Happy New Year

hot tuna
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2019/01/01 09:39:17 (permalink)

Happy New Year

Well I lived to see another change in the calendar year. 2018 was pretty darn good for myself in many ways.
Without a doubt, thank you to my wife of 34 years for being by my side throughout.
She is a saint and fantastic woman I love more than words can Express
Some things that were missed are , lost friends and family but their memories will live on. I won't dwell on those but its interesting my son asked last night if I could put a log book together of places I've fished, hunted and hiked. My only request on that was to please share with all of our family future outdoors generation.

So the highlights of 2018
3 new additions to our family. Grandson William ( Willie) , granddaughter Hellen and crazy puppy dog Lukas.
Starting in early 2018 I got to fish with Clint, it was a good time freezing my azz off on the SR in February, heck we caught fish so it was a win !
The ice season was spectacular. We put a solid 4 months out there on the hard water every weekend and right into the last day of 2018. My boys walking off the ice yesterday.
Once we finished up with the ice, it was straight onto the mighty muddy Hudson which played very nice.
Lots of smiles from every outing on the Daisy Mae ( changing the name was a curse so its back to the Daisy).
Friends from far and near got into stripers.
Having Andrew come join us was awesome and him getting a true trophy was icing.
Your always welcome in our world.
Then I made a commitment to providing better quality food for our families. Raising pigs , chickens and improving the garden has been great. We will expand on that in 2019.
Our annual fathers day trip to the ausable river is always great. Everyone enjoys that place and I hope they will for as many years to come as have I.
We did our yearly trip to Rhode Island, another gem we enjoy with good rewards.
As the summer wound down we focused on deer camp. Once again, it's a huge highlight to have my kids and grandchildren get involved in this.
My son took another deer of his lifetime which is what its about for me. Being there to see others make everlasting memories.
And finally back to the hardwater to round out the year.
Life is good ..

Maybe I'll be back to wish you all a happy 2020.
post edited by hot tuna - 2019/01/01 09:46:40


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"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen

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    hot tuna
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    Re: Happy New Year 2019/01/01 09:51:08 (permalink)


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    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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    Re: Happy New Year 2019/01/01 10:03:09 (permalink)
    Have a good one folks - enjoy.
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    Re: Happy New Year 2019/01/01 14:14:04 (permalink)
    Looks like a wonderful, and hard earned year, HT! I am glad your years of efforts and sacrifices are paying you the dividends you earned. Well done and I hope it continues into your future! 
    I am hoping for an uneventful New Year, the last few months have hit hard with family losses but a new normal is beginning to take shape so it is onward and upward. The fishing has been good on the lake and we have been able to enjoy and share our rehabbed Shamrock with many folks... family, friends and some great vets we met through Project Healing Waters. If the boat continues to run well and Mother Nature cooperates we will hopefully have another good season on the lake. If other time commitments allow we want to start developing the barn property we now have in hopes of having our own 'homestead' within the next few years....one step at a time...
    hot tuna
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    Re: Happy New Year 2019/01/01 15:49:42 (permalink)
    Sadness throughout the years seems to mount as we get older. I reflect on time spent with so many no longer here but surely in a place looking down with a smile on us continuing . Teach your children well is our only hope.
    Project healing is a wonderful cause, Fred ( im sure you know) got me involved many years back. I miss those days since I've dropped the ball. Thank you for keeping others involved. Yes , one step at a time and every step matters to many.

    Sure hope 2019 brings happiness and joy to your family
    Peace and tuna

    "whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
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