Pymatuning Spillway Repost

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2018/06/11 15:05:39 (permalink)

Pymatuning Spillway Repost

Hey guys, I posted this in the Northwest PA section as well but I feel like there will be no response there...figured id give it a go here too...Going to be on our way to Erie this weekend with the kids, leaving the fishing poles at home. Considering stopping by the spill way at Pyme to check out the Carp. I have heard a lot about this but just want to see what the thoughts are and how it has been there. Will probably be in the area about 11 AM Friday. I would love to hear anything you have to say about it.
Thanks in Advance,
B Sapp

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    Re: Pymatuning Spillway Repost 2018/06/11 15:35:40 (permalink)
    Last year there was a pretty significant carp die off at Pymy, due to the koi herpes virus.  Not sure if this impacted what you'll find at the spillway or not.  
    My sons and I have fished for carp there a couple of times each summer, for about the last 6 or 7 years.  The last two years, the numbers of carp compared to previous years was significantly lower (this was before the die off).  I had read/heard some rumors that the PFBC has been thinning some of the carp out of there in the last few years.  Even with the lower numbers, it was still cool for my 8 year year old to feed the fish in the nursery waters before and after fishing.  There were still enough there to make it a pretty cool experience for him.  
    If the spillway is a bust, the Linesville Hatchery just up the road is pretty cool.  They've got some very big live specimens in a tank there.  Last year, they caught what would be a state record crappie in their spring trap nets and had it in there, but not sure if it's still there.  You can also check out some of the fish production works sometimes, and look at some of the water where they raise the fish.  Last year, there was a raceway full of some very impressive brown trout, and the raceway with the baby muskies in it was pretty cool too.  
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    Re: Pymatuning Spillway Repost 2018/06/12 09:20:36 (permalink)
    Exactly what I was looking for rsquared
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    Re: Pymatuning Spillway Repost 2018/06/13 07:55:19 (permalink)
    I was there with my kids a week ago with my family. There was a drastic decrease in the number of carp. Still plenty to feed though. It is kinda quiet at the hatchery. Most of the tanks are now empty but there is still trout to see. Take old bread or grab a cheap bag of dog food to the spillway
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    Re: Pymatuning Spillway Repost 2018/06/14 00:49:22 (permalink)
     The fish bowl wasn't impressive 10 hrs. ago. That is a good thing for the lake but not so good for the tourists $$$
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