new fish regs.

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2018/12/13 21:56:44 (permalink)

new fish regs.

I see that as of now the fish reg. booklet will now cost $3 instead of being free as in the past.Or you can print it out.  sam

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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/13 22:25:51 (permalink)
    Yep, and I'm surprised the Fish Commish took so long, after the Game Commish got away with it.

    Did ya see the "voluntary" stamps ya can buy in support of your favorite game fish. "Voluntary"... for now.😉

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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/17 08:15:10 (permalink)
    Guess I'll be doing a lot of reading online! :)

    I wonder if you print it, if you'll still get the ads. This can't help the advertisers too much.
    post edited by luvinbluegills - 2018/12/17 08:16:20

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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/17 09:24:15 (permalink)
    You figure with all the advertisers the book cost should have always stayed zero. Seems everything and everybody wants to go paperless now . Certain things work out with that paperless system but soon as there is a problem it's a nightmare. Try talking to a human or understanding them when there are issues ! 
    Maybe they will make more money arresting people for violations .......not read.
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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/17 09:31:08 (permalink)
    Honestly, I find the PGC web system quite useful (once I learned to navigate it) and the PFBC already has any info one may need, avaliable via the internet. (and navigation is quite easy😉 (as long as one is researching those stupid trout))

    As they say at FishUSA. "Merry Fishmas"🎄
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/12/17 09:32:13

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/18 09:02:52 (permalink)
    luvnbluegills I got a copy of the new reg. printed & the copes don't have advertisements,it was about 19 pages printed on both sides. I know that ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse,but I would think that a district justice would be more lenient if it was explained that someone didn't know about any new changes because they may not have a computer to print out a copy of the new laws. It is hard enough to keep up with the ever changing laws the way it is.   sam
    solitario lupo
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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/18 12:22:09 (permalink)
    Wow 19 pages you planning on printing it out every year (it may change yearly) lots of paper and ink wasted to me. I’m sure someone gotta have a smart phone around you. Anytime I need info I just go to there website. WiFi is in a lot of places as well.
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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/18 14:28:45 (permalink)
    luvnbluegills I got a copy of the new reg. printed & the copes don't have advertisements,it was about 19 pages printed on both sides. I know that ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse,but I would think that a district justice would be more lenient if it was explained that someone didn't know about any new changes because they may not have a computer to print out a copy of the new laws. It is hard enough to keep up with the ever changing laws the way it is.   sam

    That will not fly in court. Your local public library has computers with internet service.
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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/18 14:42:19 (permalink)
     Most new changes they give a warning the first yr. even when book was given free. Even the Erie stamp was given a yr. free pass. Talkin' fishin' here. They should at the least give a season/limit/size paper with each license bought in person.
    post edited by crappiefisher - 2018/12/18 14:43:39
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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/21 10:09:50 (permalink)
    I see that as of now the fish reg. booklet will now cost $3 instead of being free as in the past.Or you can print it out.  sam

    Plus $1.33 postage to mail it.

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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/25 09:46:21 (permalink)
    luvnbluegills I got a copy of the new reg. printed & the copes don't have advertisements,it was about 19 pages printed on both sides. I know that ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse,but I would think that a district justice would be more lenient if it was explained that someone didn't know about any new changes because they may not have a computer to print out a copy of the new laws. It is hard enough to keep up with the ever changing laws the way it is.   sam

    No ads, and we're now paying for it. Man, somebody got shafted in this deal.

    I like reading the ads because they relate to something I enjoy, and they've been useful.

    Irony; I just got the multi-year lisence and now there's something else to buy!

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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/25 12:09:29 (permalink)
    luvnbluegills, I tried to send you a p.m. on how to get a copy free,besides printing your own.  sam
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    Re: new fish regs. 2018/12/25 12:12:12 (permalink)
    Link me sam duUD

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    Re: new fish regs. 2019/01/10 19:14:45 (permalink)
     They should at the least give a season/limit/size paper with each license bought in person.

    Agreed, they should just print it on the license paper when they print your license. 
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    Re: new fish regs. 2019/01/12 17:55:39 (permalink)
    Thought I would chime in.  Bought my new license about 2 weeks ago at Walmart.  Still got a copy of the reg.s book with my license.  Just thought I'd give a heads up.
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    Re: new fish regs. 2019/01/21 22:04:00 (permalink)
    Thought I would chime in.  Bought my new license about 2 weeks ago at Walmart.  Still got a copy of the reg.s book with my license.  Just thought I'd give a heads up.

     same here
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    Re: new fish regs. 2019/01/22 10:47:50 (permalink)
    When I got mine at Robinson Walmart a few weeks ago, the guy was up to speed on the new regulation book cost, offered it, and said I could always download it online. Nice guy, well informed it seemed.

    I wonder if the other guys have automatically given them out for the past X number of years and they are just on autopilot?

    Does anyone know if retailers buy the books and then resell them or are they holding the books with money to be sent to the state after the sale? I would hate to see license prices go up by $3 because the state lost a ton of money on the books this year and now you get it "free" again. 
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    Re: new fish regs. 2019/01/22 14:46:47 (permalink)
    looch, Did you pay for the book? I was just at the Greensburg Wal-mart & they charge for them.  sam
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    Re: new fish regs. 2019/01/22 21:23:33 (permalink)
    Sam I have a feeling if other people checked their sales receipt, they did too but pwobly just thunk, it was the cost of the license.

    Good times and tight lines when yinz get out this year. 🍻

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