Ontario bear success

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2018/06/21 19:59:25 (permalink)

Ontario bear success

Just returned from a great trip to Temagami Ontario on a spring bear hunt with Lake Herridge Lodge. A group of 7 of us made the drive from Maine, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. All 7 of us were using crossbows. The lodge is mainly a fishing camp but they do take a limited number of bear hunters each spring and fall. When we arrived, my buddy and I were shown to our lakefront cottage which sat right above the sand beach which was complete with boats, motors, kayaks, paddle boats and paddle boards, along with a swimming platform that each guest was free to use. As the hunters began filtering in, 4 of which never hunted black bear, we were introduced to our guides and the stories began to flow. Day one consisted of everyone getting acquainted with the lodge, its staff, and a shooting test to ensure competency on stand. Each hunter was required to place 3 consecutive arrows into a 3 inch circle at 30 yards before being able to hunt. 

Day two began with a hearty breakfast and a meeting with the guides to go over safety, shot selection, bear identification, and after shot protocols. Several guys headed out fishing then returned for the 2:00 dinner before everyone headed out to the stands with their guides and bait for the first sit. Every stand had cell phone service so we could all keep in touch during the hunt. Everyone saw bears except for one hunter. 3 bears hit the dirt including first bears for a father and son, and a huge 420 boar for another hunter that came in woofing and tried to climb up the ladder stand. I saw three bears the first evening. I passed on what I believed to be a sow that had a much bigger bear on her trail. The big bear stayed in the bush and watched the sow eat at the bait. The other bear never committed so I watched my first two bears walk away. At last light I had a small bear come in that I passed as well. There was lots of celebrating at the lodge that night after the big bear made it back to camp at 11:30. 

Day three we had 4 hunters hit the stands. One missed a big bear at the bait when they walked into the stand. Two hunters scored on nice bears that night. I saw the same small bear that I did the night before so it got another pass. After day three our group was 100% on opportunity. 
Day four only had two hunters left with tags to fill. I hunted the same bait that I have been as it has been very active. The same small bear came into the bait, which I passed, then another larger bear came in. After I decided I was gonna shoot it, it never presented me a good shot and wandered off into the bush. At last night it made the mistake of coming back and I placed a perfect arrow behind the shoulder with the Ravin R20. The bear ran a small semi circle through the bush then crashed with a death moan. As I waited for the guides, the other hunter texted that he had shot a bear too. It was another long night but the celebrating flowed back at camp with everyone tagged out. 

The remaining days were spent fishing, relaxing by the campfire on the beach, story telling, skinning, and cutting up meat for everyone's ride home. It was a great trip and one I hope to make again next year.
post edited by dpms - 2018/06/21 20:11:20


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    Re: Ontario bear success 2018/06/21 20:24:25 (permalink)
    The "rock" photo spot. 


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    Re: Ontario bear success 2018/06/22 07:15:55 (permalink)
    Super hunt and story!

    It takes a lot of resolve to hold off on what you want, especially when others are tagging out.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re: Ontario bear success 2018/06/23 07:28:33 (permalink)
    Super hunt and story!

    It takes a lot of resolve to hold off on what you want, especially when others are tagging out.

    Thanks! When you are sitting in a stand watching bears and everyone else is shooting, it sure does make it tough to let em walk. At some point though, I had to start shooting and quit watching as the days clicked by. 
    Looks like I will be making the trip next year as well. The outfitter had such a good experience with our group, he decided to block out the whole week for hunters and make it bowhunting only. 

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    Big Tuna
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    Re: Ontario bear success 2018/06/24 19:23:17 (permalink)
    How much did the trip cost and since you went pretty late in the season where they rubbed ?( the hides )  Thanks for any info.
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    Re: Ontario bear success 2018/06/25 19:52:14 (permalink)
    Big Tuna
    How much did the trip cost and since you went pretty late in the season where they rubbed ?( the hides )  Thanks for any info.

    The trip is $2100 US but that includes lodging, 3 meals a day, guide services, and full use of boat and motor for fishing. Ontario license, tags and export fee will add another $300 or so. Plus tips at your discretion. 
    Hides were great for the most part. One was rubbed really bad. The rest were good. Next years hunt will be a week earlier as the outfitter wants to concentrate on just the hunters and not have many fisherman in camp. 

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    Re: Ontario bear success 2018/06/25 22:06:21 (permalink)
    That is a very good value. No wonder you are going back — great hunting without being outrageous in cost.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Re: Ontario bear success 2018/06/26 07:56:52 (permalink)
    The timing was perfect for our hunt. Ontario had a very late spring with the ice leaving the lake in early May. The baits did not start getting hit regularly till mid to late May. With a normal spring next year, first week of June should be good.  It is kinda weird sitting in a treestand in June hunting big game. Weird in a great way!

    My rifle is a black rifle
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    Re: Ontario bear success 2018/06/26 07:59:03 (permalink)
    That is a very good value. No wonder you are going back — great hunting without being outrageous in cost.

    Yep. There are a few openings left as of today. It is a group hunt set up by a magazine I write for. The hunt is crossbow only and will be featured in a national publication, as was this year's hunt. If anyone is interested, let me know and I can check availability.

    My rifle is a black rifle
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