Need help

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2018/07/17 07:38:09 (permalink)

Need help

I would like to purchase a garmin tr1 gold autopilot . I have a mercury 2003 bigfoot . The date for use on the actuator is from 2005 to 2009 . I am wondering if the motors from 03 to 05 has any changes under the hood .that I might be able to get that one and have it work . Thanks 

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    Re: Need help 2018/07/18 17:20:53 (permalink)
    Assume you're talking about the throttle actuator. That's a good question, I searched and the garmin site wasn't much help. I looked on the Trollmaster page and there appears to be a difference between them from 05 on... I would call Garmin and ask them to be sure... [link=tel:913-397-0872]913-397-0872[/link] | [link=tel:1-888-442-7646]1-888-442-7646[/link] 

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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    Re: Need help 2018/07/18 17:35:34 (permalink)
    Bulldog thanks for the reply . I had previously contacted garmin and really didn't get a good answer. So I called mercury and they where no help at all . Might have to get a different 9.9 so I can get the garmin autopilot
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    Re: Need help 2018/07/23 15:40:49 (permalink)
    Get the TR1 and then get the TrollMaster for the throttle control... Love my TrollMaster...

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
    Erie Mako
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    Re: Need help 2018/07/24 12:22:18 (permalink)
    Yeah...till the Troll Master needs to be repaired... BEND OVER and get the lube ready!
    First thing they "remind" you of it that it is "water resistant - NOT water proof"
    Second thing they tell you is "corroded beyond repair"...
    Third thing is "we can sell you a replacement control box for $180"...
    Make sure they send back your "un-repairable" controller so they don't actually fix it and offer it to the next guy as a "discounted replacement".
    I tore into my "corroded" device and fixed it myself.
    Best advice here is to store the control box in a DRY place on the boat in a bag of dry rice.
    Since my warranty is expired, I cut the cable and spliced a 5 connector plug in-line so I can disconnect it and store it in the cabin in a rice filled bag.

    On the internet, EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion!
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    Re: Need help 2018/08/02 16:24:22 (permalink)
    My troll master had a plug from the factory, always stored in the dry... Now I just need to put it back to use, lol
    Will agree, they're not the friendliest folks to deal with. 

    Curiosity killed the cat, but for awhile I was a suspect.
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