Mile. There were fishermen who targeted Walleye in Two Mile. Few years ago a local angler who targeted big Walleyes there came real close to breaking the PA record. His fish was longer in length than the currant state record however only ounces lighter. Shame they quite stocking them. I bet them big ones gobble them Trout.
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/12 11:43:29 (permalink)
I see pictures of nice smallmouth caught from that lake and hear tell there is a decent tiger population there.  I plan on giving it a try when hard water becomes soft.  Anyone have any musky luck in more recent years?
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/12 12:19:02 (permalink)
I am just a wee bit skeptical when it comes to a 17lb walleye coming out of Two mile...
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/12 16:31:48 (permalink)
Have to be a real fluke in Two Mile if true.......a 12 lb. Walleye is super rare in almost all inland lakes in Western Pa.....Allegheny yes...French Creek yes.... even Erie a 15lber is rare as Big Foot.
Do they still stock Tigers in Justice ? That's another stocking program fading from the PBFC fast !
I thought I read it was about done everywhere..... no Tigers , no Walleye, and Trout cut way back too....what the hell ...we keep going backwards on fish programs more and more......sad
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/13 09:11:09 (permalink)
Have to be a real fluke in Two Mile if true.......a 12 lb. Walleye is super rare in almost all inland lakes in Western Pa.....Allegheny yes...French Creek yes.... even Erie a 15lber is rare as Big Foot.
Do they still stock Tigers in Justice ? That's another stocking program fading from the PBFC fast !
I thought I read it was about done everywhere..... no Tigers , no Walleye, and Trout cut way back too....what the hell ...we keep going backwards on fish programs more and more......sad

Two Mile is 144 acres in surface. Kahle Lake is 251, there was a 30 inch walleye caught out of Kahle in July 2018, I've seen the photo of the that fish, and it might be 10 lb walleye on its best day. So I think it is about .0001% chance a 17lb walleye came from Two Mile.
If you go to PFBC Warmwater/Coolwater Stocking page, you will see PFBC last stocked 2700 walleye fingerling in Two mile in 2015.
WW/CW records go from 2000-2018, and it seems PFBC has stocked both purebreds and tigers in Two Mile. In 2018, they stocked 100 yearling Tiger Musky's, and in 2016 they stocked 750 Tiger fingerlings.
If they keep putting yearlings into lakes, we should see better musky fishing, as those yearlings should survive better.
We found this dead one 11/4/18 on Two Mile, big ol Tiger...looks to have been dead for a good while
post edited by psu_fish - 2019/02/13 09:14:03


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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/13 10:23:59 (permalink)
That's good that they are still stocking the Tigers there IMO....some have some really cool colors and stripes and are a rare catch on most waters . They grow quick so they do have that success going . I'd say the yearlings were decent size when stocked and should have excellent survival chances.
I was fortunate on Pymy and landed and released this one while wading by myself that got me in the record books in 2013 for 3rd largest Tiger caught that year. It smacked a stickbait at daylight and had the faded stripes . The PFBC ruled it a Tiger with the photos I sent in.

Got lucky on photo'ing this fish before release, battery was low blinking when I set up.    
post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2019/02/13 10:29:06
Ugly Stik
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/13 11:33:11 (permalink)
As I stated earlier check the mounted walleye in the Two Mile Park office. I believe it's nearing 36". I've fished Two Mile for most of my life and have seen muskie and walleye of trophy size. Don't be surprised if a big rainbow hits your muskie lure.
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/13 16:22:09 (permalink)
I fished Justice twice in my travels....nice lake. What is the forage base in Justice ? Shenango is Shad by the trillions, Pymy is Shad and Alewives mixed.
A 36" Walleye is a super fish , to bad it died in a gill net . Wonder why the PFBC stopped the Walleye stocking if it was producing good size fish ? Then again any excuse works for them to stop stocking. Our lower Shenango River was producing numbers and good size fish both , but they still stopped all Walleye stocking in 2007. Now with the PCB scare and BS it's off all stocking.
I've seen 10lbers come out of lower Shenango almost every year along with huge Stripers , Catfish , Pike ,and Musky .
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/14 08:27:44 (permalink)
Ugly Stik
As I stated earlier check the mounted walleye in the Two Mile Park office. I believe it's nearing 36". I've fished Two Mile for most of my life and have seen muskie and walleye of trophy size. Don't be surprised if a big rainbow hits your muskie lure.

There has not and will not be a 17 lb walleye coming out of 2Mile, ever.
10-12 lb is much more believable, when the lake benefitted from the stocking program.
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/14 08:57:32 (permalink)
Cap. doesn't it seem, a pattern exist within the PFBC stocking program?

Begin stocking trout, end stocking walleye?

Speaking of Shenango Shad. Not long before them trout downstream of Hamburg find the lake. Maybe a few years but think when those trout migrate back upstream. Congo Lines on the Shenango. Priceless😒😒😒

Oooops my bad..... no spot burning.😜
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2019/02/14 08:59:45

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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/14 13:13:06 (permalink)
I fished Justice twice in my travels....nice lake. What is the forage base in Justice ? Shenango is Shad by the trillions, Pymy is Shad and Alewives mixed.
A 36" Walleye is a super fish , to bad it died in a gill net . Wonder why the PFBC stopped the Walleye stocking if it was producing good size fish ? Then again any excuse works for them to stop stocking. Our lower Shenango River was producing numbers and good size fish both , but they still stopped all Walleye stocking in 2007. Now with the PCB scare and BS it's off all stocking.
I've seen 10lbers come out of lower Shenango almost every year along with huge Stripers , Catfish , Pike ,and Musky .

Justus/Two Mile has never met the minimum criteria for the Walleye Management plan, hence it was removed from Walleye stocking after 2015.
Here is the 2000 biologist report. PFBC has pretty much all but stop stocking brown trout....they dump piles of Rainbows in now, and its been that way for past several years. Rainbows cost less
Justus Lake is a 144-acre lake in Venango County, which the Commission has managed under Big Bass regulations since 1998.  The spring survey in 2000 indicates that bass densities have increased and so have numbers of larger-sized individual bass.  The total catch of 338 largemouth bass yielded a catch rate of 218 bass per hour with 29 per hour greater than 12 inches and 8 per hour greater than 15 inches in length.  As a spin-off of the Big Bass regulations, noticeable numbers of quality size bluegill and yellow perch were sampled.
Walleye continue to be present in low numbers.  No exceptional size walleye were sampled this spring. Five tiger muskellunge and one purebred muskellunge were sampled in trapnets.  The tigers ranged in size from 14 to 43 inches in length.  The three largest individuals were 36", 38", and 43".  The purebred muskellunge was one of the heaviest observed in recent years.  The 49 13/16" female weighed slightly over 42 pounds and had not spawned as of mid May.
Justus Lake is somewhat special in that it is also capable of supporting trout year around.  It is included in the catchable stocking program and trout are taken all summer in the deeper parts of the lake.  Historically, it produces several 20" brown trout annually.  This relatively small lake has motor restrictions which allow electric motors only.
-- Fisheries Management Area 2
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/14 17:01:34 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby psu_fish 2019/02/15 09:00:05
I do expect some trophy Trout taken from Shenango Lake in the near future with all the stocking now in the upper river. By the looks of the river yesterday every fish should have been blown down stream into the lake. 
The PFBC Inland Walleye stocking program now is just an excuse to stock even less fish in our lakes.  They need to stock fingerlings and quit wasting time on fry. Fry only sound good in stocking numbers ...."we stocked 100,000 fry " big deal ,about 950,000 died the first year .    
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/15 09:01:01 (permalink)
I'm kind of of torn on walleye stocking. Yes, I want more lakes with walleyes, but if there some lakes that cant support walleyes, why waste the money.
I wish PFBC would do away with the big bass regs on Two Mile and Kahle. Most of the bass you will catch are sub 15 inches, with 10-12 being closer to the norm (and yes I know, you can still catch a biggun once and awhile in the spring spawn). Go back to 12 inch & limit of 6 fish, instead of 15 inch/4 fish. Cut back on some of the bass in the lake, then stock some larger fingerling walleye, maybe more will take hold.
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Re: Any Justus/Two Mile Experienced People Out There? 2019/02/15 10:52:33 (permalink)
I read where one state ( maybe Mich. )  stocks only all fingerlings every other year so as not to have as much competition with that class of fish for feed. ....makes sense IMO. This way they have the money to raise more fingerlings ,and also getting better size fish to stock and better survival rates. Seems their program is working well and they are getting the biggest bang for the buck too !
Lets face facts most fry stockings are about a waste of money and time.  Why do you think the Trout they stock are all legal size on up...wonder why hardly any trout fry are stocked?
The PFBC really need to step up their Walleye program ...the Inland program they are using now is a future and present failure for most local waters other than Pymy.....and they receive millions every year!
Just think if they stocked 6" Walleye like the Trout program....I guarantee the survival numbers would increase 90% !
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