Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek)

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2018/08/28 17:32:41 (permalink)

Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek)

I have some offline questions for any who lives near Cooperstown or has experience on Sugar creek.  If you do and would like to talk about the creek, please send me a PM or something.  Thank you...

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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/29 06:55:15 (permalink)
    I have some offline questions for any who lives near Cooperstown or has experience on Sugar creek.  If you do and would like to talk about the creek, please send me a PM or something.  Thank you...

    Fallschirmjaeger, shoot me a PM. I grew up outside of Cochranton and know the Cooperstown area of Sugar very well. We used to spend entire weekends wondering from the overpass on 322 down to French creek (following Wolf Run) and to the Allegheny. A buddy of mine, his family owned the hardware store in town, so we would take some supplies to make a camp and head out. 
    Some great fishing, a lot of beer, and some beautiful country right there. We used to be able to park at the golf course, but the last time I was there it was posted no parking (unless golfing). It made easy upstream and downstream access. We used to camp under the 322 overpass in Wyattville. 
    Great catfishing if you park at Valley Grove Elementary school and walk to where the creeks meet ! 
    There was also a very nice pond we used to sneak into near, the stories we heard about the "old-man" who owned the property.....he was all but a legend ! Figuratively and literally ! I met him years later and found out 1) he was not an old man 2) he didn't have a problem with fisherman as long as the ask permission and 3) he never killed any kids and sunk them in his pond. For some reason I was a little disappointed ! 
    Of course this was years, I miss those days !! 
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/29 08:06:22 (permalink)
    Thanks Bass...PM sent
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/29 10:53:12 (permalink)
    Yes thank you Bass, for some great memories. Spent many a summer day camping somewhere on Sugar's banks. Always my canvas knapsack on my back filled with a can or two of Cambells Soup and potatoes wrapped in tin foil, butter included. Overniter's would have a bedroll, canteen, and my trusty hatchet tagging along.

    Those days may have passed but are never gone. The only difference between then and now, we did it back then.

    Thanks again for the memories, that's why they call me BTDT..... Umm, when they ain't mad at me.

    Good times and tight lines.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/08/29 10:55:28

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/29 18:44:51 (permalink)
    I still fish with a canvas backpack and hatchet...but I'm 38 years old.
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/30 08:27:55 (permalink)
    Yes thank you Bass, for some great memories. Spent many a summer day camping somewhere on Sugar's banks. Always my canvas knapsack on my back filled with a can or two of Cambells Soup and potatoes wrapped in tin foil, butter included. Overniter's would have a bedroll, canteen, and my trusty hatchet tagging along.

    Those days may have passed but are never gone. The only difference between then and now, we did it back then.

    Thanks again for the memories, that's why they call me BTDT..... Umm, when they ain't mad at me.

    Good times and tight lines.

    Wow BTDT, I didn't know they had Campbell's soup when you were a kid !!! (sorry, had to say it). 
    Those days have passed for me. The days of sleeping under a pine tree have been replaced by nice heated cabins. I still enjoy the adventure just as much, but it gets hard to forget life sometimes and just enjoy the world. When I was a kid, I worried about nothing. If I fell off a cliff and broke my leg, I didn't care. If I broke my arm slipping on moss covered shale.....I didn't care. 
    Now, when I am out I am always thinking about responsibilities, what-if's.....and getting home safe. Now I think about having to cut the grass, wash the trucks, clean the garage. It makes it hard to enjoy the simplicity of Man vs. Stream.
    Back then, Mom wasn't worried if you were out for 2 days, no cell phones to call and check-in. Heck, we never even told anyone where we were heading. We were too afraid of someone dad showing up and catching us with his Johnny Walker someone took.
     We were made comrades by having to rely on one another, we were made friend by watching each-others back, and we were made men by hiding our fears in hopes of not getting a ball busting. To us back then, we were going to war. We were off-grid. We were wild. We packed up our duffel bags determined to conquer whatever got in our path. 
    Was it as exciting a I remember, probably not. Was it as dangerous as I would like to remember, nope. Was it as fun as I remember, you betcha. 
    post edited by bassackwards - 2018/08/30 08:29:04
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/30 11:28:48 (permalink)
    Ha ha, yep we had Cambells Soup back in the day and I think it has not changed one bit. Vegetable Beef still contains barely any beef and the Pork & Beans still has that one piece of bacon fat stuff. Yummy!!! 😝

    Do ya remember Isaly's Chipped Chopped Ham. Man-O-Man those samidges were nothing short of delicious when placed on a Wye branch, cut with my trusty hatchet, then toasted over the camp fire. Add a can of Cambells Chicken Soup (with one piece of Chicken(I think it's chicken😞)) and we was dining in heaven.

    Funny, you mention the reasons for no longer getting to stream side and so true they are.. My better half and I were discussing that very same subject, just last month. Then we went down the list crossing off the reasons preventing us from getting out and enjoying those river bank lunches.

    When we finished there was but one reason remaining.... Our age.πŸ‘΄

    Yep, Father Time has sneaked up on us but after considerable thought, we ain't gonna let him prevent us, from getting out into the Pennsylvania Wilds.

    Our plans, while they may not include knapsacks and bed rolls, will rid us of those nuisance projects allowing us to once again enjoy what is in our back yard.

    The first step began this past Monday, arriving in five boxes.

    Step two begins Friday the 31st.

    Good times and tight lines.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/08/31 21:57:55


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    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/30 11:45:01 (permalink)
    I still fish with a canvas backpack and hatchet...but I'm 38 years old.

    May everyday be an enjoyable day for you.

    While you're there, think of those fishing before you. Reels hadn't been invented yet, when some of them boys was walking the stream banks.

    Nor where the streams stocked with carp, small mouth, and them stupid trout.😁

    Good times and tight lines.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/30 12:00:42 (permalink)
    BTDT.....what the heck is it ?? 
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/30 12:03:02 (permalink)
    RV hitch?
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/30 12:34:20 (permalink)
    Thats an auto slide fifth wheel hitch and it will carry my new knapsack, bedroll and hatchet too!!  Now I will able to haul "cases" of Campbell's Soup and ya should see the bed roll... QUEEN SIZE!!!   Oh yeah, the hatchet will be retired and replaced with a chain saw... no more "chopping" fire wood  orrrrr wye branches cause I have one of them sandmige cooking irons  (two at a time).  But the gooder part,  Walmart allows overnight camping and they carry  ISALY'S CHIPPED CHOPPED HAM. (does not taste the same)
    Ummm, only problem, Walmart don't allow open campfires.  They say it's hard on the tarmac.  
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/08/30 12:38:32

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/30 21:31:56 (permalink)
    Don't forget to poke a hole on the Cambells soup can while on the fire/Sterno  Sounded like a bomb going off at Trout Cove, Lake Arthur in 1970, trees & lake covered with soup 
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/30 22:28:41 (permalink)
    Ha ha....Crappie, BTDT!! 'Cept we didn't have Sterno back them days.

    We burned our food over wood fires.

    We had a hell of a time putting the woods out after the soup exploded and blew the camp fire everywhere. Pretty sure today's nylon tents would not have fared as well as the heavy canvas tents of yesteryear. Fortunately, our tent only received a little scorching.

    Likely none of it would happened if I wouldn't have set the soup can on a rock of the fire ring then leaving to dig through my knapsack, looking for my P-38.

    Thanks for the memories and tight lines.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/31 22:06:11 (permalink)
    My how times do change.  In the days of old when the boys was bold it was up before sunrise, fishing rod tied to the crossbar, knap sack on back and it was off to stream side we go.

    But now that we are old and gray and fish maybe once a day, it's stock up the refrigerator, fill the propane bottles, to hell with the back pack and down the road we go.


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    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/08/31 22:08:52


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    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/08/31 23:33:01 (permalink)
    Nice bud .... now it would look great in the infield at Darlington this weekend for a nascar car race ... anyhow awesome , enjoy it bud .. and away we go great memories a coming πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/09/01 08:46:45 (permalink)
    Thank you Steve but I think it's gonna be a real b!tch getting it parked stream side, along Sugar and/or French Creeks.  The thing did not look nearly as big, sitting along side the other trailers, on the dealers lot.   
    But, where there's a will, there's a way!! 
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2018/09/01 14:37:54

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/09/01 11:18:32 (permalink)
    This post brought back a fond memory of mine. I went to visit with the Cripp We fished Jones creek and sugar creek, and spent the day together. It was a great day even though it did rain a little.

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    Re: Creek Fishermen from Cooperstown (Sugar Creek) 2018/09/01 14:25:11 (permalink)
    This post brought back a fond memory of mine. I went to visit with the Cripp We fished Jones creek and sugar creek, and spent the day together. It was a great day even though it did rain a little.


      Great to hear Bigfoot, aside from my silly humor (or attempt) and bit of bragging (uhh, OK, BS), I'm all about the memories.  Didn't know the man, only what I've read and the few pictures still posted on this sight but I would enjoy hearing some stories about Cripp, so I too could enjoy the memories.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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