Watching the wheel turn
Cant get into big game so this is it---lol
Been lurking here and occasionally pitching in for a long time. Have read with great interest the opinions on buck restrictions in Pa. Am always interested as Sugar Grove up in Warren County will always be 'out home' to me and its pretty much where I started with Deer.
Now here in Ct where I reside I see some are on Forums wanting Buck restrictions similar to those in PA.
IMHO thats NOT the answer to hunting and not getting a wall hanger.
Back when I was a kid it was one and done 'out home' with a 2 day doe season after Buck season.
Now guys seem to fill the freezer with more tag allocations--IF they have the right properties to hunt.
Same thing here in Ct.
This year I had more than 10 available tags to fill and CHOSE to pass all season waiting out a travelling shooter that didn't come home yet lol.
That said the places I hunt are small and lots of deer are taken in surrounding properties.
THAT IMHO is the issue- too many tags- restricted acreage to an individual with modern posting-reduced farming and 'edge' areas.
Basically kinda think the antler arguments anywhere are really hunters arguing amongst themselves in a competitive field.
If ya shoot too many doe its no big mystery why the Buck numbers are down too.
It comes down to two different kind of hunters- some wanting biguns and some wanting a full freezer.
The more who hunt for the freezer the fewer buttons make it to next year.
IMHO- no matter where ya go a limit of one or two a year WITH ONLY ONE BEING A FLATHEAD seems reasonable, blaming insurance companies and legislative influeces may be an issue but the core responsibility is on we hunters.
CRIKES in some States now ya cant shoot anything without several UP and a spread of at least 14 inches- Try THAT while hunting.
Alt may have actually been right --IF all things stayed the same- NOT with such increases in overall tag allocations and modern day land restrictions.
post edited by r3g3 - 2019/01/03 13:44:17