Helpful ReplySpinning reels....

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Friday, August 10, 2018 12:22 AM (permalink)

Spinning reels....

Any recommendations on a spinning reel to handle Steelhead and Salmon??? Will be mounted on a St. Croix 11.5' noodle rod. 
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 2:35 PM (permalink)
My spinning reels are often multi-purpose, and I'll get a few spare spools and put different lines on 'em for different species and tactics.  That said, I've been extremely happy with the Shimano Nexaves I got a few years ago.  I believe that at the time they were exclusively made for one of the big box sporting goods stores.  Not sure how widely available they are now.  
I've used them in salt water for a week each of the last 3 summers, and they've been dunked in the salt a couple times while wading with my kids, but haven't turned to junk.  They've handled everything from bull redfish to bluegills - and plenty of steelhead - and I'd definitely buy them again.  They'll be hitting the steelhead tribs again this fall for their third steelhead season.  
DON'T buy a Pflueger Trion.  Got a couple of those a few years back and they were absolute junk.  
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 3:19 PM (permalink)
"HI DAVE"  Good advice and 10-4 on the Shimano!!!!
Shimano offers reels with "Quick Fire" casting, high gear ratio for faster retrieves with less cranking, usually includes two spools, twin handles if preferred, left or right retrieve, front or rear drag systems and verrry smooth operation including, the low end models.  I have a Shimano "Quick Fire" sitting on a UL St Croix, set up solely for pan fishing, and it's still going strong after 35+ years.  While I may not do a lot of catching I sure as hell do a lot of casting which is why all my go-to-reels are Shimano.
My choice in spinning reels, "Shimano Spirex", models available for pan fishing to crokagators and no, I can't catch them dam things either.
Good luck with your reel choice.
Tight lines and good times!!!!
Psssssst.... subscribe (if not already) to FishUSA news letter, they have super deals on fishing reels and they carry Shimano plus a ton of other stuff of which I buy and don't need.  Just can't pass up a good deal.

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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 3:25 PM (permalink)
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 4:59 PM (permalink)
The Nexave is a good looking reel and I see it also comes in various models.  Nice.
aaaaaaaand don't forget, free shipping on orders over $50.00.
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - Friday, August 10, 2018 5:03 PM

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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 5:02 PM (permalink)
Daiwa BG
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 5:29 PM (permalink)
My SS Penn reels (6) are all 25 years and older and still working, don't know about todays Penns. I like the Pflueger President series for backups today...... nice smooth reels. Wow 11'5 that's a long one, beware of shore brush when walking !
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 5:55 PM (permalink)
My SS Penn reels (6) are all 25 years and older and still working, don't know about todays Penns. I like the Pflueger President series for backups today...... nice smooth reels. Wow 11'5 that's a long one, beware of shore brush when walking !

I bought a Penn Battle II, 2 years ago, and seems to be well built.  2 years is not a very good test of durability though.  Good reviews and got a good deal on it.  I use mine for a mix of salt and fresh water.  It took a nice saltwater wave bath last year, trying to wade out to a sandbar and cast at a school of fish passing by.  I rinsed it soon after and a good bath when home.  Still seems as smooth as the day that I bought it.  I know a few others on this site are fans of the newer Penns as well.  Hopefully will last 25 years as the old ones do.  
I'd personally buy the combo.  That way, you can do what R2 said, and have for multiple uses.  They practically give you the rod in the combo price.
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 6:38 PM (permalink)
I don't fish for the salmon up in the NYS tribs, but I do fish for steelhead. Anything with 6 or more ball bearings in the reel will be fine for steelhead. I use a Abu Garcia Silver Max spinning reel for Erie Tribs 6 lb. mono, and then 4 or 6 lb. fluro leader depending on conditions.
Biggest thing is smooth drag, imo.
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 7:00 PM (permalink)
Number ov ball bearings has nothin' to do with how gooder a real reel is...
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 7:18 PM (permalink)
Number ov ball bearings has nothin' to do with how gooder a real reel is...

Amount of Ball Bearings

We won’t dive too deep into the mechanics, but just know that the greater the amount of ball bearings, the smoother the retrieve in your spinning reel.
Many experts recommend getting the reel with the most ball bearing that you can afford, but a good number to keep in mind is five. This is an ideal number because you’ll get plenty of smoothness with an affordable price, and you may not be able to tell the difference between five bearings, eight bearings, or even ten bearings.
Spinning reels feature ball bearings or bushings placed within the body for smoothness, support and stability. Most spinning reels also contain a roller bearing within the line roller. Generally speaking, the greater number of bearings a reel contains, the smoother the reel will perform.
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 10, 2018 11:03 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby old dog Friday, August 31, 2018 0:16 PM
 My old Stradic's only had 3-4 bearings & were very good reels for the price range ov 'bout 'round $200 or so. Seen & sold many junk garbage reels that had a bunch ov bearings (over 6) You get what u pay for in most cases, so can't just go by # ov bearings in my book (false info) The new Stradic's have 6 but not as good as the old with 3-4 bearings.
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Re: Spinning reels.... Saturday, August 11, 2018 2:54 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby old dog Friday, August 31, 2018 0:16 PM
I agree that a smooth drag is key to landing more bigger powerful fish...the old Penns had that and I'm sure lots of others do to. When it comes to fighting powerful fish like Salmon , Steelies , Stripers , and Musky you usually get what you pay for as far as years of usage. I love my old Penn 4400's drag system for all strong fish, especially on the mighty Niagara fighting those river monsters ! Cheap reels just won't cut it. 
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Re: Spinning reels.... Saturday, August 11, 2018 3:40 AM (permalink)
Stay with a front drag and no play in the (handle to spool)even a little don't buy it! I always flip the bale by hand not the handle.
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Re: Spinning reels.... Saturday, August 11, 2018 4:15 AM (permalink)
I've got my rig setup with an Abu Garcia Orra S. Never ran into any issues with them (have 3 or 4 of them). 
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Re: Spinning reels.... Saturday, August 11, 2018 12:09 AM (permalink)
Speaking of drags, don't forget the "anti-reverse lever/lock" has  a purpose.  Reel handles should be able to turn the opposite direction allowing line out, under your control.  
Well there ya have it, Bowtie, FOMOCO, MOPAR, and  more, testimonials that is, from anglers wetting a line somewhere as we speak. 
So I guess one can safely say a fishing reel is, nothing more than a vehicle, for storing and dispensing fishing line as needed. 
It's not unheard of for a grade school student, using the Zebco 303, throwing a lure into a bucket 30 yards away aaaaand we've all heard of the grown adult, stomping their feet whilst blessing the huge birds nest, now glorifying their high end rigs. (On that issue I plead the 5th, thank you very much)
Soooo is it the fishing reel, or is it the 'rod', where one should concentrate their thoughts, regarding ones budget.  After all, anyone worth their salt should know when it comes to the rod, it ain't necessarily the size that counts. (That's "fishing rod" you hogs!) 
As the old saying goes,"It ain't the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight, in the dog"....10-4?
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - Saturday, August 11, 2018 12:17 AM

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Spinning reels.... Saturday, August 11, 2018 10:44 PM (permalink)
Just picked up a new Stella 4000XG FI.  It has 13 bearings and is smooth as silk.  These reels were $819 when new in 2013 now you can pick them up in the mid $500s as the new 2018 model is coming out.  I don't fish spinners for salmon myself but sometimes I take guys along who can't fly fish.
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 31, 2018 2:42 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby old dog Friday, August 31, 2018 8:33 PM
OleDog Rap,
Penn is middle management!  You either need to be an IT Specialist or Project Management in today's culture to be rocking one of those!!!  Ha, ha.  I am one that favors reliability in anything over style.  As Walter Gropius would say, "form follows function".  Penn's are pretty basic, but work.  And hopefully mine works as long as Brock's!  They seem to stick with things that used to be standard in the 70's, but no longer are (full metal body).  They use modern upgrades that seem (to me at least) make sense.  In the sealed bearings and carbon fiber drag (might be from the 70's too...).  Other than that, most new reels are trying to look cool or try to trick you with numbers.  Penn looks like they are stuck in the 90's style wise, which wins points with me!  Slap a t-shirt, flannel and jeans that aren't painted on, and you might not be able to tell me apart from it.  ZelieSam is a big fan too, and trust his fishing sense (pretty sure he ruled the 90's too).  Catching sense, he seems to be on my level, so not sure if I trust that...  But someone that I know researches things.  I think you will like it.  Probably not love it, but you probably shouldn't be snuggling up with your fishing reel, unless you are one of those weirdos...
As Crappy (site genius in my book and know at least one of his kids can catch fish, not sure about the old man) noted, flip the bail and don't crank it through!  Most reels that I have bought in the last 15+ years since doing that practice, have seemed to hold up much better, including some cheapos.  When that "flip" mechanism shears, your reel is basically worthless.  Kind of like driving a manual, and gives you more control.  I hate agreeing with BTDT, as my street cred dips significantly, but I like his mention of the reverse.  Master that **** is what I was told growing up, and the women will love you...  Not sure how that applies///...
StrAiT rIIDer!  
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 31, 2018 2:59 AM (permalink)
Porktown, you can't help but like me.... admit it. It's OK our little secrete will be safe on this thread.

Besides nobody is gonna believe you.😁

That's a joke, really.... it's a joke.😴

Tight lines.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 31, 2018 12:31 AM (permalink)
Porktown, you can't help but like me.... admit it. It's OK our little secrete will be safe on this thread.

Besides nobody is gonna believe you.😁

That's a joke, really.... it's a joke.😴

Tight lines.

My street cred would go to nothing if I admitted to that!
I would say stream cred, but I rarely fish streams anymore.  Boat cred or fishing cred just doesn't sound right.  It is a work in progress.
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 31, 2018 1:14 PM (permalink)
Porktown, you can't help but like me.... admit it. It's OK our little secrete will be safe on this thread.

Besides nobody is gonna believe you.😁

That's a joke, really.... it's a joke.😴

Tight lines.

My street cred would go to nothing if I admitted to that!
I would say stream cred, but I rarely fish streams anymore.  Boat cred or fishing cred just doesn't sound right.  It is a work in progress.


Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 31, 2018 7:33 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby old dog Friday, August 31, 2018 7:48 PM
It's not the arrow, it's the Indian. Just like golf clubs. I know guys that carry $2500 in irons, $1000 drivers, Scotty Cameron putters .. blah blah blah. Then they promptly shot high 50s and over 100 for 18.

I guarantee I'll catch as many fish on my $80 BG that any clown will using some $500+ spinning reel. juS saY'IN.
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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 31, 2018 8:00 PM (permalink)

post edited by psu_fish - Friday, August 31, 2018 8:05 PM

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Re: Spinning reels.... Friday, August 31, 2018 9:46 PM (permalink)
My only problem with Shimano is they make the cheap ones and there junk ! stop trying to get to the wal mart market make quality reels only ! I tried the cheap ones heck Shakespeare 14.95 reels are better .  
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Re: Spinning reels.... Saturday, September 01, 2018 1:44 PM (permalink)
This year I bought a Shimano Stella SW4000XG for folks who want to go salmon fishing but can't fly fish.  13 ball bearings makes it smooth as silk.  It's the 2013 model so I was able to get a very good deal.  But they're still expensive at $535.
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Re: Spinning reels.... Sunday, September 02, 2018 3:14 AM (permalink)
Pfluegar pres  59.99 cant beat it for the price

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Re: Spinning reels.... Sunday, September 02, 2018 12:52 AM (permalink)
Kokanee Killer
Pfluegar pres  59.99 cant beat it for the price

I have two and I like them both for average fishing. Very smooth reels....just watch the side screw, lost two some how.   
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Re: Spinning reels.... Sunday, September 02, 2018 10:16 PM (permalink)
Make a reasonable offer anyone and it's all yours.............oldies but goodies !

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Re: Spinning reels.... Monday, September 03, 2018 2:35 AM (permalink)
there is a lot of 300s around still like old dog sez... they are built like a russian tank... but are slow in retrieve so for spinners or rapalas id rather fish a modern reel that can keep up with the cast n retrieve of my type of trout fishing   there like the old 70s muscle car sure they have power but they cant compete with the less horsepower cars wich have waaaaaay better handling  plus better gas mileage... so for now i will keep my 300s in a heated garage  and look at them once in awhile... and use my turbo charged 6cyl and smoke the trout more efficentely   70s mitchell 300 vs pflueger pres is like comparing a 1970 charger to a 2018 mustang  time to concede defeat muscle cars of way past.... heck i had a 1973 z28  .. that was fast but ... but no way is it gonna handle even better than a 2018 kia stinger  jus sayin

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