Helpful ReplyFlows on the Oak?

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2018/09/14 13:22:07 (permalink)

Flows on the Oak?

Can anyone help me out with a question?
What kind of flows are good fishing for the Oak?
I am pretty well set with the Salmon river area and the Erie streams, but I just don't get out there enough to know what flow rates are good and what I should avoid.  Thanks for any pointers.

wishin i was fishin
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Re: Flows on the Oak? 2018/09/14 16:15:12 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby workcanwait.... 2018/10/28 17:40:35
I don't remember there being a gage when I used to fish it (or anyway to get the data as there was no internet back then, just Mark Stoddard!), but looking at the one that is on the net now, the range for the last year was up to about 700 cfs at Shelby.  That said I would venture to guess that 100 to 300 would be pretty ideal, but looking at the Kenyonville gage you will see a much flatter hydrograph, hanging around 400 (where it is now) and spiking to a little over 1000 cfs.  This is because it is a hydro power stream and also gets water from the canal system.  Also complicating this is that while it may be too high to fish in the main discharge channel from the hydro plant, it might be ideal in the other channel that handles canal discharge, and the water below the junction as far as I remember could always be fished, albeit from shore if flow was up.  Another thing to consider is that often the Oak is good and everything else local is low, and if the Oak were blown out, everything else local could be ideal.  A very good article on the Oak was featured in the July August edition of Eastern Flyfishing, and you can generally get solid information from Ron Berstein's webpages
( or
Orleans County (  ) or as Ron points out if you have questions about the PFD zones: "For specific questions about the Waterport dam site rules you can email: " 
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Re: Flows on the Oak? 2018/09/17 07:48:39 (permalink)
Thanks Lucky

wishin i was fishin
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